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A.M.F.A. support at the line stations?

With this said, I think I am done with this subject, and do not wish to engage in any more of this back and forth silliness. I might start to be more involved in other threads until they too become redundant. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should know the other side of belonging to a Fraternal Association. It is not worth the price of admission. AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a safe flight back home.
With this said, I think I am done with this subject, and do not wish to engage in any more of this back and forth silliness. I might start to be more involved in other threads until they too become redundant. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should know the other side of belonging to a Fraternal Association. It is not worth the price of admission. AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.

With this said, I think I'm not quite done with this subject, and while I don't wish to engage in this teamster driven nonsense, neither do I fear honest and open debate. I will be involved in other threads when this sort of teamster nonsense spreads there, and I for one will try to help keep the exchange balanced and informative. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should indeed know the truth about ALL sides of belonging to a Fraternal Association, and that truth is not conveyed through teamster rhetoric, and fear mongering.

AMFA is not NWA, or UAL, or ASA or even SWA. AMFA is what YOU, the mechanics at American will make it.
Third Seat,

You are correct that AMFA is what WE make of it here at AA. Right now we have the twu that has appointed, unaccountable people telling us to vote yes on more concessions. The twu can only create slogans and peddle the company's demands. The twu said to "Change from within!" but how can you change something that can not be changed?
The twu can only be defended by people too afraid to state their name. The twu
(Hit post before I was done.)

The twu can only be defended by twu appointed individuals or wannabe appointed individuals. Oh, and teamster lovers hiding behind an alias.
With this said, I think I am done with this subject, and do not wish to engage in any more of this back and forth silliness. I might start to be more involved in other threads until they too become redundant. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should know the other side of belonging to a Fraternal Association. It is not worth the price of admission. AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.

Good, now I can go back to the cooler where my posting skills are appreciated... :lol:
AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.

The Teamster team believes that the membership is incapable of determining it's own fate.

I believe that those who are controlling their puppets fear that the AMFA will clip their strings
Just like a true deceiver, almost 90 posts and anomaly did not answer the one question that was the most important. Why does he favor the ibt????

I will answer for him since he was incapable, the ibt pays him his unearned,undeserved, overinflated paycheck for doing nothing but trying to deceive hard working, honest, blue collared Americans. Most that have served this country defending his evil, conniving ass!!!!!!

He should be labeled as a traitor to his fellow Americans and to this country...............

.................JUST MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question for the AA mechanics.

Have the teamsters "offically" announced a card drive on American? besides the newstory?

As a current ibt member at UAL I just received a week-in-review update from the teamsters which reports on the goings on in the airline industry. It doesn't say a word about an American card drive.

Are you getting leafletted at the gates, is there a teamsters website for American or a facebook page?

How about AMFA? Anything?
Question for the AA mechanics.

Have the teamsters "offically" announced a card drive on American? besides the newstory?

As a current ibt member at UAL I just received a week-in-review update from the teamsters which reports on the goings on in the airline industry. It doesn't say a word about an American card drive.

Are you getting leafletted at the gates, is there a teamsters website for American or a facebook page?

How about AMFA? Anything?
yes there are flyers up about a meeting in a hotel and some cards going around
Question for the AA mechanics.

Have the teamsters "offically" announced a card drive on American? besides the newstory?

As a current ibt member at UAL I just received a week-in-review update from the teamsters which reports on the goings on in the airline industry. It doesn't say a word about an American card drive.

Are you getting leafletted at the gates, is there a teamsters website for American or a facebook page?

How about AMFA? Anything?

That might be because it is a TWU "Bail Out" to dilute support for change, not really an official "card drive".

Call Chris Moore from the Teamsters at

And ask him what is taking place here in Tulsa.
If you guys have not figured it out yet, Anomaly is paid to be here. As I scrolled thru all the postings, he/she is on every single page and has numerous postings on each page. Check the time stamps, who the hell has this much time? This is a full time job for him/her. Scroll thru for yourselves, he was planted gentlemen...

I think you are right.

One would need most of their time just to keep up on reading all this crap!

I would go even farther and say he/she is more that one person.
During the ibts campaign on UAL an SWA mechanic visted and showed us the transcript from the arbitration where the details of this were made public.

"transcript" wonder if that is enough evidence for mr. anomaly??
I will add that alot of the membership was in denile that this happend, and the "transcript" was vigurously handed around. Then came the record card drive.
That might be because it is a TWU "Bail Out" to dilute support for change, not really an official "card drive".

Call Chris Moore from the Teamsters at

And ask him what is taking place here in Tulsa.

Surprise, surprise, surprise - that was my first thought when I heard the "news".

That was evident some time ago as Overspunk and his/her other personnas didn't seem to be very worried about their presence.
That might be because it is a TWU "Bail Out" to dilute support for change, not really an official "card drive".

I was told today that a mechanic in hangar 1 was in SFO in 2008 on a field trip and ran across several TWU 514 members at the hotel that were helping with the IBT drive to overthrow AMFA. It's apparent that the IBT is simply returning the favor with a dilution. Also, the TWU is allowing the IBT flyers on bulletin boards unmolested while AMFA material has a very limited life span in public view. As before it becomes "The enemy of my enemy becomes my friend".

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