3 TWU Groups Had Enough

JABORD said:
... strength in numbers...

...in strength in skill...
I think the right path is a balance between both. We've all been messaged by monied interests that we have no skill(s), and its become easy to forget what any of us (regardless of title) bring to the table.

We then fight amongst ourselves for the scraps, and capital picks us off one by one. A bit like shooting fish in a barrel, really...
Bogey said:
We heard they took out the entire board. Plowman included. Not sure how he can represent them.
If true that is very unfortunate, they just guaranteed de-certification. Plowman is a good leader. 
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He surely is. Has my support 100 percent.

The international sealed the fate of both the AA dispatchers and the. US Airways dispatchers. They were part of the filing. More than 350 members cast away.
Interesting that the Sim Techs are not happy.  They make much more money and have much better benefits than AMTs when they work on pretend airplanes.  This should be a sign to all AMTs that we should be kicking the TWU to the curb.  Dispatchers who also make more than us with better benefits want out too?  What the heck are we waiting for?  Now I realize why both those work groups make more money than we do.  We are stupid.  
Congrats to the National Association of Airline Professionals in their desire for needed change and the courage to try something different since this representation is not working.
if the Maintenance and related  want change then we can only help ourselves by signing an AMFA card and bringing our class and craft to the National Mediation Board for an election.
what are you waiting for go sign a card and join in the change
Bogey said:

I'm not worried about this guy. The NMB website is only current through July 11th.

Our cards arrived yesterday from what I am told, so I am sure within a week or two it will be updated.

The readers digest version of the how's and whys is this,,, the international pulled all three of these groups out of negotiations and prevented our leadership from properly representing us. I can only speak for the dispatchers when I say that we are a small group in one location and we just kept it quiet. Nobody came to the boards. Seems the same thing happened with the other groups.

I saw a post by Bob Owens where he said he thought it was a mistake of the international to stop us negotiating,,, he was right.
As I heard it the negotiations were held up because of complaints from their USAirways counterparts that Plowman and Fudge were trying to dictate the terms of the joint agreements. That is exactly what will happen if this disaffiliation occurs, and the end result will be a bitterly divided group that will be as dysfunctional as the USAirways/America West pilot groups are under USAPA.
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The international should have never interfered with the process. Grown men whining that Plowman and Fudge are being mean. Waaaa. Whatever happened to local autonomy. The US Airways counterparts were non-responsive on the dispatch side and Plowman tried to move things along. They stalled it and the international cancelled any negotiations. They tied the hands of the dispatchers and we are going to be harmed in the long run. We fully support this movement.

With all that said, we truly want a peaceful merger with the dispatchers at US, but their leadership is taking a path that might make that difficult. It's not just Plowman and Fudge.
Bogey said:
The international should have never interfered with the process. Grown men whining that Plowman and Fudge are being mean. Waaaa. Whatever happened to local autonomy. The US Airways counterparts were non-responsive on the dispatch side and Plowman tried to move things along. They stalled it and the international cancelled any negotiations. They tied the hands of the dispatchers and we are going to be harmed in the long run. We fully support this movement.

With all that said, we truly want a peaceful merger with the dispatchers at US, but their leadership is taking a path that might make that difficult. It's not just Plowman and Fudge.
Local Autonomy? There is a difference between being 'on your own" and being autonomous. Locals are on their own as far as swim or sink, but they are told when and where they can try. Its another misnomer, like Roll call when its really a weighted vote. 
Realityck said:
As I heard it the negotiations were held up because of complaints from their USAirways counterparts that Plowman and Fudge were trying to dictate the terms of the joint agreements. That is exactly what will happen if this disaffiliation occurs, and the end result will be a bitterly divided group that will be as dysfunctional as the USAirways/America West pilot groups are under USAPA.
And things will be so much better by forcing people into different Unions based on location and not class and craft. ?????
Bob Owens said:
Doesn't really make sense because I believe that Local has Dispatch at several different Airlines, not just AA and US. Plowman has always been a pretty professional and level headed guy, I think even if the AA guys vote to leave I doubt he would leave the place a mess for those who remained.  He is much more professional than that, I cant see him screwing over the other dispatchers.
You see Bob. You asked me why I supported the Association and this thread should be your answer. We don't learn from the past. Maybe some of us aren't interested in duking it out with each other just so someone can keep a position or can one up someone else in seniority. All this can serve is to possibly miss a huge window of opportunity? The longer it takes to settle these types of issues, the longer it takes to begin and conclude joint talks. The company just posted a 1.5 Bil profit for the quarter and that is something I'd like to capitalize on.

Each day that the clock ticks is a missed opportunity for gains falling further and further in the rear view mirror.

Realityck said:
As I heard it the negotiations were held up because of complaints from their USAirways counterparts that Plowman and Fudge were trying to dictate the terms of the joint agreements. That is exactly what will happen if this disaffiliation occurs, and the end result will be a bitterly divided group that will be as dysfunctional as the USAirways/America West pilot groups are under USAPA.
This :(
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You really don't know the entire story and you just can't fault Plowman and Fudge for representing their members. I know everyone wants this to be a big group hug, but there are different agendas in play. Those groups got to where they are today because of presidents like Plowman and Fudge. You need more like them.
Bogey said:
You really don't know the entire story and you just can't fault Plowman and Fudge for representing their members. I know everyone wants this to be a big group hug, but there are different agendas in play. Those groups got to where they are today because of presidents like Plowman and Fudge. You need more like them.
Whatever happens I really hope you can all settle your issues and move forward. Fighting with each other doesn't help anyone.

And my apologies because I believe from the people who are commenting that your original posting is correct now.

Good luck to you and your group.
Bogey said:
The international should have never interfered with the process. Grown men whining that Plowman and Fudge are being mean. Waaaa. Whatever happened to local autonomy. The US Airways counterparts were non-responsive on the dispatch side and Plowman tried to move things along. They stalled it and the international cancelled any negotiations. They tied the hands of the dispatchers and we are going to be harmed in the long run. We fully support this movement.
With all that said, we truly want a peaceful merger with the dispatchers at US, but their leadership is taking a path that might make that difficult. It's not just Plowman and Fudge.
By the way what's your idea of peaceful? I'm sure this is some type of seniority issue right?

And calling them babies I'm sure won't help to reach any peaceful solution.

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