As I expected. I do not blame you for disagreeing. Anyone on the LUS side will not agree with it as you guys are use to the way it has been for decades upon decades. The major point here is it is done 2 completely different ways at LAA and LUS. The integration of both union members from both sides by this asso that was forced upon you guys, it will have to go one way or the other. Or, maybe just maybe there could be possible movement and/or changes upon both sides, BUT, I highly doubt it. The LAA numbers outweigh the LUS numbers by at least 25-35%, I think. If this is so, do you think any of the AA'ers are willing to go with the IAM's way at LUS? And think about this, this is only one of the many, many different ways these two unions were doing items within the two different contracts. Lead testing is another. Inspector testing might be another. And I am sure there some more that others have posted. To be very honest with you I do see why it works the two different ways at both carriers and understand why. The only thing I have been trying to point out is that it can only happen one way or the other it cannot be both, and, the question is, which way will this asso. try to go? My opinion is they will first try to go the IAM way since they are the first group in charge. I don't see a contract passing if it is brought out to the members for a vote if this is the case due to the sheer numbers at LAA out numbering the numbers at LUS. There would have to be some sort of grandfathered clause, or some kind of hybrid sysstem that makes changes for both sides. What that might consist of I have no idea, and don't know if something like that would still be successful. The final outcome could and very well may be that it is one way or the other. With all that said it will be a rather huge deal for the side that it changes for. And guess what? For the folks that never read the full contract offer and only see the dollar signs and added vac and perks will simply overlook this major seniority issue until they see their own name listed below others on the seniority list, freak out, scream to the high heavens over it, and come to find out, if they would have read all contract changes word for word that they would have never voted for it in the first place. Again Real tired, not trying to argue which way is best as both sides have had it the same way for decades, but I really do think it will change for one side or the other, which way it is addressed we await to see. Good luck to you, and your fellow mechanics. You may want to start looking at other items within each contract to see just what other big changes might be coming down the pipe with this new asso will be bringing to the members that no one had a say so about. Plain and simple the TWU and IAM forced this asso on you guys because they simply knew just exactly how the vote would have went if the members were to decide.