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2015 Fleet Service thread

Albert said:
I would think the company got everything they wanted from the AA side in bankruptcy.Your scope cant get any worse. I doubt they would hold up integration for  water and Lav dumps

Uhhhm.... ever heard of "ready reserve"?
Traymark said:
Uhhhm.... ever heard of "ready reserve"?
we had ready reserve here at US I would say the program was a complete failure. They even stopped hire in them when contractually they could have But you are right they probably will try but there is no way they will get something like DL
Albert said:
I would think the company got everything they wanted from the AA side in bankruptcy.Your scope cant get any worse. I doubt they would hold up integration for  water and Lav dumps
The company has gotten what it wanted for quite a long while. There may be some ways to work a few things to their liking, but giving them things is not in the cards as far as I'm concerned. The beat down we have endured through the post 9-11 years has been rough but with profits like they are having now it's time to receive and not give. Of course seeing the company not release the prefunding match and not give us the 4% back in early 2015 shows their lack of goodwill. This will be interesting to see how the negotiations go.
WeAAsles said:
Just stopping in to say hi and catch up here.
 Hey Weaas  where have you been? Were you having trouble with that 20 year old mustang? Did you get a 30 day guarantee for the rebuilt tranny? Why dont you have bob@LAS  fiddle with it  just make sure you have fire insurance on it. Just think starting in jan each month that goes by you can say ther goes another $995 out the window. All kidding aside I hope all is well
Talos said:
The company has gotten what it wanted for quite a long while. There may be some ways to work a few things to their liking, but giving them things is not in the cards as far as I'm concerned. The beat down we have endured through the post 9-11 years has been rough but with profits like they are having now it's time to receive and not give. Of course seeing the company not release the prefunding match and not give us the 4% back in early 2015 shows their lack of goodwill. This will be interesting to see how the negotiations go.
I dont know anything about the prefunding but the 4% I  always thought was a bargaining chip (dangling a carrot)) to get us to the table but of course our unions had something to say (or not say) about that. I agree with you we should not have to give up anything especially in this environment. I wonder if we were getting the traditional 2% to 3% raises
if giving anything back would  even be considered. I know  her at LUS we will have to take the AA medical and I doubt we will keep the one flight a day scope
Albert said:
I dont know anything about the prefunding but the 4% I  always thought was a bargaining chip (dangling a carrot)) to get us to the table but of course our unions had something to say (or not say) about that. I agree with you we should not have to give up anything especially in this environment. I wonder if we were getting the traditional 2% to 3% raises
if giving anything back would  even be considered. I know  her at LUS we will have to take the AA medical and I doubt we will keep the one flight a day scope
I'm not sure of what the members at LUS have regarding health and most other things. I knew about one flight a day scope. I heard the medical was better for LUS. The one flight a day scope sounds unrealistic to keep, but I would surely hope a nice improvement on what AA has now. We have 5 holdays at time and a half, and 5 sick days. That's awful. They will have to negotiate the best all around deal and it's a good thing to have both groups input for this. As much as I didn't like the association at least both groups hopefully go about this to get a  real joint effort to a good deal. I must say I'm hopeful but not very confident either.
Sure hope WeAA comes back   
As for legacy US our sick is half pay first day  full pay day 2 and forward    Max amt is 175 hrs     4 weeks vac except for those who have 25 or more then its 5 weeks vacation  not sure what LAA had   LUS we get 7 holidays all straight  regardless if you work   I hope it changes in the JCBA  
robbedagain said:
Sure hope WeAA comes back   
As for legacy US our sick is half pay first day  full pay day 2 and forward    Max amt is 175 hrs     4 weeks vac except for those who have 25 or more then its 5 weeks vacation  not sure what LAA had   LUS we get 7 holidays all straight  regardless if you work   I hope it changes in the JCBA  
Robbed you forgot to mention t=you get full pay if you have 100 or more days in the bank or if you go directly into a hospital . We should be in the ballpark with CSA as to what we will be getting
i think that number is lowered Al  the first day is 4 hrs  then its 100% full sick   but I think the hrs is something in the 70 or 80 to be honest    I think we should have full sick no matter what  
It was 800 hours, lowered to 600 in the last CBA in order to get full pay starting on your first day out.
robbedagain said:
Sure hope WeAA comes back   
As for legacy US our sick is half pay first day  full pay day 2 and forward    Max amt is 175 hrs     4 weeks vac except for those who have 25 or more then its 5 weeks vacation  not sure what LAA had   LUS we get 7 holidays all straight  regardless if you work   I hope it changes in the JCBA  
Not gone Robbed. Just have a lot going on here locally in MIA. Election time and I'm running for Executive Board.

Working the campaign trail.
good luck bro  
thx wings   hope theyll lower it or do away with it in the new jcba
Talos said:
The company has gotten what it wanted for quite a long while. There may be some ways to work a few things to their liking, but giving them things is not in the cards as far as I'm concerned. The beat down we have endured through the post 9-11 years has been rough but with profits like they are having now it's time to receive and not give. Of course seeing the company not release the prefunding match and not give us the 4% back in early 2015 shows their lack of goodwill. This will be interesting to see how the negotiations go.
,It should be an awakening for lots of folks. Time will tell. I look for December 03 to be nothing more than a meet and greet session and let's line up future dates for proposals and the start of real negotiations. Here we go again. The question is; will we, as a membership, be played again? It will indeed, be interesting, to see how things play out. I do agree... there should be NO CONCESSIONS! Time to pay the Piper!
ograc said:
,It should be an awakening for lots of folks. Time will tell. I look for December 03 to be nothing more than a meet and greet session and let's line up future dates for proposals and the start of real negotiations. Here we go again. The question is; will we, as a membership, be played again? It will indeed, be interesting, to see how things play out. I do agree... there should be NO CONCESSIONS! Time to pay the Piper!
Of course there will be concessions ! They will be called "Work rules adjustments"