I haven't denied that AMFA was voted out in favor of the teamsters, my position has been and remains that the UAL membership was lied to by the teamsters organizers. Early contract openers, double vesting pension, etc, and that their representation has been mediocre at best.
As for my question, you have NOT answered it. You only stated you were never an officer or part of an executive board.
BAs, Chief Stewards, and Airline Division Reps are neither officers nor executive board members.
So I'm asking you directly "yes or no" are you a BA? A Chief Steward? or a Airline Division Rep?
In answer to your question....no, I have never been, at any time in my UAL career, a supervisor or any other member of management.
Good first step. The fact that AMFA was replaced by the Teamsters simply can not be argued. I am glad you finally admit it. It is the excuses you make that keep me around.
You swear the only reason AMFA lost was because we were all lied to by organizers. Truck driving organizers if I remember correctly. I have three little issues with that.
1. You expect all of us to believe that either us UAL mechanics were too stupid to comprehend that we were being lied to during a representational election or the truck driving organizers were such skilled story tellers they managed to dupe some 70% of us. I have a hard time believing that. And please don't blame the Indy Mechanics on furlough for the overwhelming decision to replace AMFA. .
2. Lets say your right for the moment and the IBT ran a dirty rotten shady lie riddled campaign; how did the IBT get enough cards in the first place? Before we get to that, in most of your responses to my posts you dismiss my accusations and opinions of bad AMFA representation as lies. In one you countered that there were only two issues with AMFA. You are steadfast in declaring that AMFA was doing their job
well as the true democratically elected Union by and for mechanics. Although you have not stated it, I hope you can agree that many of us had been fighting for years to get AMFA on property. Our hard work finally paid off July 13, 2003 when AMFA won the representational vote. April 1, 2008, less than five years later, AMFA looses everything so many worked so hard to get. Do you really expect everyone to believe it was all because of a well played Teamster lie during an apparently exceptional campaign run by a bunch of truck drivers? And these same truck drivers were able to convince 70% of the membership to get out of a
true mechanics Union and join a bunch of warehouse workers? If AMFA was doing such a good job, as you say, how then were a few mechanics able to collect more than enough cards to hold an election in a mere fraction of the time it took us to get enough cards for an AMFA election? Your facts just do not add up. The truth is AMFA terrified us. The organization turned out to be irresponsible, and dangerous to our futures.
3. Again, let's go back to the Teamsters lied theory. Where then is AMFA now? Are you the only one who figured it out? Truly more of us should have seen it by now and if i know this group like I think I do after 27 years, we should have one hell of a card drive going on for anybody but this miserable lying group. Where is the card drive? Why are these clowns still here?? As far as I know there is no active organized card drive on UAL. Don't blame the merger, because we are still two separate mechanic groups under the NMB with two separate contracts. There are a few guys out there with cards in hand, and then there are those other former AMFA leader confused soles who joined with the IAM, but overall, no card drive. Whats your answer to that. Are you waiting for the big moment? That time came and went with the first TA.
Call me a liar, say it is a smear campaign, but the unchallengeable truth remains that we dropped the Association philosophies in an astonishing short time. There has to be another explanation besides the IBT LIED. Come on.....??
NO, to answer your simple yes or no question. I am on this board getting verbally beaten up (it dies not bother me) because I disagree with your casual dismissal of events. I can keep my cool in the anonymity, control, and comfort of my home knowing my tool box will not be destroyed while I am away. But I could not do what those BA's do in the real world. I do not have the patience, nor the control to hold my temper with such foolishness. Besides, I would have to give up some easy overtime. I am not even a steward. That also was too much of a headache. I am simply a mechanic who is satisfied with my representation. So much that I am willing to speak out to this forum in favor of them. I keep somewhat involved and go to an occasional meeting, but that is enough for me and more than most. People like you are now so desperate to get back in, I am not sure how far you will go. My brawling days are behind me. I'll leave that to the younger men.
The reason I asked about your history as a supervisor; Years ago there was a mechanic near my doc with a mostly homemade tool box. There was a stainless steel decorative cover on it with the inscription; Third Seat Hero. This guy later became a supervisor with a bad reputation. Although the tool box is long gone, I believe this guy is still at UAL, and still in management. Some of the details and inside knowledge of your other posts had me very suspicious. I was just checking. You never know ...