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A letrer from USAPA's Law Firm (EAST THREAD 8/17-24)

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What I find questionable is that whomever paid for the Seham opinion permitted the OP to post it publicly. Generally, when I write legal opinions, my clients are in no hurry to publish them on an internet board. Gotta wonder if it was published by the OP with permission of the group?
Well kudos to the USAPA guy for exposing the truth about the "big East MEC lawsuit".
Well kudos to the USAPA guy for exposing the truth about the "big East MEC lawsuit".
That it was a feel-good, "look we're fighting hard for you" move?

What a waste of cash.

Business as usual over there.
Failed to stow after landing is the way I remember it, but I haven't tried to search for that post. At any rate, a non-event even compared to the relatively minor event of the reverser's failing to deploy.......


Failed to stow??...A total non event indeed, and scarcely worthy of even conversationally noting, other than to a mechanic afterwards.
That it was a feel-good, "look we're fighting hard for you" move?

What a waste of cash.

Business as usual over there.

I think that the only person who feels good about the suit is Roland Wilder - after he cashed his check from the AAA MEC.

Speaking of waste of cash, how many special MEC meetings has the East had this year - 15? 20? With 12 reps, hotel and meeting rooms, catered lunches, and fancy dinners, I'm sure those meetings are $50k+ each. So what's another $50k for a worthless lawsuit?
Failed to stow??...A total non event indeed, and scarcely worthy of even conversationally noting, other than to a mechanic afterwards.

Yeah, but he felt it worth mentioning on a public board so we would all know of his great deed.
That it was a feel-good, "look we're fighting hard for you" move?

What a waste of cash.

Business as usual over there.

My opinion. Yes you are right about all of the above. I'm still waiting for the golly gee we tried routine.

This is where we differ. I really want ALPA off the property. And it really doesn't matter when. It just so happens that UASPA is my only alternative right now. I would even vote for the Dishwashers of America if it would replace ALPA. After 20+ years of the most expensive magazine known to man anything to me would be better than this.
What I find questionable is that whomever paid for the Seham opinion permitted the OP to post it publicly. Generally, when I write legal opinions, my clients are in no hurry to publish them on an internet board. Gotta wonder if it was published by the OP with permission of the group?

That was part of why I was wondering if he was the Intrim President. The letter was work product and was (relatively) promptly placed on a public internet discussion board. From a legal standpoint it wasn't a terribly smart move because, if nothing else, it lays out a thought pattern and also what the author was, at least in part, hired to do.
My opinion. Yes you are right about all of the above. I'm still waiting for the golly gee we tried routine.

This is where we differ. I really want ALPA off the property. And it really doesn't matter when. It just so happens that UASPA is my only alternative right now. I would even vote for the Dishwashers of America if it would replace ALPA. After 20+ years of the most expensive magazine known to man anything to me would be better than this.

"After 20+ years of the most expensive magazine known to man anything to me would be better than this."

Yup. For over 2 grand a year? I'd prefer National Geographic/Scientific American/National Air and Space/EAA's stuff/a lifetime NRA membership/etc. Heck..Mad Magazine would probably be an improvement...not that I don't get a laugh or two from the Alpo rag.

Junebug: "What a waste of cash.

Business as usual over there."

And also "over there" out west..and pretty much anywhere there's Alpoids sucking up expensive hotels/meals/etc...as opposed to actually ever doing anything approaching work.
I think that the only person who feels good about the suit is Roland Wilder - after he cashed his check from the AAA MEC.

Speaking of waste of cash, how many special MEC meetings has the East had this year - 15? 20? With 12 reps, hotel and meeting rooms, catered lunches, and fancy dinners, I'm sure those meetings are $50k+ each. So what's another $50k for a worthless lawsuit?

When you are sheep you just follow no questions asked!!!
"After 20+ years of the most expensive magazine known to man anything to me would be better than this."

Yup. For over 2 grand a year? I'd prefer National Geographic/Scientific American/National Air and Space/EAA's stuff/a lifetime NRA membership/etc. Heck..Mad Magazine would probably be an improvement...not that I don't get a laugh or two from the Alpo rag.

Thanks and still venting. :up:
Thanks and still venting. :up:

Roger :lol: I re-watched Forrest Gump with a lady friend who noted during the scene when Jenny throws rocks at the house she was abused in as a child, and Forrest notes "I guess sometimes there just aren't enough rocks"... that I should consider carrying a huge bagfull to the next local Alpo meeting as good therapy :up:
When you are sheep you just follow no questions asked!!!

Sigh..we're back to being "sheep" again? You REALLY should work on developing an imagination :lol:...or..even the ability for cognitive process .

PS: As per "sheep"?: When's the last time you actually argued with ANY of your beloved MEC goons, or anyone else up at Alpo?..which you seem to view only with the eyes of an adoring child, rapt in awe and admiration. You "sound" like a classical example of one who's personal motto = Alpo?...The Holy West MEC?...."you just follow no questions asked!!!
When you are sheep you just follow no questions asked!!!

Oh I asked questions. Wrote letters. Sent e-mails. But sheep? hhmm No more from me. But my alternative doesn't sit well out west either. This "sheep" will believe in anybody but ALPA. Any alternatives you want to recommend? I will be more than happy to listen. In the meantime USAPA has my full support.
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