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2015 AMT Discussion

700UW said:
First of all I dont love Parker, and its quite apparent you have NO IDEA of how negotiations work.
You are taking two totally and separate contracts into one, and negotiations are being led for the company then By Jerry Glass, union buster.
If you could comprehend what you read, I have said numerous times, why did Parker hire a union buster to lead negotiations, yet once again, you and other blame the Association.
Why didnt the company have a proposal for the union?
Why to this day hasnt the company passed a whole CBA to the Association?
How many CBAs, or JCBAs have you negotiated?
then why doesn't the association come out and say something like the pilots about the "toxic" atmosphere at the new america west airways? why dont they come out with work to the book? support the companies policy of I.A.W.? ill tell you why they dont want to rock the boat and blow a good gig for them! they are not interested in doing anything that might jeopardize the dues gray train. go away 700 let your kids mom worry about it.
dfw gen said:
then why doesn't the association come out and say something like the pilots about the "toxic" atmosphere at the new america west airways? why dont they come out with work to the book? support the companies policy of I.A.W.? ill tell you why they dont want to rock the boat and blow a good gig for them! they are not interested in doing anything that might jeopardize the dues gray train. go away 700 let your kids mom worry about it.
thats the rebuttal? ok i understand at the twu and the iam you are programmed to ignore really hard topics. but your not at the new america west airways and not an iam member, do you think you can answer why the association will not come out and back the pilots about the toxic relationship with its employees and back the company's I.A.W policy. or possibly work safe initiative?
i mean that NEXT WEEK it will be 16 months since EVERYONE but association members received the 4% raise, that would be 1 year and 4 months.
and 11 months since the fix was in on the association was imposed with no vote. 
whats the plan? keep setting weekly schedules for negotiations? i figure in a typical week of negotiations Monday are travel and set up days and Fridays are travel home days. so that means that the next 9 weeks with the first week of the month off that would be a total of 27 days negotiating over the  next three months?
really how long will this go on? the continued hosing of the membership? when are they going to step up?
No I haven't negotiated a contract . But that dose not matter. You see 700 your not the official spokesperson for the association. I'm asking like Dfw gen why don't they support the pilots. Why don't they write a letter to Parker. Like the pilots did since they do not want to let us know what's going on. If the company has glass then the union needs to hire lawyers and consultants also. To get things done.if the union wrote what was actually going on. I would comprehend it very well thank you. Pardon me if I do not believe you. Are trust what you have to say. See 700 you say your not working for the iam. Your not at aa and your not a amt. so why are you in our business all you do is say how good the iam is. I haven't seen that .When people do not agree with you you get all rude . I do not care that you have been on the nc I am not impressed at all.you see 700 the association told us the reason for the delay was to get every thing ironed out so they were ready for the jcba. So that should of not been a issue . I'm sick of hearing it takes time. In 2003 they gave up concessions in record braking time. So I know it can be done . They just don't want to either party.
conehead777 said:
No I haven't negotiated a contract . But that dose not matter. You see 700 your not the official spokesperson for the association. I'm asking like Dfw gen why don't they support the pilots. Why don't they write a letter to Parker. Like the pilots did since they do not want to let us know what's going on. If the company has glass then the union needs to hire lawyers and consultants also. To get things done.if the union wrote what was actually going on. I would comprehend it very well thank you. Pardon me if I do not believe you. Are trust what you have to say. See 700 you say your not working for the iam. Your not at aa and your not a amt. so why are you in our business all you do is say how good the iam is. I haven't seen that .When people do not agree with you you get all rude . I do not care that you have been on the nc I am not impressed at all.you see 700 the association told us the reason for the delay was to get every thing ironed out so they were ready for the jcba. So that should of not been a issue . I'm sick of hearing it takes time. In 2003 they gave up concessions in record braking time. So I know it can be done . They just don't want to either party.
its a tough topic conehead, he will hide for a few days, cry and then show up like nothing happened. and typically avoid the subject.
I liken him to the Whack-a-Mole game!
And it's sad that we as a group allow the company and association to play us for fools.
D7571987 said:
Are you guys ready to start picketing?
Can't say it wouldn't be refreshing to see the Association make a very public statement about AA's negotiation stall tactics with the Association.  It would really be nice to see AA's AMTs start showing the company our appreciation for all they have done for us since the merge.   Let the appreciation continue till a decent agreement is reached.
Out of curiosity, did Bob Owens not run again, or was he defeated. Also, he has been pretty quiet, did he retire?
Someone have an issue with these honest questions...speak up! Not a dig at Bob, just curious. Or, someone just loves being negative to everything. I guess maturity never was a goal of yours... 🙄
Disclaimer: This comment was made when my original question(s) was tagged negatively.