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3 TWU Groups Had Enough

Just say "N
Realityck said:
Give me a break about your hope for a peaceful integration. Whatever chance there was for that was eliminated when this application was filed. The elected leaders of each USAirways work group impacted by the filing have come out publicly against this new union. You will gain nothing but a permanently divided work group.
Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s the licensing requirements for dispatchers were under constant attack. The TWU was and is the primary defender of the professional status of dispatchers and was a major reason for the affiliation of the ALDA represented groups with the TWU.
As for the instructors, when their first TWU contract negotiations was approaching a midnight deadline American refused to budge because they claimed that the small group of instructors would get little support from other lower paid TWU groups. When the TWU started to set up a picket line at midnight (11pm Dallas Time) in New York, the Instructor agreement was concluded in less than 2 hours.
The USAirways employees have had occasion to witness what happens when a group disaffiliates to gain advantage in a merger situation. The USAPA fiasco probably cost USAirways pilots closer to half a million dollars apiece and those who have retired will never recoup the losses. The same logic and even some of the same advisors who created this disaster are now supporting this new associa
JUST SAY....."NO" to the TWU/IAM association 
the last thing our class and craft needs is 2 unions who have failed to represent
AMFA 2014
I've heard that argument many times, and it still doesn't hold any water, for me. There's plenty of people who might not have had the chance to bid that spot in their previous 28 years, and then due to a station closing may move to a hub and then have the ability to (since they're displaced anyways). They are then losing out on using their seniority to get good shifts/days off. IMHO, it can keep good guys (who may happen to have a lot of seniority - and experience) from bidding it due to their 'loss' of seniority.
I hear ya, but if someone exercised into to a hub w/30 yrs., they'll probably do okay, shift-wise.

And I agree that many good people may not bid for fear of losing (bidding) senioirty, but again, they had years to either move into the spot, or go somewhere to establish classification seniority (FWIW, that's what I did).
Realityck said:
Give me a break about your hope for a peaceful integration. Whatever chance there was for that was eliminated when this application was filed. The elected leaders of each USAirways work group impacted by the filing have come out publicly against this new union. You will gain nothing but a permanently divided work group.
Throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s the licensing requirements for dispatchers were under constant attack. The TWU was and is the primary defender of the professional status of dispatchers and was a major reason for the affiliation of the ALDA represented groups with the TWU.
As for the instructors, when their first TWU contract negotiations was approaching a midnight deadline American refused to budge because they claimed that the small group of instructors would get little support from other lower paid TWU groups. When the TWU started to set up a picket line at midnight (11pm Dallas Time) in New York, the Instructor agreement was concluded in less than 2 hours.
The USAirways employees have had occasion to witness what happens when a group disaffiliates to gain advantage in a merger situation. The USAPA fiasco probably cost USAirways pilots closer to half a million dollars apiece and those who have retired will never recoup the losses. The same logic and even some of the same advisors who created this disaster are now supporting this new association.
I really do hope for a peaceful integration, but if there is not one, that's unfortunate. I'm not going to have one broken off in my butt by the twu again. By not having the ability to negotiate is harming me and my coworkers. I know you want to blame this on the us, but the root cause is the international.
At this point breaking away and going on your own is a better choice. We have two incompetent unions that now want to join as one. Give these guys some support and effort for trying to better themselves and their careers. The TWU has failed them and others. The Flight Attendants of American Airlines broke away in 1977 from the TWU and are doing pretty darn good on their own. Hopefully this might start a trend or give a major wake up call to the TWU which is doubtful in my opinion.
Published 27 Jul, 2014
Dear Local 541 and 542 Members:
Earlier today (Friday, July 25, 2014), the International Executive Council – upon recommendation of the International Administrative Committee – voted unanimously to place your Local into a temporary trusteeship and to suspend all Local 541 and  Local 542 officers while we conduct a full investigation of serious wrongdoing, and violations of the International Constitution, federal law and their oath of office.
As such, I have appointed International Vice President Gary Shults to administer all affairs of Local 541 and 542 until further notice.
Additionally, the International Administrative Committee will immediately impanel a three-person subcommittee of the International Executive Council to hold timely hearings to evaluate the conduct of Local 542 officers and to determine whether the allegations against them warrant further action.
The suspended officers will have ample opportunity to explain their actions, call witnesses, and otherwise defend themselves against these allegations.
While regrettable, this action was necessary to preserve the assets of the Local, ensure proper member representation and protect the integrity not only of Locals 541 and 542, but of our entire organization and all its affiliates.  I believe the unanimity of the International Executive Council in taking this decisive step reflects the gravity of this situation.
Please be advised that actions taken today (July 25, 2014) were a result of violations of Article XVIII, Section 3, and Article V, Sections 4 to 6 of the International Constitution. A copy of the International Constitution can be found on the TWU website (www.twu.org) under the drop-down menu “Members,” subsection “Resources.”
The International will continue to keep you apprised of this situation. We ask that no unfair or uninformed judgments be made until the investigation takes place and a decision is rendered by the Subcommittee. In the meantime, feel confident that International Vice President and Administrator Gary Shults will protect your rights as a member of the TWU and the valuable assets of your Locals.

1AA said:
At this point breaking away and going on your own is a better choice. We have two incompetent unions that now want to join as one. Give these guys some support and effort for trying to better themselves and their careers. The TWU has failed them and others. The Flight Attendants of American Airlines broke away in 1977 from the TWU and are doing pretty darn good on their own. Hopefully this might start a trend or give a major wake up call to the TWU which is doubtful in my opinion.
You do know that there was a complete change of leadership in the TWU International and they then proceeded to either fire or change positions for many people within the entire structure.

You wanted change and change was made but many of you aren't even willing to give that change in leadership a chance to prove themselves to you.

What more of a major wake up call do you want?
WeAAsles said:
You wanted change and change was made but many of you aren't even willing to give that change in leadership a chance to prove themselves to you.

What more of a major wake up call do you want?
This is ludicrous, over the years, we have been hoodwinked by this mantra time and time again, only to fall victim each time to the games the leadership play. We have seen nothing but concessions for 25+years. I am out of time waiting for them to prove themselves.
The faces changed, but the attitude and ineptness has not.

Plowman emailed Drummond and told him a card drive was in progress. He did nothing. It wasn't until 10 days later when local 545 in PIT started getting cards did the international started asking questions. How could you possibly not respond to that for 10 days?
DallasConehead said:
This is ludicrous, over the years, we have been hoodwinked by this mantra time and time again, only to fall victim each time to the games the leadership play. We have seen nothing but concessions for 25+years. I am out of time waiting for them to prove themselves.
Deregulation ad everything that came along with that was 36 years ago. I just hope that whatever your feelings are for the TWU you also factor in everything else that has happened in that time and that no union in the US Airline industry has been immune to pain and suffering. And that absolutely includes your revered AMFA.
Bogey said:
The faces changed, but the attitude and ineptness has not.

Plowman emailed Drummond and told him a card drive was in progress. He did nothing. It wasn't until 10 days later when local 545 in PIT started getting cards did the international started asking questions. How could you possibly not respond to that for 10 days?
So what would have been your solution to cancel the card drive? What do you feel they should have done that they didn't do?
WeAAsles said:
Deregulation ad everything that came along with that was 36 years ago. I just hope that whatever your feelings are for the TWU you also factor in everything else that has happened in that time and that no union in the US Airline industry has been immune to pain and suffering. And that absolutely includes your revered AMFA.
I am not an AMFA fan, IMO unions are a plague on the working class, it was not always so, my father was an IBEW member, (they screwed him out of his retirement btw), I directly supported and was involved with the TWU for years. I think we would be better off without ANY union. At least then there's no charade of someone  there to protect or interests, meanwhile making a deal in secret to screw us and take our money.  It would be basically the same as it is now except we wouldn't have the games the union leadership plays, and the company would just openly screw us and not have the union to blame it on.
DallasConehead said:
I am not an AMFA fan, IMO unions are a plague on the working class, it was not always so, my father was an IBEW member, (they screwed him out of his retirement btw), I directly supported and was involved with the TWU for years. I think we would be better off without ANY union. At least then there's no charade of someone  there to protect or interests, meanwhile making a deal in secret to screw us and take our money.  It would be basically the same as it is now except we wouldn't have the games the union leadership plays, and the company would just openly screw us and not have the union to blame it on.
Oh yes that's smart. Throw away your grievance procedures then too and leave yourself up to the whim of a manager who might not like you especially if you live in a "Right to work" State. Go ask some people who've gotten their jobs back because of having CBA language how they would feel if they didn't have it?

Go ask a Fed Ex driver what they feel about GFT (Guaranteed Fair Treatment) as it's called?
WeAAsles said:
Oh yes that's smart. Throw away your grievance procedures then too and leave yourself up to the whim of a manager who might not like you especially if you live in a "Right to work" State. Go ask some people who've gotten their jobs back because of having CBA language how they would feel if they didn't have it?

Go ask a Fed Ex driver what they feel about GFT (Guaranteed Fair Treatment) as it's called?
Better still let me add this one. Ask management how they feel not having a union in light of what happened after the BK. I know 4 stations MIA, DFW, ORD and LGA where when they cut some of the management ranks it was all people in their late 50's early 60's who were let go. Here in MIA they've now hired 20 something year old's as replacements. They're paid less and they don't use the medical benefits as much.

Seniority is part of a union contract. It's not something that any company has to utilize if there is no union or CBA to enforce that. Basically without a union you better not get old and you should inform management that you want to be paid less so you are worth keeping.
WeAAsles said:
So what would have been your solution to cancel the card drive? What do you feel they should have done that they didn't do?
They should have responded that day or the next. Got everyone together and started working on a plan to fight it. Just like they did in 2003 when PAFCA raided the dispatchers.

They did absolutely nothing for 10 days. Then the only thing they came up with was they wanted the board to sign a letter of solidarity. Great plan. That will stop em. Not once did someone pick up the phone to call anyone in the local. Not once. No Drummond, no Virella, nobody. It was like they almost want it to happen. And ya know, they haven't done a thing except send a letter to the members full of scare tactics. They also talk about local autonomy in that letter out of one side of their mouth, as they cancel and prevent our negotiations out of the other side.
In the end, it's too late for what they should have done. They can't unscramble this egg.

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