Speaking of the game of dodge, you have failed to anwer questions regarding your claim of best return on investment being campaign financing, your above post was the only response to the question about Airline Reps and the ability to recall.
You were bashing AMFA because you falsely claimed they were not elected. Then you claimed that you could not recall another stations rep. So I asked for you to show us where the ibt has what upset you so much. And you failed to answer, and now I know why. I looked into the ibt constitution and guess what I found?
This for one:
General Organizers and International Representatives
shall be appointed by the General President
and while working under his orders shall receive a salary
as determined by the General President and reported to
the General Executive Board. International Auditors
shall be appointed by the General Secretary-Treasurer
and shall receive a salary as determined by the General
Secretary-Treasurer and reported to the General Executive
Board. The total salary of any General Organizer,
International Representative, or International Auditor
shall not exceed that of the General President. General
Organizers and International Auditors appointed after
the 1991 Convention shall not receive compensation or
allowances from any subordinate body
And in addition, when I searched for any recall procedure in the ibt Constitution, I got this:
Search Returned No Results
So just as I suspected, and the reason why you are dodging the questions is simple really.
The ibt has no elections for the reps period because they are appointed, and there is NO RECALL period.
So while you bash on about AMFA regarding elections and recall that did not suit your way, the ibt that you so dearly love has nothing of the sort.
You are just like the TWU stooges, you complain and angst over something related to AMFA and yet the organization that you support doesn't even provide what you are complaining about. You and others always fail to hold the union you support to the same standard you wish to hold AMFA.
As I read back through your postings, I am getting a clear picture of who you claim to be. You were a long time IAM Shop Steward and was upset about the AMFA filing and win. You were one that refused to accept the majority's decision and so most of that chaos that you speak of was coming from you personally because you could not accept what the majority decided.
You are what I call a snibbler, an industrial union zealot that does not demand from your union what you cannot stand about another. I suspect your professional standards as a mechanic are just as likely suspect too.
During my sanity break from this subject, I went to help out with my Granddaughters school. They were having an end of year party and I was helping at one of the areas near a face painting table. At one point, two children began arguing about the design painted on one of the faces. One thought it meant a bad thing and the other did not. The image was three horizontal lines about an inch long and ¼ inch wide and drawn1/2 inch below the eye. You see the same thing on football players during a game. The issue was the colors. These were Green Yellow and Red. One child was upset because he felt the colors used represented a negative image. The other said it did not and they argued.
Finally, the kid who objected became upset. In a fit, he threw down a straw to a juice box he was holding, called the other kid a “potty face” and walked away. Potty face kid shrugged his shoulders, and ran to do something else. I asked the lady who painted the faces what that was about? She said he asked for a football player type black line under his eye, but being toward the end of the day, she was out of black. She asked if he had another favorite color, he picked Green Yellow and Red. All three colors she had left.
Walking away made me think of you and this page. Not because of anything in particular related to the second grade potty face, but because of your childish approach to this forum.
In life, people will always disagree. I may like cigars, and remark of their sweet and smooth taste. You may not and think they are foul and smelly. Does this make either of us liars, snibblers, zealots, or sub standard mechanics? It is a difference of opinion, nothing more.
My opinion of AMFA at UAL is much different from that of Third Seat Hero’s. He saw the actions of AMFA as acceptable Union politics, I saw them as unorganized chaos. However, we both agree on at least two things. 1; An AMFA rep removed an important LOA from our agreement, and 2; AMFA is no longer our representative. We continue to disagree on the results or byproducts of the two. I am OK with that.
I do not agree with him but could not go so far as to call him a liar. He may interpret circumstances different than I, and may form a completely opposite opinion, but who am I to call him a “potty face” because I cannot get him to agree with my position?
With that said, I have no problem with the Teamster Constitution. I have no problem with appointing the best person rather than voting the most popular. I have no problem with the jurisdiction. I definitely have no problem with the recall language, even though you believe it does not exist.
Just because you cannot find it does not mean recall (removal) does not happen. In fact, a San Francisco BA was removed from his
"lifetime appointed position" because the elected President and Executive board believed he was not living up to membership’s expectations. I personally had no issue with him, but still, the guy they hired to replace him is genuinely superb. This second guy does one hell of a good job and I have no problem saying that.
To remove the BA, there was no election needed, no petition, no two year time limit, no campaign. One day he was just gone, and the new guy was there to take over. The new BA is doing a good job.
I admit to being wary of some of the new ideas the IBT brings to the table, but for now at least, I do not have any real problem with most of them.
My one concern that I do wish was different, is that of the location of the Locals. I will admit that for some stations to have to go to another state for a meeting at their "Local" is a bit unconventional. I am not sold on that one. At the same time, AMFA does not have a Local at every one of their stations either. For them too, some members would have to travel to attend a meeting.
People will always disagree. You sir could benefit by learning to live with that.