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2015 Fleet Service thread

700, the question remains, given the court cases and how similar size airlines as JetBlue have simply contracted out the entire ramps instead of dealing with the union, what is the answer to the question for a JetBlue ramper who says "Why not JetBlue as well if we vote in IAM?"   I can't answer that question without admitting that the common path, and most likely path, is that JetBlue management would rather just contract out the entire or almost entire JetBlue ramp, if they organize.  Are you advocating a RIP situation?
IMO, the jetblue organizing, if valid, would only be valid when arguing to educate workers about the benefits of having a union during a merger.  If JetBlue buys Hawaiian, it will take on added significance for the IAM. In which case, the JetBlue organizing could benefit and support the Hawaiian airline IAM members presuming a merger. Rumor is that either JetBlue or Southwest would consider Hawaiian.
Tim Nelson said:
With CWA, they can't be downgraded without providing a full time job opportunity somewhere, provided they were full time at DOS. There certainly are things that I'm uncomfortable with in the CWA contract but I think grandfathering all stations, even those with less than 5 flights is much better than vending out the stations like at United.  And although giving management the ability to work 1 hour a day doing your work, clearly blows, it is much better than contracting out the whole stations, right?   Nonetheless, the no furlough of full time jobs, if you are willing to transfer, provided you were on the books at DOS is also much better than full time protections only for those who were hired prior to April, 1999, right?
The biggest problems with internal outsourcing in both contracts is the lack of a part time cap.  While, the CWA DOS protections helps limit the amount of members who can be downgraded immediately for any ole flimsy reason,  the United contract has no resistence to the immediate downgrades of any full timer without April, 1999 seniority.  So, the internal outsourcing may start to evolve into UPS style part timers.
At any rate, I'm not lying, nor is anyone else, if they make statements without unpacking the entire 160 page contract for you.  People make factual statements, and others can build upon them if they like.  But it's not lying to make factual statements about a contract without doing a seminar regarding the entire contract.
WT used to be very verbose and long winded too. Remember.
Tim Nelson said:
700, the question remains, given the court cases and how similar size airlines as JetBlue have simply contracted out the entire ramps instead of dealing with the union, what is the answer to the question for a JetBlue ramper who says "Why not JetBlue as well if we vote in IAM?"   I can't answer that question without admitting that the common path, and most likely path, is that JetBlue management would rather just contract out the entire or almost entire JetBlue ramp, if they organize.  Are you advocating a RIP situation?
There is none. But life is full of risks and if you're passionate enough for the cause and to take that risk, you can either be rewarded or punished for that choice you decide.

Without taking risks why bother even living Timmie.

Ever try White Water Rafting?
WeAAsles said:
There is none. But life is full of risks and if you're passionate enough for the cause and to take that risk, you can either be rewarded or punished for that choice you decide.

Without taking risks why bother even living Timmie.

Ever try White Water Rafting?
I can promise you 100% that if that is the answer then the IAM will never organize JetBlue.  And that may be the problem.  It's tough to get around that answer you gave, i.e., "Who knows, you will either be rewarded or punished!".  While that presumed 50% scenario is much nicer than the grave situation that I see, it still isn't going to comfort anyone making topped out wages. 50% would be a sucker's bet.
The reality of what they may see is a pitcher striking out the side.  Frontier organizes....every station contracted out.   Spirit organizes....every station contracted out other than FLL.   JetBlue organizes.......???
A risk too high.  TIme for the IAM to move on.  That's the story guys, it isn't happening. I told the IAM 8 years ago to focus on Delta but they just don't listen.
Hey Kevin,
Is this someone you would support?

WeAAsles said:
There is none. But life is full of risks and if you're passionate enough for the cause and to take that risk, you can either be rewarded or punished for that choice you decide.
The IAM should do a better job of promoting the value proposition representation can bring...
700UW said:
Hey Kevin,
Is this someone you would support?
I support the idea that a voice of dissent is a necessity in any group. I personally wouldn't go to NoWay, but that's 'cause it's a viper den of the willfully ignorant.
Kev3188 said:
I support the idea that a voice of dissent is a necessity in any group. I personally wouldn't go to NoWay, but that's 'cause it's a viper den of the willfully ignorant.
Perfect place for Tim to peddle his wears then I guess?
Kev3188 said:
I support the idea that a voice of dissent is a necessity in any group. I personally wouldn't go to NoWay, but that's 'cause it's a viper den of the willfully ignorant.
As opposed to the group of willfully ignorant howling monkey's you belong too?
That's rich.... 
Kev3188 said:
I support the idea that a voice of dissent is a necessity in any group. I personally wouldn't go to NoWay, but that's 'cause it's a viper den of the willfully ignorant.

700UW said:
Isn't it funny how Tim comes on here talking about what the IAM need to do for organizing and go for the Delta ramp and in turn getting us all relegated to a chatter thread now, but he plainly wrote "It's the union from hell, RUN FROM IT"

And anyone really has to wonder why I don't like this guy and say that he's nothing more than a cancer and anyone who follows him are fools.
I like it. I hope more rampers join the discussion. AFAIK, outside of FB, there's nowhere else to go.

And really, in the last few days just about every carrier's ramp operations have been covered here, so why not?

P.S. I can't think of an 1980's equivalent for Farrah Fawcett. Lots come to mind, but none with as much unanimity as she had...

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