And the question concerning Gordon Clarke?
Is he working with the Teamsters while employed by the TWU or AA?
Wow, EWIS is a requirement to organize for the Teamsters... Hmmmmmmmmm?Heard he was at DFW going to EWIS class .
As I have said over and over, AMFA simply disappointed me. The real and true AMFA organizing machine is much like some of the comments and people on this forum. They are an in your face group who are absolutely intent on selling a product they have never tried. They are selling an idea. When the idea does not work, they sell blame. AMFA leaders found an excuse for everything that went wrong, including getting de-certified.
There was so much wrong with AMFA, but by far the worst was the power struggles from within. Those who ran for office were the most arrogant loud mouths on the floor. Sometimes this works in your favor, but put too many of them together and it turns into a nasty competition. This was when the process stalled. Like this page, they argued on and on and on and on, saying nothing new and in the end, getting nothing accomplished. They simply beat down their opponents, until none stood up against them. Unfortunately, infighting distracted them from their reasons for existence, and the company stole away with a lot.
The company simply viewed them as a mockery. Side deals were abundant. They gained very little respect from the company, and almost none from other Unions. There go it alone attitude had us truly on an island. Mechanics at NWA found out how isolated that island can be.
I have spent years applying my skills in a professional manner. I expect my Union to act professionally also. AMFA could not meet this requirement, or expectation.
AMFA campaigned, promised change, spoke of true American beliefs like Democracy, transparency, and responsibility, but in the end, I discovered this was all talk. Too many in AMFA were individualists, looking out for themselves and a small few. For years and years AMFA began an airline campaign promising to exclude certain groups from representation. That should have been my first clue and an insight to this self righteous association.
These last few days on this page have solidified my negative opinion for this association. The AMFA leaders on this board have shown us all an example of how life is like under AMFA. Scorn, ridicule, blame, and name call those who disagree. For expressing my opinion, I have been called a zealot, snibbler, liar, dumbass, hypocrite, ignorant, and a host of other derogatory names. My integrity and even mechanical abilities have been called to question simply because I do not agree with certain members of this board. If all else fails, they claim I lied.
Over all, real life with AMFA representation can be compared to these last 32 pages. So much crap you want to pull your hair out, but nothing positive comes out of it. The reality is; these last few days contributing to these posts took me back to what everyday life was like under AMFA. I NEVER want to feel that frustrated or helpless again.
This sounds like something we should all be concerned about
The Beginnings of TDU
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
In 1975, the Teamsters were in trouble. Union officials had allowed organized crime to infiltrate the highest levels of the Union.
The mob was raiding members’ pension funds to build casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Teamster officials were taking payoffs from employers and selling out the members.
“There is no jurisdiction of safety within our ranks,” a Los Angeles Teamster said at the time, “and anyone who speaks with conviction shall be haunted by a specter of fear.”
And more...
Winning Contract Rights
The IBT feared a similar embarrassment on the 1985 UPS contract. A new agreement was secretly negotiated months before the contract expired. Ballots were secretly printed up and mailed to members along with slick promotional material calling it the “Best Contract Ever.” Members had not even known negotiations were underway!
TDU sued the IBT over this quickie vote. The court voided the vote and ruled that members had to be given a meaningful opportunity to debate contract proposals before they were voted on. It was the last quickie vote the IBT would pull.
Soon after, TDU beat the hated “two-thirds rule.” In 1987 and 1988, a majority of UPS and freight Teamsters rejected their contracts. But since a two-thirds super-majority was required to reject an agreement, the union declared the contracts approved. TDU and New York Local 804 President Ron Carey challenged the two-thirds rule in court. Under pressure, the IBT General Executive Board eliminated the two-thirds rule. The rank-and-file had won majority rule on contract votes.
And still more....
Corruption at the Top
At the 1981 IBT Convention, TDU delegate Diana Kilmur, stood before the hostile audience and proposed the creation of an Ethical Practices Committee within the union. “What are you afraid of?” she asked. The corrupt IBT leadership had a lot to be afraid of.
Much of the corruption involved the Central States Pension Fund. In 1982, Teamster President Roy Williams, Central States Pension Fund administrator Allen Dorfman, and pension fund trustees were convicted of attempting to bribe a U.S. senator.
Dorfman had used the pension fund as a piggy bank for the mob. He had split kickbacks with James Hoffa, Sr. and been a business partner of James Hoffa, Jr.
In 1983, Williams was charged with extortion and links to organized crime. Williams and Dorfman were plotting with the mob to take back control of the Central States Pension Fund. Williams later admitted in court that the Teamster leadership was controlled by organized crime.
The next Teamster President, Jackie Presser, was no better. At the time of the 1986 IBT Convention, he was under a multi-count indictment including charges of racketeering and embezzlement.
Not done yet....
Re-Run Election
Just weeks after the 1997 UPS strike victory, the IBT Election Officer ordered a rerun of the prior year’s Teamster election. The Election Officer found that outside consultants to the Ron Carey campaign had funneled $220,000 in union funds to the campaign and then pocketed some of the money themselves. No evidence was found that Carey knew of the scheme, and he was later found not guilty of any wrongdoing by a federal court.
In late 1997, Carey was disqualified from running for office. Hoffa was not disqualified, even though it was ruled that he had taken $167,000 in employer contributions and another $160,000 in union funds for his campaign.
The old guard, which had been silenced by the UPS strike victory, was re-energized.
At this crucial time, TDU worked to unite the reform forces within the Teamsters. Officials who had only hopped on the Carey band-wagon when he looked like the winner switched their support to Hoffa. Others held firm to their principles.
The reform movement united around the candidacy of Tom Leedham, principal officer of Oregon Local 206.
The media predicted a landslide victory for Hoffa, who had name recognition and a huge campaign war chest. Despite these advantages, Hoffa won with just 54% of the vote. Where TDU was most active and strong, Leedham won, winning a majority of the vote in 19 states and 135 local unions.
OK let's repeat
@TWU Informer
Also on the wiki page that you posted;
In 1901, the AFL issued a statement referred to as the Scranton Declaration, which asserted that unions were formed on the basis of the trade practiced by a group of skilled workers. The Scranton Declaration would be invoked – except in the case of powerful industrial unions that resisted, such as the United Mine Workers – to enforce craft autonomy as the cornerstone of the organization.[sup][7][/sup]
The principle of craft autonomy began to give way in many trades, however, with the advent of industrialization in the second quarter of the twentieth century. The most impressive example was in the textile industry, which created massive new factories staffed by unskilled workers that displaced the small scale and home workshops of weavers in New England. New industrial processes and markets also gave rise, however, to many small shops in which semiskilled and unskilled workers did a discrete portion of the work that a skilled worker might have done a decade earlier.
Sure sounds a lot like the MRO mechanics as I explained them, ya think???
I re wrote the history of nothing. You simply do not know, or maybe you are not smart enough to figure out that your brand of ideology relies on assumptions rather than a basis of fact. When countered, you cry foul, or LIAR in this case.
You need help sir. Counseling is not a bad idea
You direct me towards counseling because you have enjoyed using fear of failure and negative expressions to control the emotions of the weak minded as a method of advancing institutional politics as a successful means to stop desires for change for so long that you do not know what to think about someone who tells you that your fear, your constant negative opinions, and your false expressions of who you are, and even your real intentions, are meaningless and will be rejected in total.
I need no counseling, all I need is to be more diligent is exposing you for who and what you really are.
You direct me towards counseling because you have enjoyed using fear of failure and negative expressions to control the emotions of the weak minded as a method of advancing institutional politics as a successful means to stop desires for change for so long that you do not know what to think about someone who tells you that your fear, your constant negative opinions, and your false expressions of who you are, and even your real intentions, are meaningless and will be rejected in total.
I need no counseling, all I need is to be more diligent is exposing you for who and what you really are.
Is anyone who disagrees with you weak minded? Or is everyone who takes the time to verify the truth about AMFA weak minded? Is it anyone who supports another Union?
Who do you consider weak minded????
And still no answer. Your Wiki even explains the disadvantage for craft unions. AMFA does not even intend to organize all mechanics. Think about it? Why does AMFA only appear at times of turmoil? They show up during bankruptcy, or during negotiations, or other contract disputes. AMFA preys on the fear of the unknown. The weak minded could be you.