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A.M.F.A. support at the line stations?

You started the bashing against AMFA in your first post here and now you are the victim. Are you for real?

You are your own worst enemy as far as your integtriy goes.

We see things differently, you don't like it. I started and will end with my personal opinions unchanged. My opinion; AMFA did not help us at UAL.
Either that or I work mids. Did you know lap tops are portable? Whatever....

This is the million dollar post I have been waiting for.

SWAMT, you are all over the internet and have 854 posts just on this forum.

Whoop Whoop, is in for 124, but I swear I have read his same dialog on other sites,

Third Seat Hero spews propaganda from UAL at 815,

xUT pushes the BS broom with 1,876 posts

Ken Mac Tiernan proudly speaks his mind with 2,137 posts

Although I do not understand or read half of his babel, Buck makes the list at 4,411 posts.

And topping the list is TWA Informer who has enough time to post 5,294 unintelligible ANGRY posts,

And you think I am the one being paid???

All of you have something to gain from this!! If you did not, what the hell would you care about the opinion of ONE MECHANIC?

Do you see anyone rushing in to help me? AMFA has what 2400 mechanics compared to the IBT's constantly advertised 1.4 million, and TWU has somewhere over 117,000 according to the web. If I am paid, where are the others???

The enlightening revelation, is that the only ones desperately trying to save their jobs, or their hopes of a future return to a Union job, are those people I listed above.

This is the revalation that has become perfectly obvious to me. You are all incredibly afraid that one single mechanic, like me, can shatter the illusions of fear you have created for the "big bad industrial Unions".

You hate my opinions because you fear they could catch on and destroy your hopes for ANOTHER campaign, or overtake your delusions of grandeur.

The IBT did not come in and save us at UAL. They did not live up to all my expectations. They did not get me everything I had expected. BUT STILL, they have not taken anything away from me, and they have actually helped me to see some improvements in my life, and work area. I finally feel comfortable again after so many years worrying from day to day. Of course they make decisions that I do not agree with, but trust and faith starts somewhere. So far, they have earned my trust.

Bouncing back and fourth between Unions does me no good. Although I disagree with them at times, I am very satisfied with the IBT. I have no problem proclaiming that. It is you all who have a problem hearing it.

Why does my support for the IBT bother you ???

I mentioned AMFA only one time during my above soap box speech. Yet still it was enough to set all of you organizers off like an angry hornets nest. Why can't a person support any organization of their own choosing? Why do you all have to be so angry about any one persons beliefs? Is it simply because I disagree?
We see things differently, you don't like it. I started and will end with my personal opinions unchanged. My opinion; AMFA did not help us at UAL.

Then you failed to help yourselves. If you obtain a democratic union, and fail to help yourself how can you blame "THEM"?
Unless "THEM" were a bunch of IAM Zealots that could not accept the majority rule decision and spent every minute distrupting the democracy.

Who is AMFA in your mind? The same as "THEY" when you speak?
OK I am getting bored with this and it has wasted too much of my life.

As I have said over and over, AMFA simply disappointed me. The real and true AMFA organizing machine is much like some of the comments and people on this forum. They are an in your face group who are absolutely intent on selling a product they have never tried. They are selling an idea. When the idea does not work, they sell blame. AMFA leaders found an excuse for everything that went wrong, including getting de-certified.

There was so much wrong with AMFA, but by far the worst was the power struggles from within. Those who ran for office were the most arrogant loud mouths on the floor. Sometimes this works in your favor, but put too many of them together and it turns into a nasty competition. This was when the process stalled. Like this page, they argued on and on and on and on, saying nothing new and in the end, getting nothing accomplished. They simply beat down their opponents, until none stood up against them. Unfortunately, infighting distracted them from their reasons for existence, and the company stole away with a lot.

The company simply viewed them as a mockery. Side deals were abundant. They gained very little respect from the company, and almost none from other Unions. There go it alone attitude had us truly on an island. Mechanics at NWA found out how isolated that island can be.

I have spent years applying my skills in a professional manner. I expect my Union to act professionally also. AMFA could not meet this requirement, or expectation.

AMFA campaigned, promised change, spoke of true American beliefs like Democracy, transparency, and responsibility, but in the end, I discovered this was all talk. Too many in AMFA were individualists, looking out for themselves and a small few. For years and years AMFA began an airline campaign promising to exclude certain groups from representation. That should have been my first clue and an insight to this self righteous association.

These last few days on this page have solidified my negative opinion for this association. The AMFA leaders on this board have shown us all an example of how life is like under AMFA. Scorn, ridicule, blame, and name call those who disagree. For expressing my opinion, I have been called a zealot, snibbler, liar, dumbass, hypocrite, ignorant, and a host of other derogatory names. My integrity and even mechanical abilities have been called to question simply because I do not agree with certain members of this board. If all else fails, they claim I lied.

Over all, real life with AMFA representation can be compared to these last 32 pages. So much crap you want to pull your hair out, but nothing positive comes out of it. The reality is; these last few days contributing to these posts took me back to what everyday life was like under AMFA. I NEVER want to feel that frustrated or helpless again.
In a working application, I deal with them almost daily. I still do not know about them regarding their association or involvement in a labor group.
I call you out here and now on this. You have been spouting all things IBT for days now. And now you play ignorant of one of the main reasons the IBT was tossed.

You also continue to call TSH an AMFA leader after he has stated that he was not.

You have obviously come here to bash The AMFA, and pump up the IBT, just as the TWU is losing its grip.

I am willing to bet there was no election for the position you now hold.
I am not with the TWU, or AMFA, but it interesting how readily the association supporters are willing to throw up the "lets compare" argument. How can you compare philosophies and wishes with reality and fact? Fact: TWU has kept work in house at AA while every other airline has outsourced. Fact; AMFA has consistently lost work to MRO vendors at each and every one of their current and former properties. Fact; other Unions fight to bring back work and improve language to create more in house jobs creating recalls and hiring new mechanics. Fact; AMFA cuts it's losses promising more to those few mechanics who remain. Fact; In a merger situation other Unions such as the Teamsters will continue to fight for the rights of their former employees (Air Trans/ Southwest, Teamsters continue to fight for seniority rights for Air Tran former IBT members). Fact; AMFA says "see ya" to former members even before the ink is dry (Mesaba Airlines former and longest running AMFA mechanics were systematically dumped by AMFA Local 11 on Jan 4, 2012 after merging with Pinnacle. A few conference calls and a couple of meetings were initiated but Mesaba mechanics were mostly left out to dry). In the end, AMFA simply has nothing but pie in the sky promises that simply can never expect to become reality. Just ask the former UAL AMFA members. They were promised plenty, then left after a few short years for a reason (the vote to leave AMFA was around 70% I think?). There is no comparison, AMFA will leave you with dreams.
I mentioned AMFA only one time during my above soap box speech. Yet still it was enough to set all of you organizers off like an angry hornets nest. Why can't a person support any organization of their own choosing? Why do you all have to be so angry about any one persons beliefs? Is it simply because I disagree?

You really just cannot stop telling lies can you?
Above is your first soap box speech, and marked in red text is far more than AMFA mentioned one time.

Try posting something truthful, or an opinion that you can back up with enough facts that you would put your name on it instead of hiding behind an alias and telling lies over and over and over.

You are bored and feel like you are wasting your life because you have encountered and group that does not believe every lie you tell and we are not gullible enough to place any integrity into someone on a forum that will not even dislcose who they are and what their motivation for telling lies really is.
In a working application, I deal with them almost daily. I still do not know about them regarding their association or involvement in a labor group. I do not know their contract, or agreements. I am happy that you do. As a former AMFA leader, I would expect you should know this.

Whoever said I was a former AMFA leader?

Nice try
Simple, because each time I "say my piece" I am ridiculed or asked to defend and qualify that statement. Look back. Not a single one of my posts has gone unbashed. Your friends have picked apart each and every line of every post.

Well perhaps if you weren't twisting the facts when stating your "Piece" you wouldn't be asked to defend or qualify your remarks.

As a general rule people don't like to be lied to.
You are confusing the two. What REAL proof do you have for either opinion? Can you definitively PROVE that one is better than the other? I am not talking on opinion based on a few examples, show me real proof? Show me case study, show me data taken on specific examples. Show me any thing other than your opinion and rhetoric distributed through your association? If I deny that, then perhaps you can attack my integrity.

The agreement between Griswold and Parker came out in an arbitration case over that very issue.

Thats proof. Not my opinion. That back room deal took money out of SWA mechanics pockets.

An arbitration transcript is not rhetoric distributed by AMFA.

Go ahead and deny it, keep denying it. When the ibt organizers decend on American and they deny it, the arbitration transcript will be provided in full.

Mechanics were directly harmed by a backroom deal cut by the teamsters.

Your inability to acknowledge this event and your corresponding lack of integrity are duely noted.
I mentioned AMFA only one time during my above soap box speech. Yet still it was enough to set all of you organizers off like an angry hornets nest. Why can't a person support any organization of their own choosing? Why do you all have to be so angry about any one persons beliefs? Is it simply because I disagree?

You attacked everyone you mentioned in that post with unfounded accusations and now you have the gall to try and play the innocent victim just voicing his opinion?

You're one pathetic individual

"I mentioned AMFA only one time during my above soap box speech. Yet still it was enough to set all of you organizers off like an angry hornets nest. Why can't a person support any organization of their own choosing? Why do you all have to be so angry about any one persons beliefs? Is it simply because I disagree?"

"one persons beliefs?" That's the catch 22 using an alias. You say you believe in something like supporting the teamsters over AMFA yet you do so from the comfort of no one knowing who you are. But you want people to take your "opinion" as just "one person's beliefs". Who can believe you? Nothing is stopping you from posting under multiple aliases. So step out from behind the curtain and defend the teamsters in the light.

"There is no comparison, AMFA will leave you with dreams."

Your words, not mine. Your opinion, not mine. For me to disagree with you I am attacking you? Yet your continued defense of your opinion is not "selling a product or influencing" anyone?
Anomaly is not even selling his product well. The only thing from his mouth so far is negativity on AMFA, but has yet to say why he likes the ibt the best.

After 33 pages on this thread, he has still to give a reason???? Why?????

We need more of him, he only makes AMFA look better.
What or who is a SCABster?

"The SCABsters crossed the Pickett line of fellow A&P's at NWA....." By this, can I presume you are a former NWA mechanic?

Well Hoffa of the IBt had no problem crossing my picket line and flying on NWA during my strike. Thats why when the IBt came to my door trying to get me to sign a card a couple of summers ago and by the way he was a UPS truck driver has absolutely no clue as to what I do in my job at FX this what I despise about industrial unions. My local when I was at NW was run by ramp guys we were a minority. My opinion of YOU is that you are working for the IBt because no common union worker would defend an industrial union to the extent you do. AMFA and AMP get the attention they do is for passion to change the status quo. I will speak for myself but I think I speak for a lot of us is we CRAVE a union that just represents US!! the AMT and that includes OH guys and Plant Maintenance guys too. The dispatchers make more than AMT's for a 6 week course! Why is that!! Do you have an answer for that? But when we mechanics want to go it alone we are all of a sudden "elitists" ...Bullshit!! I am so glad if I have to stay in maintenance that I am non-union I have been released to make better money and benefits.. Good luck to you AA guys you are going to need it.
OK I am getting bored with this and it has wasted too much of my life.

As I have said over and over, AMFA simply disappointed me. The real and true AMFA organizing machine is much like some of the comments and people on this forum. They are an in your face group who are absolutely intent on selling a product they have never tried. They are selling an idea. When the idea does not work, they sell blame. AMFA leaders found an excuse for everything that went wrong, including getting de-certified at UAL.

There was so much wrong with AMFA, but by far the worst was the power struggles from within. Those who ran for office were the most arrogant loud mouths on the floor. Sometimes this works in your favor, but put too many of them together and it turns into a nasty competition. This was when the process stalled. Like this page, they argued on and on and on and on, saying nothing new and in the end, getting nothing accomplished. They simply beat down their opponents, until none stood up against them. Unfortunately, infighting distracted them from their reasons for existence, and the company stole away with a lot.

The company simply viewed them as a mockery. Side deals were abundant. They gained very little respect from the company, and almost none from other Unions. There go it alone attitude had us truly on an island. Mechanics at NWA found out how isolated that island can be.

I have spent years applying my skills in a professional manner. I expect my Union to act professionally also. AMFA could not meet this requirement, or expectation.

AMFA campaigned, promised change, spoke of true American beliefs like Democracy, transparency, and responsibility, but in the end, I discovered this was all talk. Too many in AMFA were individualists, looking out for themselves and a small few. For years and years AMFA began an airline campaign promising to exclude certain groups from representation. That should have been my first clue and an insight to this self righteous fraternal association.

These last few days on this page have solidified my negative opinion for this association. The AMFA leaders on this board have shown us all an example of how life is like under AMFA. Scorn, ridicule, blame, and name call those who disagree. For expressing my opinion, I have been called a zealot, snibbler, liar, dumbass, hypocrite, ignorant, and a host of other derogatory names. My integrity and even mechanical abilities have been called to question simply because I do not agree with certain members of this board. If all else fails, they claim I lied.

Over all, real life with AMFA representation can be compared to these last 32 pages. So much crap you want to pull your hair out, but nothing positive comes out of it. The reality is; these last few days contributing to these posts took me back to what everyday life was like under AMFA. I NEVER want to feel that frustrated or helpless again.

With this said, I think I am done with this subject, and do not wish to engage in any more of this back and forth silliness. I might start to be more involved in other threads until they too become redundant. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should know the other side of belonging to a Fraternal Association. It is not worth the price of admission. AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.
With this said, I think I am done with this subject, and do not wish to engage in any more of this back and forth silliness. I might start to be more involved in other threads until they too become redundant. Since I first responded to this page, I have developed a strong opinion that interested mechanics should know the other side of belonging to a Fraternal Association. It is not worth the price of admission. AMFA is a poor implementation of a good idea.

Run Forrest Run!

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