line vs o/h issues

Try again brother. Try 8 hour shifts changing landing gears, engines, stringers, and heavy maintenance so you can take it easy there on the line.

"so you can take it easy there on the line"

You sure as hell ain't talking about midnights at a hub!
At least not where I've worked in the airline industry.

I worked at TULE dock 6B(had hgrs 5 & 6 though) 2nd shift as a scheduler(18 mos),
I saw what went on...not near the pace as working nights line maint at a major hub.
It almost sounds like this thread will accomplish what the T/A was going to do. Drive a big wedge between the line and o/h mechanics.
Nobody's advocating getting rid of overhaul - merely attempting to get everyone to recognize that the two (line and overhaul) are completely different industries even though both can be performed by mechanics holding A&P licenses. It's apparent (at least to me) that AA won't ever pay UPS or FedEx or even WN wages to the mechanics in Tulsa but might be willing to pay the line mechanics that much in the high-cost cities in which most work. UPS, FedEx and WN added together don't employ anywhere near as many aircraft maintenance professionals as AA does, and none of them pay their high wages to guys who completely disassemble and rebuild airplanes like Tulsa does.

The current AA mechanics payscale equals a pretty decent living in Tulsa but it's poor-mouth living in most line cities, save perhaps for DFW.

Try doing it on Eagle wages.

$26 top out with a 12 year progression. In all the same cities A/A mechanics are stationed.
"so you can take it easy there on the line"

You sure as hell ain't talking about midnights at a hub!
At least not where I've worked in the airline industry.

I worked at TULE dock 6B(had hgrs 5 & 6 though) 2nd shift as a scheduler(18 mos),
I saw what went on...not near the pace as working nights line maint at a major hub.

Things have changed from the times that you were a scheduler in Tulsa. I worked in Tulsa during the good old days also. Now times have changed. American does not hire mechanics like they did before. When someone leaves, they are not replaced. We are constantly labor loaned or have two to three widebodies in the same dock. Maybe you should come back to Tulsa or Alliance and see how things are now. Many line guys have, but they don't last long here on the rock.
Try again brother. Try 8 hour shifts changing landing gears, engines, stringers, and heavy maintenance so you can take it easy there on the line.

I would like to invite all the line guys to a pitty party for texasreb......... <_<
And indoors. Without the pressure of a departure time. I hear they can even go off-property for lunch if necessary.

And working off work cards backchecked by an inspector or crew chief. When was the last time he signed a log book and an Aircraft Release at that? Not too difficult signing your name and number,,but don't forget all the good stuff that goes with should something go wrong.
Well, here we are. Fighting amongst ourselves just as the company wishes. Texreb, I have your back brother. Duke is obviously out of touch with the overhaul operation in it`s current form. Duke, you were a scheduler in tulsa and now an AMT in ORD on midnights with undesireable days off? So I`m guessing you are bitter? Sorry, I feel for you guys on the line when bad wx rolls in I really do. As but one example, when we do a gear change I try to replace any brake or tire that is getting close. Why? Because I would not want to be the one to have to change it in inclement wx. Do we have perks at overhaul? Yes we do. Right now its weekends and holidays off, rotate for the most part between afternoons and dayshift (AFW), and as eolsen alluded to the occasional off base lunch. The downside. We have an airplane in front of us all day everyday. Management games and birddogging. The pattern cards? Those things are ridiculous written in part by young engineers. We are constantly having to go for redlines to cards that are written wrong. No engineering support on second shift or midnights.Way too many supervisors, I remember a day when we would have one super visor on days, afternoons and one for the entire hangar on midnights. Now I have two or three roaming around at any given time. I could go on but it`s pointless. Yes many guys in overhaul are upset with the 24/7 monster out there. I do not blame them as many of our guys came from the line for just that reason. Weekends and holidays off. Can you blame them?
Now the line AMT is our front line in daily operations, no doubt. Consider though your perks on the line. Duke, you referred to the weightroom I mentioned. You stated it was bought and paid for by AMTs, great!!!!! That would never be allowed at an overhaul base. As I`m told you guys have a comfortable break area, again another great perk you get. That`s a good thing. Keeping up with qualifications and multiple fleets good job Duke. Now mids on the line is indeed where the nitty gritty gets done, kudos. How about afternoons? Dayshift? They have their challenges also.
I guess my point is we ALL have our place here at this airline. Most overhaul guys came from the line Duke so please don`t try to buffalo us. We know the job. If we are to flourish it wil be by us ALL sticking together. Those of you posting with no first hand experience in either overhaul or the line, please spare the rhetoric. I hate to see this wedge driven between overhaul and line. We need each other, however I will not sit here and read the posts without defending the overhaul perspective. Godspeed
I guess my point is we ALL have our place here at this airline.

That should end the debate. But rather than argue who has it tougher, the reality of our situation at AA is the geographical aspect. It is obviously less expensive living in Tulsa than most of the line stations. Since geographical pay was shot down earlier in negotiations, an increased line premium emerged instead.
My concern is that there are a few opinions on why the TA was voted down.
One school of thought is that the TULE base guys voted no because of 24/7 and NOT getting the line premium.
This may or may not be factual, but I would tend to believe that all of us who voted no did so because we want restore at least. Let alone not giving anymore concessions be it a pension or retiree medical,
What remains to be seen if and when another TA is brought to a vote, will TULE get more and the line less?

I don't wish to debate line vs overhaul as it shows a great division.
But I do believe the line premium is fair, not so much because line mechanics deserve more, but simply because geography makes it harder for us to live on the same salary.
That should end the debate. But rather than argue who has it tougher, the reality of our situation at AA is the geographical aspect. It is obviously less expensive living in Tulsa than most of the line stations. Since geographical pay was shot down earlier in negotiations, an increased line premium emerged instead.
My concern is that there are a few opinions on why the TA was voted down.
One school of thought is that the TULE base guys voted no because of 24/7 and NOT getting the line premium.
This may or may not be factual, but I would tend to believe that all of us who voted no did so because we want restore at least. Let alone not giving anymore concessions be it a pension or retiree medical,
What remains to be seen if and when another TA is brought to a vote, will TULE get more and the line less?

I don't wish to debate line vs overhaul as it shows a great division.
But I do believe the line premium is fair, not so much because line mechanics deserve more, but simply because geography makes it harder for us to live on the same salary.

In words of the Skipper to Gilligan....Sounds like your'a wishin youd'a voted yes now, huh little buddy?
In words of the Skipper to Gilligan....Sounds like your'a wishin youd'a voted yes now, huh little buddy?

Not at all Skippy.....Just joining the debate as to why the line stations were to get a line premium. It came about primarily because GEO pay was rejected.
By the way, I will vote no until at least RESTORE is gained.
That should end the debate. But rather than argue who has it tougher, the reality of our situation at AA is the geographical aspect. It is obviously less expensive living in Tulsa than most of the line stations. Since geographical pay was shot down earlier in negotiations, an increased line premium emerged instead.
My concern is that there are a few opinions on why the TA was voted down.
One school of thought is that the TULE base guys voted no because of 24/7 and NOT getting the line premium.
This may or may not be factual, but I would tend to believe that all of us who voted no did so because we want restore at least. Let alone not giving anymore concessions be it a pension or retiree medical,
What remains to be seen if and when another TA is brought to a vote, will TULE get more and the line less?

I don't wish to debate line vs overhaul as it shows a great division.
But I do believe the line premium is fair, not so much because line mechanics deserve more, but simply because geography makes it harder for us to live on the same salary.
Good post, Hopeful and on point. Geo as well as retro pay should be on the table. You are correct tulsa does have a lower cost of living, but as the old tired twu saying goes "a loaf of bread cost the same for all of us" or something to that effect. I think the heartburn comes in when the 24/7 for overhaul comes up making overhaul essentialy a "line" station but with no "line premium"or line perks. As I have said before,if it was my company and I truely wanted to compete for the MRO market, then absolutely you need to make overhaul a 24/7 operation. Yes I know that comment will make me unpopular but that is a fact. I recently worked a 4 over on second shift doing some ops checks. I was sitting in the cockpit, in the hangar looking at the idle shops in front of me. I thought what wasted potential. If those shops were staffed this place could surely churn out some work.Godspeed
Things have changed from the times that you were a scheduler in Tulsa. I worked in Tulsa during the good old days also. Now times have changed. American does not hire mechanics like they did before. When someone leaves, they are not replaced. We are constantly labor loaned or have two to three widebodies in the same dock. Maybe you should come back to Tulsa or Alliance and see how things are now. Many line guys have, but they don't last long here on the rock.

I left AA in March of 08. I could see that going on to know a lot of mechs and leads in 6 & 5.
I hear what you're saying "texasreb"...but line maint at a major hub on nights, is far more stressful than heavy maint anywhere I've been.
The frantic pace, stress associated with sleep deprivation, Tues-Wed off.... just taxes the hell out of you.
"guys need that plane up like yesterday!", "have to to clear that deferral tonight, or plane drops dead!"...
Nights in TULE is just laid back...the plane will be there tomorrow.

And yeah, we had drop-ins in hgr 6. Ran my ass off...hated it...had to get the hell oughta there and back to my toolbox(er, Boeings toolbox)
I'm waiting anxiously to come home to TUL, hopefully come back to AA TULE and live a semi normal life again. Been commuting SEA-TUL for 2 1/2 fricken yrs now man.

OH and line maint are just 2 different worlds. Both possess valueable experience, know how and should command respect. I personally believe a lot of the line mech woes could be alleviated by a hefty nights/line shift differential along with line premium. Mids vs days & second shift on the line is a different company/world too.
Duke, my apologies. I had you confused with 787 in regards to the scheduler comment, now back to your regular programming... :rolleyes:

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