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2015 AMT Discussion

bigjets said:
It's almost like they're trying to destroy the mechanics morale. Let's give all the other employees raises or give them raises ahead of schedule and then let's do the slow roll and delay contract negotiations with the mechanics.
Yep, the company and association hates us. Neither has any respect for us whatsoever. Non certificated flight attendents making over $60/hour! AMTs will be lucky to see a contract this year! Another kick in the face. When is enough enough fellas?
dvlhog212 said:
Yep, the company and association hates us. Neither has any respect for us whatsoever. Non certificated flight attendents making over $60/hour! AMTs will be lucky to see a contract this year! Another kick in the face. When is enough enough fellas?
Yup and they got BALLS. They were smart enough to dump the TWU back in 1977. We unfortunately have the Association to deal with. The loser IAM and the threat of being forced into the IAMNPF looms ahead. I just don't get it. Mind boggling. The pilots conceded and went with one union. AA's union and the flight attendant's did the same. Both have contracts and are looking forward for the next one. We are still trying to figure out what the Association is all about and trying to do.
All the TA'd articles listed on these negotiation updates should have been pretty much slam dunk items - done in the first week.  We should be well into talking pay and benefits by now.  The guys are right, this FA raise, was a definite kick in the balls for our loser association.  Notice how the association comes out with all the hoopla over the piss poor profit sharing coming back.  Why, cause they have nothing positive to talk about.  Week after week - of let down after let down. 
Vortilon said:
All the TA'd articles listed on these negotiation updates should have been pretty much slam dunk items - done in the first week.  We should be well into talking pay and benefits by now.  The guys are right, this FA raise, was a definite kick in the balls for our loser association.  Notice how the association comes out with all the hoopla over the piss poor profit sharing coming back.  Why, cause they have nothing positive to talk about.  Week after week - of let down after let down. 
So what are you saying, the ASSociation is not doing anything?  :angry2:
I wouldn't say they aren't doing anything.
They are accumulating a lot of hotel points, and also reward points on all the meals and again hotel bills on their credit cards that they get reimbursed for on all of it, by us.
For that, we should be greatful.
Vortilon said:
All the TA'd articles listed on these negotiation updates should have been pretty much slam dunk items - done in the first week.  We should be well into talking pay and benefits by now.  The guys are right, this FA raise, was a definite kick in the balls for our loser association.  Notice how the association comes out with all the hoopla over the piss poor profit sharing coming back.  Why, cause they have nothing positive to talk about.  Week after week - of let down after let down. 
I recently read where the Pilots union is suppose to meet and vote rather to accept (approve) this new PS.  Is the mechanics union doing the same?  F/A's?  Also curious to why they didn't bring the PS back to what it once was, instead they are bringing it back at the bottom of the % scale.  AA= 5% of eligible earnings.  UAL/Delta= 10% of eligible earnings, SWA is 15% of earnings.  Could this possibly get into a nego's status going back and forth to get a higher %?  As an example has anyone ran the numbers for the year 2015?  In other words IF you guys were still in the PS program from before what kind of PS check was being added to your accounts?  And what would the present PS check be for the same year?  AA says they are asking for nothing in return, however, they admittedly knew and see now that they should have never taken it away.  Since they are always putting dollars on everything, your asso. should be doing it as well.  The difference between the old PS plan and the new one should be made up to you guys in the hourly rate, hence the asso. should be demanding the original +7% with the lowered PS plan, and nothing less...
swamt said:
I recently read where the Pilots union is suppose to meet and vote rather to accept (approve) this new PS.  Is the mechanics union doing the same?  F/A's?  Also curious to why they didn't bring the PS back to what it once was, instead they are bringing it back at the bottom of the % scale.  AA= 5% of eligible earnings.  UAL/Delta= 10% of eligible earnings, SWA is 15% of earnings.  Could this possibly get into a nego's status going back and forth to get a higher %?  As an example has anyone ran the numbers for the year 2015?  In other words IF you guys were still in the PS program from before what kind of PS check was being added to your accounts?  And what would the present PS check be for the same year?  AA says they are asking for nothing in return, however, they admittedly knew and see now that they should have never taken it away.  Since they are always putting dollars on everything, your asso. should be doing it as well.  The difference between the old PS plan and the new one should be made up to you guys in the hourly rate, hence the asso. should be demanding the original +7% with the lowered PS plan, and nothing less...
Vote? We don't need no stinking vote! Our union..... errr, unions.......errr, association, they
got our back! They know what to do! They are the best!!!
swamt said:
I haven't seen anything about an APA vote.  This was in the the newsI recently read where the Pilots union is suppose to meet and vote rather to accept (approve) this new PS.  Is the mechanics union doing the same?  F/A's?  Also curious to why they didn't bring the PS back to what it once was, instead they are bringing it back at the bottom of the % scale.  AA= 5% of eligible earnings.  UAL/Delta= 10% of eligible earnings, SWA is 15% of earnings.  Could this possibly get into a nego's status going back and forth to get a higher %?  As an example has anyone ran the numbers for the year 2015?  In other words IF you guys were still in the PS program from before what kind of PS check was being added to your accounts?  And what would the present PS check be for the same year?  AA says they are asking for nothing in return, however, they admittedly knew and see now that they should have never taken it away.  Since they are always putting dollars on everything, your asso. should be doing it as well.  The difference between the old PS plan and the new one should be made up to you guys in the hourly rate, hence the asso. should be demanding the original +7% with the lowered PS plan, and nothing less.
I haven't seen anything about a membership vote but this was in the news and I believe they mean board approval. We shall see.
“In ongoing contacts with industry analysts, institutional investors and the news media, APA has repeatedly cited the value of profit sharing in engaging and motivating employees,” Overman said.  “We have pointed out how in a service-intensive business such as ours, effective employee engagement is critical.”
However, APA has not formally responded to the offer, which requires union approval. ‘We are in the process of reviewing it.” APA spokesman Dennis Tajer said Friday. “Our process is disciplined and methodical.”
On the rest of your post, I believe that FWAAA did the math on the formula and it is about 2-3 weeks worth of pay max if they make the same amount of money as they did this year.
Consider the source here in Jim LIttle's lapdog and now Southwest Airlines Labor Economics manager John Donnelly said the following when the profit sharing was given up for the 4.3% raise.  Let me say it again...consider the source
– Under the AMR-TWU formula, 5% of pretax profit will first be placed in a pool for distribution to all AMR employees as a lump sum. If the company earns a billion dollars, for example, 5% of that profit ($50 million) would be put into a profit sharing pool to be divided among all company employees. Since the TWU represents about 25% of the company payroll, our share would be $12.5 million. For the average TWU member this would mean about $625 as a onetime payment. By comparison, a 4.3% pay increase for an AMT is $1.20 per hour, or over $2500 per year in his paycheck, guaranteed. This 4.3% will also compound every year with other pay increases, so has a permanent and increasing value that profit sharing does not. http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/02/twu-defends-decision-to-give-up-profit-sharing.html/
chilokie1 said:
Vote? We don't need no stinking vote! Our union..... errr, unions.......errr, association, they
got our back! They know what to do! They are the best!!!
They know whats best for us. sarcasm 
conehead777 said:
They know whats best for us. sarcasm 
They do indeed, just ask them. Maybe they will have the company deposit  the $$$$ directly 
 into the TWU/IAM bank accounts so they can fairly divvy it up amongst its members as they
seem fit. Of course they will hold back a percentage of the funds just in case of a lawsuit from
any disgruntled members.
700......Perhaps if you were in the situation that those of us currently employed by the company were in and reading weekly updates by the negotiation committee  involving bulletin boards and uniforms while at the same time losing a minimum of 4% weekly and being the lowest paid carrier while the companies are recognizing record profits you would complain also....
chilokie1 said:
They do indeed, just ask them. Maybe they will have the company deposit  the $$$$ directly 
 into the TWU/IAM bank accounts so they can fairly divvy it up amongst its members as they
seem fit. Of course they will hold back a percentage of the funds just in case of a lawsuit from
any disgruntled members.
yes they will say bread cost the same. Your having a a&p means nothing.
Yes 700 we know you love Parker and you can't stand to hear our complaining. He made a lot of promises he did not keep. The twu/iam has made promises they haven't kept either. And I'm sorry your wrong . It should not take 3 months of talks and and all they can agree to is uniforms work hours etc. it's time to talk money and benefits. And get us the leading industry contract the association promised. We're tired of being stepped on. Tired of never getting what we deserve. We're tired of the low pay and benefits. The other airlines including a non Union airlines has us beat . Before you say delta can fire at will etc my dad retired delta and they always took care of him so I'm sick of you saying that bs . Delta mechanics are happy and aa mechanics are not.its the company and union. I blame the union more the twu iam shouldn't be called unions. The old unions in the old days got big pay and did not except connsesions . What they are is a big company where they care about dues. So they sale there members down the river. Heck they have to so the Intl presidents can make over 200000 and there excecutive secretary can make 130000. They should be making what we are. Then maybe they would go work for us . And not waste 3 months of negotiations.
First of all I dont love Parker, and its quite apparent you have NO IDEA of how negotiations work.
You are taking two totally and separate contracts into one, and negotiations are being led for the company then By Jerry Glass, union buster.
If you could comprehend what you read, I have said numerous times, why did Parker hire a union buster to lead negotiations, yet once again, you and other blame the Association.
Why didnt the company have a proposal for the union?
Why to this day hasnt the company passed a whole CBA to the Association?
How many CBAs, or JCBAs have you negotiated?

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