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A Mechanics Fate?

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I find the emotion of this thread interesting. The company has set the IAM-M up to have most of their jobs eliminated if they do not participate in the "Going Forward Plan".

If the IAM loses the upcoming A320 arbitration, which from a historical perspective will likely occur, than the company can dump the entire Boeing fleet and outsource all heavy maintenance except the 9 A330s and the 10 A330s on order. Of course, these numbers are for current conditions of a 279 fleet count and an independent business entity.

It's that simple. Thus, the mechanics have a choice: negotiate a cost effective way to keep the maintenance in-house or be outsourced. It's really that simple.


EyeInTheSky said:
Cripe here we go with the management flunkies coming on here to attack. The Observer article was not as balanced as it should be. Teddy Xidas is doing exactly what her membership wants her to do: fight for their profession!
You're fooling yourself. I have been PM-ed to death this evening telling me they agree and are voting against.

Time will tell . . ..
Ah, the truth comes out, are you afraid of Ms Xidas?

Since she has diamond gonads and is not afraid of you?
why do you give a flip about the company contracting out maintenance, in one post you defend third party, then in the next your hammering the mechanics to drop to thier knees to help save the company! are you really for labor or management, its hard to tell :down:
uza said:
You're fooling yourself. I have been PM-ed to death this evening telling me they agree and are voting against.

Time will tell . . ..
So, "uza", what's your agenda here? Reading between the lines only tells me you are somewhat afraid of Ms. Teddy Xidas. That either makes you management, an investor, or the opponent in the upcoming election. Give us your 411.
EyeInTheSky said:
uza said:
You're fooling yourself. I have been PM-ed to death this evening telling me they agree and are voting against.

Time will tell . . ..
So, "uza", what's your agenda here? Reading between the lines only tells me you are somewhat afraid of Ms. Teddy Xidas. That either makes you management, an investor, or the opponent in the upcoming election. Give us your 411.
No, your word group is off by a mile.

Miss Xidas has her agenda, and it's not for the benefit of the masses either.

Funny how she's always seems to make the papers and TV, hmmm

PIT Pres takes the position of her members. It doesn't work the other way around.

You have had two shots at this concession stand regardless of what the PIT Pres wrote, we voted the damn contracts in hoping management would at least honor the language they created.

Did you?

Now you want to be able to posess the minds of the employees again. Well they all have your union-busting MO, so you cry to the leadership to what? Help you out? Get the message out?

You got to be kidding.
What's the difference between a certain pilot (not all of them) and a jet engine ??? Answer; The engine quits WHINING when it gets to the gate... :shock:
UZA, MWIESS, HAWK, A320pilot and other lackeys: You flunkies are killing me with your brainwashed notions of "Reality."

I will give you reality. Let's say that the company has a favorable arbitration and they do win the Airbus farmout. Keeping in mind the manner in which this mis-management runs the place......particularly 3rd party "oversight" or lack there of.

What do you suppose will happen if the "quality" exhibited with A/C 700 & 707 is the best it get's with the rest of the fleet? How long do you think it will take for these once perfectly good aircraft to begin to show signs of the MAE maint program?? Remember this. Redundancy only works if everything is kept in top notch condition!! That's what is done in-house. Why do you think ETR's are often missed?? If you think that MAE is giving a hoot about the quality of work then your barrel awaits you at Niagara Falls :lol: It's the ETR that will cost them a monetary penalty if they don't deliver the plane as promised. You have to be completely inept not to understand the driving force in that equation!!

Heck, Let the company farm the whole place out.......pilots, mechs, rampies...the whole lot of them. Eventually they will reap what they sow. An airline that ranks 1st place on the J.D.Power & Associates P.O.S. chart!! Because that is where they are headed anyway.....concessions or not!! Get over it already. We are finished in one way or another. I am ok with that......disappointed but ok.

You clowns on the other hand think that concessions are the answer. Are they?? If so why didn't the first two rounds suffice?? Survey SAYS: Loser management. Good thing all those retention bonuses went out to keep the talent here <_< . And you think your management jobs are secure?? You too will be gone faster than you can say, "Yes Mr. Siegle." You pitiful cowards!!

I have a variety of marketable skills to apply elsewhere. That's "MY" reality Mr. Big shot pilot-management types!! How about you?? Could this be the reason you are so willing to take one for the team?? You are nothing more than fools.

Out of Dave-Lorenzo's mouth: We will be a successful regional carrier. Key word "Regional." Can you say MESA three times without spilling your coke on the insrument panel?? Think of the money saved in ruined avionics components if you bus drivers were more careful!! You know who you are.

UZA: You said mechanics need to come to grips with reality.....why I do recall a flyboy uttering that same crap on national tv back in 92 when the M&R were on strike <_< . That wouldn't happen to be you would it??? A sorry lot indeed :angry:

As far as concessions go....Dave can pound salt and you can all help!!!! 😛 😛 I'm with Teddy Xidas. Kudos lady, for your fine display of intestinal fortitude!!! :up:

These execs are to be treated like they treat the employees. I say fight fire with fire. It would be great to see Dave & Dave lose all of their multi-million shares of stock!!
If people on this thread really are who they claim to be, it is an absolute disgrace this is being aired on a public forum.
ISP said:
If people on this thread really are who they claim to be, it is an absolute disgrace this is being aired on a public forum.
It's sickening isn't it?
I read this and I really dont have much symapthy. I understand the loss of purpose stuff, but you get over it and move on. You really shouldnt base your lifestyle on overtime. And there are plenty of jobs out there for mechanics if they are willing to go on the road. A job for 7 dollars an hour is not his only option.
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