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3 TWU Groups Had Enough

Poor choice of words. I'm just pissed at how the international has handled this. My apologies.

No seniority issue as far as I know. Plowman said date of hire. That's the TWU policy.
My frustration was showing. If I offended my brothers and sisters at airways, I apologize.
Bogey said:
Poor choice of words. I'm just pissed at how the international has handled this. My apologies.

No seniority issue as far as I know. Plowman said date of hire. That's the TWU policy.
It seems in most of these mergers seniority is always the issue? That's why McCaskill-Bond is the fairest way to go. It takes out that  "We're the bigger group"  "We bought you"  arguments.
The letter said contract negotiations with Transport Workers Union Local 544, representing instructors and simulator engineers, have been put "on the back burner," while US Airways dispatchers, in TWU Local 545, earn 25% less than American dispatchers and work more hours.
Bogey said:
Poor choice of words. I'm just pissed at how the international has handled this. My apologies.

No seniority issue as far as I know. Plowman said date of hire. That's the TWU policy.
 I understand that in the US/IAM CBA, there is Lead Mechanic seniority.... Should this BS alliance survive a vote, when the JCBA begins, I wonder what will happen with to it  since there is no Crew Chief seniority in the TWU/AA CBA..
A lead mechanic at US is the same as a Crew Chief at AA.
And you get premium date when you are awarded a lead job.
700UW said:
A lead mechanic at US is the same as a Crew Chief at AA.
And you get premium date when you are awarded a lead job.
We do not have Crew Chief seniority..this is what I am saying.. Our occupational seniority carries over into the crew chief job.
When JCBA are underway, I wonder which survives,,,new seniority for premium jobs or not.
700UW said:
A lead mechanic at US is the same as a Crew Chief at AA.
And you get premium date when you are awarded a lead job.
Not at AA. AA dates are company and classification. Classification into M&R.
AA has Crew Chiefs and USAir has Leads. Same thing? Maybe, but you have to look at the job description of both companies and their actual duties. Should the alliance surface or will the JCBA whenever it will be written add Crew Chief/Lead seniority to the AA side or just eliminate it to avoid multiple seniority dates? Time will tell.
1AA said:
Not at AA. AA dates are company and classification. Classification into M&R.
AA has Crew Chiefs and USAir has Leads. Same thing? Maybe, but you have to look at the job description of both companies and their actual duties.
Right...Same job but not the same seniority.
Since tha alliance had already decided on dovetailing seniorities,,what happens to the LEAD/CC seniority.... Does the Lead revert back to his/her mechanic seniority? 
MetalMover said:
Right...Same job but not the same seniority.
Since tha alliance had already decided on dovetailing seniorities,,what happens to the LEAD/CC seniority.... Does the Lead revert back to his/her mechanic seniority? 
That will make it easier for the company and we all know the TWU has alway made things easier for the company over its dues paying members. I think the TWU/IAM are so concerned over how to get this Alliance thing to pass without a fear of decertification that the Lead seniority issue is probably not even on the table at this time. The TWU has always waited for the last minute to address important issues involving the membership over their own issues.
OK we are starting to drift a bit here from the topic.
1AA said:
That will make it easier for the company and we all know the TWU has alway made things easier for the company over its dues paying members. I think the TWU/IAM are so concerned over how to get this Alliance thing to pass without a fear of decertification that the Lead seniority issue is probably not even on the table at this time. The TWU has always waited for the last minute to address important issues involving the membership over their own issues.
OK we are starting to drift a bit here from the topic.
I agree....But remember the IAM will most likely want to keep it.
MetalMover said:
We do not have Crew Chief seniority..this is what I am saying.. Our occupational seniority carries over into the crew chief job.
When JCBA are underway, I wonder which survives,,,new seniority for premium jobs or not.
This is the way it should be. I was never a fan of premium seniority. Hopefully they keep the American way for cc/inspector seniority.
The letter said contract negotiations with Transport Workers Union Local 544, representing instructors and simulator engineers, have been put "on the back burner," while US Airways dispatchers, in TWU Local 545, earn 25% less than American dispatchers and work more hours.

This quoted above makes you wonder why either local 545 or the international would want to delay any negotiations. More money and less hours.
blue collar said:
This is the way it should be. I was never a fan of premium seniority. Hopefully they keep the American way for cc/inspector seniority.
I agree...in fleet your occ seniority follows you into shift bidding as a crew chief. Absolutely the right way it should be done.
(If I'm understanding the argument)
1AA said:
Not at AA. AA dates are company and classification. Classification into M&R.
AA has Crew Chiefs and USAir has Leads. Same thing? Maybe, but you have to look at the job description of both companies and their actual duties. Should the alliance surface or will the JCBA whenever it will be written add Crew Chief/Lead seniority to the AA side or just eliminate it to avoid multiple seniority dates? Time will tell.
That is also the way it is here at SWA.  The way the US IAM guys are doing with this classification seniority they are taking a mechanics seniority away from him when he wants to further advance himself into a premium lead or inspector slot.  This is one of the many "implosions" that are coming to you guys that you will have nightmare nego's over.  Think about it.  To get to one contract both the TWU and the IAM will have to cave to one of the two ways of doing it.  This is something that needs to be desided by the members, NOT the leaders of this BS association.  People are going to get pushed down the list when this happens and it's going to a huge problem from within the union(s) no matter who is representing who, even if AMFA is representing AA, the current 2 contracts has 2 complete different ways (rules if you will) that describe opposite ways to integrate when advancing in your careers, and it's gonna suck.  What will make it suck less will be represented by AMFA as they will let the members decide how it will handled.  However, all the AMFA haters will indeed completely blame AMFA for ANY and ALL negativity that this will bring even though it will not be and never was an AMFA issue.  Maybe someone can come up with something in the middle both sides could agree on and it may have to be something to with being grandfathered in,  good luck guys, there's going to be some speed bumps down the road, no matter who represents who in the end, it's just something that will have to be delt with...

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