OK I am getting bored with this and it has wasted too much of my life.
As I have said over and over, AMFA simply disappointed me. The real and true AMFA organizing machine is much like some of the comments and people on this forum. They are an in your face group who are absolutely intent on selling a product they have never tried. They are selling an idea. When the idea does not work, they sell blame. AMFA leaders found an excuse for everything that went wrong, including getting de-certified at UAL.
There was so much wrong with AMFA, but by far the worst was the power struggles from within. Those who ran for office were the most arrogant loud mouths on the floor. Sometimes this works in your favor, but put too many of them together and it turns into a nasty competition. This was when the process stalled. Like this page, they argued on and on and on and on, saying nothing new and in the end, getting nothing accomplished. They simply beat down their opponents, until none stood up against them. Unfortunately, infighting distracted them from their reasons for existence, and the company stole away with a lot.
The company simply viewed them as a mockery. Side deals were abundant. They gained very little respect from the company, and almost none from other Unions. There go it alone attitude had us truly on an island. Mechanics at NWA found out how isolated that island can be.
I have spent years applying my skills in a professional manner. I expect my Union to act professionally also. AMFA could not meet this requirement, or expectation.
AMFA campaigned, promised change, spoke of true American beliefs like Democracy, transparency, and responsibility, but in the end, I discovered this was all talk. Too many in AMFA were individualists, looking out for themselves and a small few. For years and years AMFA began an airline campaign promising to exclude certain groups from representation. That should have been my first clue and an insight to this self righteous fraternal association.
These last few days on this page have solidified my negative opinion for this association. The AMFA leaders on this board have shown us all an example of how life is like under AMFA. Scorn, ridicule, blame, and name call those who disagree. For expressing my opinion, I have been called a zealot, snibbler, liar, dumbass, hypocrite, ignorant, and a host of other derogatory names. My integrity and even mechanical abilities have been called to question simply because I do not agree with certain members of this board. If all else fails, they claim I lied.
Over all, real life with AMFA representation can be compared to these last 32 pages. So much crap you want to pull your hair out, but nothing positive comes out of it. The reality is; these last few days contributing to these posts took me back to what everyday life was like under AMFA. I NEVER want to feel that frustrated or helpless again.