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2015 Fleet Service thread

ograc said:
" Lock and Load! Stay calm and empty the magazine! " 
With all due respect ograc, I'm not a big fan of this phrase...sorry.
Nor do I carry the view that the company is the "enemy".
So has WeAAsles been promoted to the NC team, seems to have gone silent.  B)

Or, a little birdie told him what's coming down the pike, and it ain't all roses.
With all due respect ograc, I'm not a big fan of this phrase...sorry.
Nor do I carry the view that the company is the "enemy".
Not the enemy. Just the party who will sit across from the table with their own agenda. Many are not going to like their agenda. They will want things that are costing them $$$. If they offer hourly wage increases they will find other ways to make that cost neutral. Higher insurance contributions for members, more part time, less stringent scope language that will allow more outsourcing of existing work. Nothing personal folks it's just a business agenda with the goal of maximizing profit and return to the shareholders by obtaining a cost neutral contact for us.
How about this phrase... Stand down and bend over.
Not disputing most of what you say ograc, it will be a battle, but I think my point was a little lost...that's ok,
let's just get the show on the road and get the best contract possible.
With all due respect ograc, I'm not a big fan of this phrase...sorry.
Nor do I carry the view that the company is the "enemy".
You are right they are not  the enemy they are a business trying to make a profit and doing exactly what they are supposed to. Ograc has watched "Norma Rae" once to often and doesnt realize the union is a business also and will do what ever it takes to make a profit , even if it is selling out their members.Unionism is a thing  the past. Ask most unionized workers and they will tell you they are just as unhappy with the union as they are the company they work for. How often do you hear "my union isnt worth the $h*t"
ograc said:
If your question is will this disparity in what a part timer has to contribute to health insurance vs. a full timer with a new JCBA; that remains to be seen. IMO... the company will resist any improvements to the part time contribution rate. They're saving way too much money on this issue. IMO... don't be surprised if the company wants a higher contribution rate for both. Additionally, I believe the company's agenda will be to increase the number of part time employees in the future. The company's position will be if you want equal contribution rates for health insurance; the union must concede on other compensation issues. For example; no or little hourly wage increase, less vacation, holidays or sick time, more outsourcing of existing work in outline stations and or existing catering jobs. If these future negotiations mirror the past; The company already has a $$$ figure established that they are willing to throw our way in a JCBA. As far as they're concerned the union and the membership can choose how they want to divide the $$$. Anyone who believes the company will come into negotiations, with the posture of replenishing all they have taken through the years and multiple bankruptcies, is being naïve. Holding part timers to a higher contribution rate is big $$$ savings for the company. Their question will be what is the union willing to give up in return? Their primary concern is profitability and return to the shareholders. Recognition of past sacrifices of the membership and employees is not on their radar. It's going to be up to us (the IAM, NCs and membership) to put it on their radar. This will not come easy. Lock and Load! Stay calm and empty the magazine!  
The company's position will be if you want equal contribution rates for health insurance; the union must concede on other compensation issues
Ograc these are your words  that is a subsidy isnt it?
Albert said:
You are right they are not  the enemy they are a business trying to make a profit and doing exactly what they are supposed to. Ograc has watched "Norma Rae" once to often and doesnt realize the union is a business also and will do what ever it takes to make a profit , even if it is selling out their members.Unionism is a thing  the past. Ask most unionized workers and they will tell you they are just as unhappy with the union as they are the company they work for. How often do you hear "my union isnt worth the $h*t"
people don't like hearing it but there's lot of truth in what you're saying
With all due respect ograc, I'm not a big fan of this phrase...sorry.
Nor do I carry the view that the company is the "enemy".
Yep, had to hear that line "lock and load" for quite a few years only to still be the lowest paid AGAIN under the latest IAM contract. Its all just propoganda to keep hope for the membership and keep delivering broken promises over and over. Don't worry though "we'll get them next time." Ha
Albert said:
You are right they are not  the enemy they are a business trying to make a profit and doing exactly what they are supposed to. Ograc has watched "Norma Rae" once to often and doesnt realize the union is a business also and will do what ever it takes to make a profit , even if it is selling out their members.Unionism is a thing  the past. Ask most unionized workers and they will tell you they are just as unhappy with the union as they are the company they work for. How often do you hear "my union isnt worth the $h*t"
Albert. I plead guilty to holding out hope that we, as a collective bargaining group, can someday stand united for the betterment of the entire membership. I have been an engaged and involved member for the majority of my 36+ years with LUS. Teamsters, Steelworkers campaign and ultimately the IAM. I have tried to advocate for solidarity and the subsequent benefits for all regardless of the union representing or the opinions of dissenting members. I guess I will never be able to let go of the belief of how much leverage we would have if we stood on a united, selfless and solidified front. Likewise, I have been involved long enough to realize both parties at the table are businesses with hidden agendas. Seen it first hand. I, like many, find it counter productive and detrimental to obtaining solidarity. If unionism is a thing of the past than I am glad I am getting out of this industry within a few years. For without it; below wing (Fleet Service) can only expect vendor wages and benefits before long. It is the trend in this industry. By the way... Never watched "Norma Rae". I will, however, try to harness my passion and attempts to solidify a group that does not see, or appreciate the benefits of solidarity. Good luck to all!
Hugs and Kisses   
ograc said:
Albert. I plead guilty to holding out hope that we, as a collective bargaining group, can someday stand united for the betterment of the entire membership. I have been an engaged and involved member for the majority of my 36+ years with LUS. Teamsters, Steelworkers campaign and ultimately the IAM. I have tried to advocate for solidarity and the subsequent benefits for all regardless of the union representing or the opinions of dissenting members. I guess I will never be able to let go of the belief of how much leverage we would have if we stood on a united, selfless and solidified front. Likewise, I have been involved long enough to realize both parties at the table are businesses with hidden agendas. Seen it first hand. I, like many, find it counter productive and detrimental to obtaining solidarity. If unionism is a thing of the past than I am glad I am getting out of this industry within a few years. For without it; below wing (Fleet Service) can only expect vendor wages and benefits before long. It is the trend in this industry. By the way... Never watched "Norma Rae". I will, however, try to harness my passion and attempts to solidify a group that does not see, or appreciate the benefits of solidarity. Good luck to all!
Hugs and Kisses   
 Vendors wages and benefits  were the trend(and threat) since I was hired in 1978. I dont know you but I can see you are well respected here I just wonder if you would apply and embrace your unionism ideology if you owned a business
Albert said:
 Vendors wages and benefits  were the trend(and threat) since I was hired in 1978. I dont know you but I can see you are well respected here I just wonder if you would apply and embrace your unionism ideology if you owned a business
I chose a long time ago which side of the equation I wanted to be on. I chose not to own or be part of a business team that believed in profit and return to the shareholder at the expense of the employees. Trying to be both is not sustainable. It boils down to what you feel is right I guess. "...won't you please come to Chicago or else join the other side."
Hugs and Kisses!
Nothing much going on other than a rumor of the Ass and company sitting down on the 3rd.
Like you W, I have heard some stuff that was possibly agreed to as far as combining contracts
and also some stuff that "may" be coming down the pike for what AA is going to want for the Delta +3
We will know/see soon.
Nothing much going on other than a rumor of the Ass and company sitting down on the 3rd.
Like you W, I have heard some stuff that was possibly agreed to as far as combining contracts
and also some stuff that "may" be coming down the pike for what AA is going to want for the Delta +3
We will know/see soon.
I would think the company got everything they wanted from the AA side in bankruptcy.Your scope cant get any worse. I doubt they would hold up integration for  water and Lav dumps