I am a Flight Attendant. I am very Proud to be one just like you. In my job I have never experienced any thing that the TWA F/As now AA flight attendants that were furloughed have gone though. In my personal life, well that is a different story and one that will stay private. The first week Reno came on the line, alot were very bitter. You could tell by the NS that you were getting ready to work with maybe a very unhappy person. On the NS is the employee number Reno starts with 57. Air Cal is 10 and 11. You have a 6 digit employee number. Back to my story. Both sides did not know at first just how the other person was going to act, but I found if you just wait, don't bring up the elephant in the room and do your job by the end of that trip you just might have a new friend, some one you would really like to fly with again. On both sides there are mean and nasty flight attendants that just love to try to make the trip hell. The good thing is you will never have to fly with them again if you don't want to. There are so many ways to not fly with them. I am a flight attendant with AA and on the line that is what I see. Not Air Cal, Not Reno, Not Eastern, Not Branif, We are all AA. Its a choice to see things this way. Its great when you get two Reno or Air Cal and they talk about how it was . You can feel there pride when they were with there old company, like a pair of really good shoes that they still have but there in the back of the closet to put on any time they want. You can see there pride when they work with you on the cart. You can feel there warm as a person when there telling you something that happened in there life. WE are ALL flight attendants. WE were all Flight Attendants when 9/11 hit. When the new recalled flight attendants come back on the line. I choose to see a co worker coming to work to do the same long hard fun NO sleep job that WE will both be doing together tell it is done. If that co worker choose to be nasty and mean, then I wish you well and I wont see you again. I am one of the 27 F/A that is suing to get are old contract back. Its all 50/50. If any of you want to know what is going on with this case you can go to Pacer.psc.uscourts.gov and all of the case is there. AA, APFA, TWA all of it the hole case start to almost finished . We wont know anything on the class action for a few more months or maybe next year. Funny thing the court system you just never know what they might do. I am hopeful we will become a class action and get are contract back and then there are some out there that think we are nuts. The thing is we ALL have the right to try. We all were given free will and we could stop trying to fight in a open form over something none of us have any control over, but then again its all about choice. Please dont point out my spelling or grammar it is what it is. If you dont like my long story sorry just felt like saying something. I never post I am a reader. If you would like to go to two other great sites for company info just for AA F/As. There is aafa4m.com and newapfa both are very good for better news then APFA. The day before they announced the recalls, it was posted at the aafa4m first as this might be a rumor and then the next day it was announced we were recalling 460 F/As. OK I am done. See you on the line LAX-D