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A letrer from USAPA's Law Firm (EAST THREAD 8/17-24)

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A law firms primary task is just like any other business and that's to deliver maximum profits to the Partners. That means Billable Hours. Lawsuits and the related legal activities such as discovery generate Billable Hours. Negotiated Settlements while often in the interest of both parties don't always happen because they don't generate billable hours. That's why most cases that do settle, settle close to trial date that way the lawyers get paid and cocktails for everyone.

In corporate law the lawyer gets paid win or lose. So while it's good business to win it's not the end of the world for them to lose one now and then

Bob...So what your saying is...They should have got a retainer with Dewey - Fuchum - Goode and Howe
Isn't "time to pull them out of the game" supportive of the idea of decertification?
No. That would be the equivalent of the PHL Eagles quitting their football game at the half and going over to the USFL.

You guys just need a new offensive line and QB.
Just an observation or two...

It has been previously established on these boards that USA320Pilot lives in the PIT area.

The letter to the Intrim President is addresses to somewhere in the PIT area.

USA320Pilot seemingly has access to the work product of an attorney addressed to the Intrim President of an entity identifying itself as USAPA.

So is USA320Pilot, who in another post identified himself as a "union activist", the Intrim President of USAPA?

If so does Garland Jones have a huge conflict of interest serving as the F/O Rep of the BOS council ** if ** he is (or has been) providing the Intrim President of USAPA with ALPA information?

Just wondering......
So is USA320Pilot, who in another post identified himself as a "union activist", the Intrim President of USAPA?

No, different guy. There would be a riot at the first meeting if he were the President.
No, different guy. There would be a riot at the first meeting if he were the President.
Wow, USA320Pilot claims to have some sort of huge following with his yahoo groups, but I have yet to find one of his co-workers that has even an ounce of respect for him.

BTW, how was your last checkride? I heard a great story about it from a check airman.
Oh, PLEASE tell!! Pretty please!!! I'd pay good money to hear that story. PM me if you're so inclined. :up:
The issue is not whether or not I made a typing mistake or the personal insults made by people who are cowards and will not identify them self, the issue is the information in Lee Seham's letter. The letter has created even greater interest in USAPA's efforts and will likely cause more USAPA "fence sitters" to submit their representational card.

I find it interesting that shortly after a certain prolific message board and multiple Yahoogroup’s participant aggressively changed his position on USAPA's effort John Prater wrote an open letter on the decertification subject and is now hurriedly going to every US Airways pilot crew base starting tomorrow. Unannounced and short noticed changes in the ALPA president’s schedule seem to be a changing dynamic. I wonder why Prater immediately cleared his plate and what caused him to write his letter on the East’s decertification effort?

I'm not sure, but I believe no other ALPA president has ever made such overtures to the US Airways and America West pilots.

I wonder why?



Oh please!! It appears that your legal team agree's with the AWA MEC vice chairman as he indicated. Please send this attorney the question as to how you get out of your obligations by switching unions, can't wait to read that response however I have a feeling you won't post that!!
I'm actually kind of curious as to what a check ride consists of in commercial aviation not so much one specific ego filled vertically challenged pilot check ride as the process in general.

I have a friend who in the air force as a flight nurse out of Maguire and I know she had check rides and she was always nervous and always passed with flying colors.

Shortest version =USAF checkrides are pretty serious "inquisitions" as a rule, and any question/condition/situation can be offered up during the process. Commercial aviation's checks are pretty much a pat scenario snooze fest by comparison.
I'd like to hear the checkride story also and will, reluctently, agree to keep it confidential. After all, I have read his own comments about his big crisis landing on a wet runway at LGA when the thrust reversers failed (or were inop), and BoeingBoy promptly shot him down from his 'I saved all those people' perch...
I'd like to hear the checkride story also and will, reluctently, agree to keep it confidential. After all, I have read his own comments about his big crisis landing on a wet runway at LGA when the thrust reversers failed (or were inop), and BoeingBoy promptly shot him down from his 'I saved all those people' perch...

Interesting. Thrust reverse isn't much of any significant factor in performance considerations.
I HATE to answer a question with a question. Aren't the "Advisors" usually attorneys???

In your example, the advisor lends his "skills" to a firm on a temporary basis.

In a pilot group, the advisor, retained by ALPA, lends their skills to a franchisee, a pilot group in this case. Some are attorneys, some are not. My point is that, in the US east case, "they" work for ALPA National and not necessarily for the pilot group. It gets even more complicated. One, a self proclaimed "Financial Advisor", was paid by the company in a "fee for a deal", to dispense "advise" to and get a deal "for" the pilot group, though he came with credentials from ALPA National. Incredibly, many pilots are still ignorant of his tangled ties and the likelihood that the "advice" they got was somewhat tainted. After all, just who was he "representing"? Other than himself.
when the thrust reversers failed (or were inop)
Failed to stow after landing is the way I remember it, but I haven't tried to search for that post. At any rate, a non-event even compared to the relatively minor event of the reverser's failing to deploy.......

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