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A Mechanics Fate?

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PITbull said:
You hate to see this on these boards, because it goes against your "brain washing" tactics to secure a little safety now, at the expense of essential liberties. :down:
You are in total and absolute denial of the dire situation the labor leaders are putting this company in with this hard hardheaded stick in the mud attitude. If we can't work with labor we will do what we must do, which means many losers, a lot more than you speak of by far.
so tell me 320pilot...you going mess your drawers when IAM get the decision?
what banter will you swill then my friend?
will you plead for mercy as U's costs go through the roof setting up an airbus maintenance line in pit,clt or 'bama??
could be quite a strange and interesting diorama if IAM gets their day in court....
HEADLINE:usa320pilot gets going forward plan stuck where the sun don't shine. :lol:
PITBULL...you realize what's at stake, lets hope reasonable minds prevail, and not silly egos.

I now exactly what's at stake EITHER WAY, our jobs are gone. Management can "outsource", they can sell assets whereby eliminating jobs, they can sell the airline.. and labor can give concessions and cost many many jobs, AND YOU CAN'T GIVE GUARANTEES. You just want to ensure that you get your wealth on the way.

Our "no furlough" clause is gone. 20,000 jobs thus far are gone. In the best case scenerio, if we are acquired, the top 10% of the employees may keep their jobs...may. We will not be the acquirees, because the stock will drop like an avalanche. More sense that we will be acquired. I'm only going by the CEO's words of "inevitable consolication". If it were not inevitable, why would be broad cast this? He's the one with the big mouth. If he didn't say that, you might of had chance in hell.

It has absolutely nothing to do with egos. What ego could play in this type of arena.

Labor is going to lose. Either way!!

Tell me how we will all win???? If we all concede and the membership vote concessions of approx. $1.5 billion, will you guarantee ALL THE JOBS?

How about I cut you a break here? How many jobs are we talking about saving? If we merge or get acquired, what guarantees can you provide?

Put it on this board. :angry:
I personally do not believe Labor Unions with the exception of ALPA is putting this Company in any Dire Situations. They are finally stepping up the the Plate and representing us the way it should be. It is the Company. Period!!! That is putting all of Labor in Dire Straits!!!! It sounds like you are Threatening the Unions, Uzo, that if we don't succumb to "Whatever" we are in denial. I think that maybe for the very first time in a long time the Unions and Labor are NOT in denial. Facing the reality of what atrocities this Management has bestowed on all us. Talk about EGO'S!!!!What a joke. This Management is nothing BUT egotistical. :down:
USA320Pilot said:
In my opinion, unless the IAM agrees to meet with the company to discuss the "Going Forward Plan", presuming the company wins the A320 heavy maintenance outsourcing grievance (considering historical percentages the company will win the grievance), most of US Airways mechanics could end up like 17-year veteran Sam Wood.
Do you make fun of your junior furloughees when you see them in home depot?

"Everybody be like ALPA--sell your kids to finance your seat!"
uza said:
PITBULL...you realize what's at stake, lets hope reasonable minds prevail, and not silly egos.
UZA-this is whats at stake for mech's.....
lose the outsource arbitration-no more heavy checks....
get more concessions is to do one thing only...and that is to sell the airline..and it will be sold to someone who most likely outsources heavies.....
so tell me about cool heads prevailing.....
so what does the average joe mechanic have at stake?
and why does the average joe mechanic say screw givebacks! <_<
usa320 pilot with all do respect, at what point should the men and women who maintain that aeroplane you so proudly pilot say enough is enough? is the safety of your backside as well as the hundreds you taxi worth only walmart wages? you see by allowing the company (usair) to drive wages down further its hurting all labor in the industry, not just yours! so i ask again, when is enough already....labor is not the problem, it is greedy executives who couldnt manage a shoe shine box and show a profit, let them take the hit or else they can lose thier jobs like the rest! :up:
Here are the facts and it will not affect me regardless of how this goes, but to others...

1. Sam Wood a 17-year veteran mechanic filed for personal bankruptcy shortly after his layoff.

2. US Airways can close the Pittsburgh Maintenance facility in about 9 months and move the work elsewhere, to an undesirable location.

3. The IAM lost the legal battle on the A320 heavy maintenance outsourcing and from a historical perspective will likely lose the minor grievance.

4. According to company reports it takes a contractor 13 days to do a narrowbody overhaul and with US Airways' IAM work rules it takes the airline 18 days to do a narrowbody overhaul. Moreover, the asset has 5 less days per overhaul to produce revenue.

5. The company offered the IAM a proposal to conduct the A320 heavy maintenance in-house, but the IAM refuses to negotiate.

6. The Department of Labor (DOL) says that there are 4 automobile mechanic positions available per year per dealership with a starting wage of less than $17 per hour. However, to obtain these positions a prospect must go to a technical school for 54 weeks and pay $18,000 tuition before they qualify for the job. The DOL did say there are painter/coater mechanics positions available that pay less than $12 per hour.

Do I like this? Absolutely not, but without a deal to cost effectively conduct overhaul in-house, I believe you will see A330-200, A320 family, and EMB-190/195 aircraft replace the B767/757/737 aircraft and thousands of mechanics furloughed, who then could become like Sam Wood.

Unfortunately the IAM has been dealt a bad hand of cards and the table has been set. It's really up to the mechanics on what they want to do and it will not affect me one way or another.

Do I want US Airways to survive? Sure I do, but I have options, however, people like Sam Wood and others apparently do not.


oh i beg the differ with you usa320pilot it will effect you greatly when you start flying a P.O.S. that has been pencil whooped through its maintenace visit all in the name of $$$$$ and dont you even dare tell me it does'nt happen, you see i cut my teeth in these sweat shop crapola chop shops before hiring on with a major....ive seen more than one aeroplane leave that i would never allow my family to fly on....call the feds you say! "been there, done that" and guess what my friend, they get a slap on the wrist, pay a small fine and continue to rake in the bucks. you have no idea just how much "YOU" will be affected! 😉

Local said: "oh i beg the differ with you usa320pilot it will effect you greatly when you start flying a P.O.S. that has been pencil whooped through its maintenace visit all in the name of $$$$$ and dont you even dare tell me it does'nt happen."

USA320Pilot comments: Nope, not with my better half's new opportunity. But, for Sam Wood and most of our mechanics their fate could be sealed, unless they negotiate a cost-effective way to conduct the heavy maintenance in-house.

My family and I are now prepared for the company to shut down. Do we want it to happen? Absolutely not, but we are prepared. Apparently Sam Wood was not...

I was just wondering, what's it going to like in Pittsburgh in thousands of mechanics are let go and how will this effect the job market in Western Pennsylvania?

Local, that's reality and the table has been set. It's up to you and your colleagues...

In regard to your suggestion that subcontractor maintenance is substandard, can you tell me why Southwest, FedEx, and the entire U.S. military does not have a problem?


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