Tim Nelson
Why would anyone have to search? Just ask me!No its a Tim thing.
He was removed from office as a Grievance Committeeman at ORD for dual unionism, and was fired as Director of Organizing for slacking on the UA/CO campaign and demanding AGC pay.
He has tried to start his own union several times, only to fail each time, and he tried to raid the TWU at AA before also.
Read all about it:
Search the boards, you will learn all about him.
I am very very proud of trying to get rid of the IAM. And very very proud of becoming the first member in bad standing that the IAM hired. Very proud of the 3 organizing drives I directed and planned that were all successful. Very proud that I stood up and got fired. Very proud that I was strong enough to wipe out two very poor district presidents. Very proud to lead a rejection of 6 very bad IAM contracts. Very proud to fight for members rights and win court cases against the IAM for such violations.
Let's be very clear, I am not a Pollyanna for the IAM, and I'm plenty proud of that. And although I support the Association, at this time, if it comes back with a stupid agreement that unfortunately gets passed because of the money, then I think it's reasonable for the TWU to re-assess the situation.
Of course, since they whacked me, the IAM has completely embarrassed itself with the forged cards at Delta, your boy klima either knew exactly what was going on with the forgeries or he was totally inept and didn't employ 'card check'. Delta management shows the Ready Reserve peeps at Delta YOUR awful contracts at United and reminds Ready Researve that the IAM was the one who pioneered the language at US AIR back in 1999, and agreed to more brutal ready reserve at HAL. Without my knowledge, the IAM is powerless on the organizing trail. Powerless. They can't even get a vote at JetBlue. Just a bunch of stupid sh*&ts who are embarrassing this organization because they don't know how to talk to people and most importantly connect. So, your boys blew up the entire organizing department and techniques I brought in and employed.
The IAM contract's at United and Hawaiian signed over the last couple years are models used by management to exterminate the working class. Because of the IAM, Delta can now enjoy a union free workplace for a very long time due to the very bad taste that the IAM left over there by not supporting the very people at Delta who were helping it. You left all the in house organizers to get eaten alive.