With all due respect, what you do not seem to recognize is that the US Airways MEC has the support of the overwhelming majority of East pilots.
Thank you for the respect and I return the same. IF your MEC has the full support of the pilot group why the threat of change? Wouldn't that be against the wishes of your MEC???
Meanwhile, Doug Parker seems to understand this becuase in his recent letter to the East and West pilots he said, "I should clarify that a joint contract does not necessarily mean immediate seniority integration. I have spoken with enough of our East pilots to know that such a proposal would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get ratified."
Doug stated "not necessarily mean immediate" however it does mean at some point not forever as you have attempted to suggest. I too have spoken with many east pilots most of who do not support your actions. It's up to you guys if you want a new contract or not, one would think so seeing as how your mec violated the transition agreement by pulling out of JNC talks. BTW the rest of the letter states that Parker will only wait a very short time before dragging your mec into mediation. You left that part out, why??
I agree with Parker's thoughts and he happens "to believe that if we could get everyone together at the negotiating table, we could work something out that meets everyone's needs - though both sides would need to move some from their increasingly hardening positions. We are hopeful that the Rice Committee will facilitate some creative solutions and do so quickly. I know we have some ideas that we have shared with ALPA and I'm sure they have many more of their own."
Your ideas are not in the companies nor the entire professions best interest. You place yourselves ahead of the whole. I bet none of you have given any thought at all to the precidence that would be set in dealing away an arbitrated decision have you??? What happens when the company wants to deal after you have already recieved a favorable ruling?? The company has a much bigger stick and can afford to really inflict harm all because the USAirways pilots saw fit to deal away an arbitrated decision for what can only be described as selfish reasons!!!
AWA320, the recent acceleration in representational cards arriving at USAPA's address is due to the AWA MEC not accepting the two EC resolutions and working with the Rice Committee. I still believe there can be a "reasonable solution" obtained between the East and West pilots, but it takes two parties to negotiate an agreement.
Well I am going to put it to you like this,there is no way you can win! Steps have been taken to ensure that. We never ever wanted things to turn out like this. This will be the most fractured pilot group in the history of the profession. I'm sorry USA320 this is really not what we wanted...
In my opinion, if the West does not want to negotiate a "realistic solution" to the Nicolau Award then it appears that ALPA is on the way to being thrown off both the East and West property and replaced with USAPA.
Again i'm sorry but there is no way we can deal away that award. There is far more at stake than your bruised feelings. You can not win and that much is a fact!! I'm sorry USA320 I really am 🙁