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2015 AMT Discussion

Mechanic & Related Joint Negotiations Update
April 1, 2016
The Mechanic & Related/Stores Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of March 28st in DFW.
On Monday, March 28th, senior leadership of the company, under the stealth of darkness held a town hall meeting in a hangar at DFW. Your Negotiating Committee, as well as Local Union Leadership, was not informed of this meeting and would have welcomed the opportunity to have attended, to express our concerns regarding negotiations. During the meeting senior leadership attempted to take negotiations to the membership on the floor. The company kept focusing on one subject (compensation), which your committee agrees is a critical piece of the process. However your committee is not willing to accept inferior contractual language, to subsidize any pay raises. Your committee has expressed our displeasure to this tactic across the table on Tuesday morning.
We share your frustration; however, your committee will remain focused on the negotiating process to ensure we meet the needs of our members.
Your Negotiating Committee, during this session, worked on the following articles:
• Leaves of Absences- We have exchanged multiple proposals with the company on this article.
• Hours of service/Rotation of shifts- we continued to work on combining these two articles that we initially received from the company last week and are preparing to pass.
• Shift Swaps- we began to draft our proposal to pass to the company.
The parties have agreed to the negotiations schedule below for the next 3 months:
The week of April 11- DFW The week of May 9- DCA The week of June 13 DFW
The week of April 18- DFW The week of May 16- DFW The week of June 20 DCA
The week of April 25- DCA The week of May 23- DFW The Week of June 27 DFW
In solidarity,
Mechanic & Related Joint Negotiations Update
April 1, 2016
The Mechanic & Related/Stores Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of March 28st in DFW.
On Monday, March 28th, senior leadership of the company, under the stealth of darkness held a town hall meeting in a hangar at DFW. Your Negotiating Committee, as well as Local Union Leadership, was not informed of this meeting and would have welcomed the opportunity to have attended, to express our concerns regarding negotiations. During the meeting senior leadership attempted to take negotiations to the membership on the floor. The company kept focusing on one subject (compensation), which your committee agrees is a critical piece of the process. However your committee is not willing to accept inferior contractual language, to subsidize any pay raises. Your committee has expressed our displeasure to this tactic across the table on Tuesday morning.
We share your frustration; however, your committee will remain focused on the negotiating process to ensure we meet the needs of our members.
Your Negotiating Committee, during this session, worked on the following articles:
• Leaves of Absences- We have exchanged multiple proposals with the company on this article.
• Hours of service/Rotation of shifts- we continued to work on combining these two articles that we initially received from the company last week and are preparing to pass.
• Shift Swaps- we began to draft our proposal to pass to the company.
The parties have agreed to the negotiations schedule below for the next 3 months:
The week of April 11- DFW The week of May 9- DCA The week of June 13 DFW
The week of April 18- DFW The week of May 16- DFW The week of June 20 DCA
The week of April 25- DCA The week of May 23- DFW The Week of June 27 DFW
In solidarity,

When are you going to realize the company could care less about your displeasure! Wake up! Also with the current pace of meetings I'm thinking it will be sometime late 2017.
stall warning said:
ame="700UW" post="1227039" timestamp="1459536608"][/quote
When are you going to realize the company could care less about your displeasure! Wake up! Also with the current pace of meetings I'm thinking it will be sometime late 2017.
That soon?
The best thing that could happen is that the IAM absorbs the TWU.
Docker said:
The best thing that could happen is that the IAM absorbs the TWU.

'Am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but what do you base your opinion on? Why would
going with the IAM exclusively be the best direction? The IAMPF is a deal killer for most all
TWU members, get rid of it and I would consider the IAM over the ASS or the TWU. But the
best solution is to put all the cards on the table and have an open vote.
chilokie1 said:
'Am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but what do you base your opinion on? Why would
going with the IAM exclusively be the best direction? The IAMPF is a deal killer for most all
TWU members, get rid of it and I would consider the IAM over the ASS or the TWU. But the
best solution is to put all the cards on the table and have an open vote.
Can't have a vote chilokie, the IAM couldn't force their pension or their crazy seniority rules on us............  Speaking of seniority rules..... I came across a document today that was signed by the TWU and IAM internationals where they agreed that the seniority would be based on time in basic work group.  Meaning how we do it at AA.  So obviously the IAM has decided they will not honor that so if they can ignore a signed agreement does that mean we can ignore them and the association?  Let's have a vote on that too.  I think we know how all that would turn out and that is why we are stuck in an association with a union that doesn't even want to abide by an agreement they made.  I for one would not trust them as far as I could throw them.  Also do you want them negotiating you a pay rate equal to a carrier that is in BK while your carrier is making a profit?  Let's not go there.  
   Sorry but I can't figure out how to copy/paste the document.  But the title is:  Agreement regarding seniority integration.  It is signed by Jim Little (TWU President), Sito Pantoja (IAM General VP), Paul D. Jones (US Air VP Legal affairs) and Laura Einspanier (VP Employee Relations)  
Have to laugh, past couple days different management have been wandering around the station mentioning how much money we are losing in our weekly paycheck with not having a joint contract, and how the company really wants to give us Delta +3% money, but the Union is dragging their feet....guessing they are being told by higher up's to pass the word!!  As we were told during previous BK's, everything has a $$ value.....none could explain how if you get current Delta rates +3% and then downgrade medical, lose holidays, you still are Delta +3%?  Robbing Peter to pay Paul.....Needless to say they could not answer....the other joke is the "no furlough"....sure you will have a job, but it may mean relocation from West Coast to East......??  Just saying that this is no fast track negotiation process....we may be dumb, but we are not stupid...at least i'm hoping...
AP Tech said:
Have to laugh, past couple days different management have been wandering around the station mentioning how much money we are losing in our weekly paycheck with not having a joint contract, and how the company really wants to give us Delta +3% money, but the Union is dragging their feet....guessing they are being told by higher up's to pass the word!!  As we were told during previous BK's, everything has a $$ value.....none could explain how if you get current Delta rates +3% and then downgrade medical, lose holidays, you still are Delta +3%?  Robbing Peter to pay Paul.....Needless to say they could not answer....the other joke is the "no furlough"....sure you will have a job, but it may mean relocation from West Coast to East......??  Just saying that this is no fast track negotiation process....we may be dumb, but we are not stupid...at least i'm hoping...
I don't think you're dumb or stupid but if you think you are going to lose additional holidays you are misinformed
Sorry, I misspoke...just used the holidays as an example as who knows other than the company + negotiating com on what $$$ value they put on everything ....lets stick with the medical costs...if the coverage is downgraded, it ends up costing us more which will take away from the D+3%...
AP Tech said:
Sorry, I misspoke...just used the holidays as an example as who knows other than the company + negotiating com on what $$$ value they put on everything ....lets stick with the medical costs...if the coverage is downgraded, it ends up costing us more which will take away from the D+3%...
You are right, medical costs are always going to go up (just read the papers) what we have to insist on is that the percentage that we pay remains the same. The costs will go up for us as well as the company. Ask around unless you work for a city or something like thah you are probably paying some percentage even nurses
Worldport said:
You are right, medical costs are always going to go up (just read the papers) what we have to insist on is that the percentage that we pay remains the same. The costs will go up for us as well as the company. Ask around unless you work for a city or something like thah you are probably paying some percentage even nurses
In this post worldport takes the position of the company, like a true company union man, he is so weak in his views that he doesn't even take the line of there should be a cap on increases with the company absorbing the lions share of those increases.
DallasConehead said:
In this post worldport takes the position of the company, like a true company union man, he is so weak in his views that he doesn't even take the line of there should be a cap on increases with the company absorbing the lions share of those increases.
Because it's not going to happen and you know it why give yourself an ulcer.I wish I was in DFW I  would like you to put your money where your mouth is.
AP Tech said:
Have to laugh, past couple days different management have been wandering around the station mentioning how much money we are losing in our weekly paycheck with not having a joint contract, and how the company really wants to give us Delta +3% money, but the Union is dragging their feet....guessing they are being told by higher up's to pass the word!!  As we were told during previous BK's, everything has a $$ value.....none could explain how if you get current Delta rates +3% and then downgrade medical, lose holidays, you still are Delta +3%?  Robbing Peter to pay Paul.....Needless to say they could not answer....the other joke is the "no furlough"....sure you will have a job, but it may mean relocation from West Coast to East......??  Just saying that this is no fast track negotiation process....we may be dumb, but we are not stupid...at least i'm hoping...
You are exactly right on.  The company is all over the place playing their shell game.  Look at the agents contract, they get 10 holidays at double time.  From what Bogey is saying, the dispatchers are getting 8 holidays at double time and one half.    No doubt AMTs will be asked to give up something because we do more in house maintenance than the others.  As if it has ever prevented them from the possible headcount reduction in the past..  I would like to think our negotiators are not gonna buy into that again.  From what I have seen in the "town hall videos" with Parker and Isom, they both said it was "pay and benefits" as far as matching Delta or United - whatever the case may be.  That should limit the shell game.  Management at DFW is saying they need to get the contract done cause the company wants to add 30 more trips a day to DFW using US Air tin.  The contract needs to get done so AA's AMTs are legal to work on the US Air aircraft.  Local management is blaming the union for dragging their feet. 