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2015 AMT Discussion

Realityck said:
I recall sitting in the Hough reading my newspaper waiting for jetbridge to pull back so I can push out the Aircraft and then go to another gate and repeat the process. That certainly requires an AMT License - give me a break
How far are you willing to go with this?  How about  A&P's working non-powered ground equipment or how about cabin crews working interiors?  Limit A&P work to aft of the bulkhead and fwd of the cockpit?  Should we just let these A&P jobs go?  I guess you're willing to give a few people a break-an extended break right out the door.
700UW said:
If you owned an airline would you pay $40 an hour for someone to push a plane?
That is why mechanics got the nickname Tug Slugs.
700UW said:
You couldnt be any more wrong.
I dont have any hate nor contempt for AMTs, I have negotiated and represented many of them.
I have a dislike for Elitists.
And let me ask you once again, why would you pay an AMT to push a plane back, I dont think you are taught that in A&P school.
And like I said, more fleet does receipt and dispatch than mechanics in the whole industry.
You outsource line at PMAA, US doesnt outsource line, and when will you ever comprehend it took a judge to abrogate our CBA at US for the company to have the right to outsource.
And what is greater, 50% of overhaul outsourced or 35% of your maintenance budget?
700UW said:
You dont need an A&P to push, park and brake ride, do Pilots have an A&P?
And all those cush jobs helped lead to the financial problems.
You dont learn to push an airplane at A&P School.
If you engage someone long enough in conversation, they will eventually show you their ass.
Here you have 700 dropping trou in front of God and everyone to see.

He hates elitist's, unless of course they're union elitists, which he is one.
He knows everything about everyone's job because, you know, he's negotiated contracts , even though they were crappy contracts.
He thinks A&P's are overpaid at $40 per hr moving planes.

Folks, 700 has friends on the NC that are of like mind.
THAT is why we are all holding our collective breath to see what kind of shite they will shove our way this time.
CMH_GSE said:
He hates elitist's, unless of course they're union elitists, which he is one.
He knows everything about everyone's job because, you know, he's negotiated contracts , even though they were crappy contracts.
He thinks A&P's are overpaid at $40 per hr moving planes.

Folks, 700 has friends on the NC that are of like mind.
THAT is why we are all holding our collective breath to see what kind of shite they will shove our way this time.
CMH_GSE said:
     If you engage someone long enough in conversation, they will eventually show you their ass.
Here you have 700 dropping trou in front of God and everyone to see.

He hates elitist's, unless of course they're union elitists, which he is one.
He knows everything about everyone's job because, you know, he's negotiated contracts , even though they were crappy contracts.
He thinks A&P's are overpaid at $40 per hr moving planes.

Folks, 700 has friends on the NC that are of like mind.
THAT is why we are all holding our collective breath to see what kind of shite they will shove our way this time.
Let this be a wake up call to anybody that had any doubts as why AA's AMTs need their own union.  I am confident that any TA reached, will have AA's AMTs somehow taking the short end of the stick - to the benefit of the other title groups. 
700UW said:
You couldnt be any more wrong.
I dont have any hate nor contempt for AMTs, I have negotiated and represented many of them.
I have a dislike for Elitists.
And let me ask you once again, why would you pay an AMT to push a plane back, I dont think you are taught that in A&P school.
And like I said, more fleet does receipt and dispatch than mechanics in the whole industry.
You outsource line at PMAA, US doesnt outsource line, and when will you ever comprehend it took a judge to abrogate our CBA at US for the company to have the right to outsource.
And what is greater, 50% of airframe overhaul outsourced or 35% of your maintenance budget?
first FIFY 
Again, you think components and engines are stupid (because I guess the IAM tells you so) but currently the IAM allows for 100% of components and 100% of engines to be sent out, and for the most part they are.
So yes, AA has better scope. (and does a lot more work in-house and US does as a result of it)  
Vortilon said:
Let this be a wake up call to anybody that had any doubts as why AA's AMTs need their own union.  I am confident that any TA reached, will have AA's AMTs somehow taking the short end of the stick - to the benefit of the other title groups. 
AA AMTs aren't the only ones. United needs to dump the IBT just as bad as you guys need to dump the TWU/IAM joke
topDawg said:
first FIFY 
Again, you think components and engines are stupid (because I guess the IAM tells you so) but currently the IAM allows for 100% of components and 100% of engines to be sent out, and for the most part they are.
So yes, AA has better scope. (and does a lot more work in-house and US does as a result of it)
I guess none you understand what a CBA abrogation means.

The IAM NEVER agreed to the outsourcing, the court forced it.
The last Section 6 CBA which was just a bridge agreement to get to the JCBA.
oh.. ok.. so there was no oppurtunity to correct the section of the cba in question.. got it...
You claim the IAM fought outsourcing at US during the BK process and blame the judge for the lost work. So then you have to agree the IAM did a bad job during BK. Why? The IAM pay rates were brought up to the TWU negotiated pay rates not once but twice. DOT F41 information shows more AMTs per aircraft work at AA than at US which shows more jobs were protected than the IAM in BK. More money and more jobs than the IAM in the BK process. Now you may blame the judge and BK for losing jobs and wages but the TWU was operating under those same laws and managed to lead their members to a better CBA. The failure of the IAM during not one but two BKs is what concerns AA/TWU members. So when IAM cheerleaders such as yourself say trust us to lead this Association to an industry leading CBA we say BOHICA.
And FYI - AMTs doing push backs did not force any airline in to BK. Bad management did. No CBA ever stopped management from holding their employees accountable for doing a good job for a good days pay. The problem was no one held them accountable for not managing well. AA is running away from doing engine overhaul work because they claim there's no profit in it. DL Tech Ops is growing and making money with well paid AMTs. Southwest is growing and consistently profitable with highly paid AMTs and guess what. In DAL Southwest uses those highly paid AMTs to do push backs.
700UW I am not an expert on how to run an airline, negotiate a contract, or run a pension plan but I can tell you this. The track record of the IAM at US is not better than what has happened to TWU members. We know that's true because the IAM/US deal had to be brought up to the TWU/AA BK CBA. Admit the IAM screwed the pooch in two BKs, learn from your mistakes, and make it better.
Guess you fail to realize US filed chapter 11 twice.

August of 2002 and October of 2004.

Don't let the facts get in your way.

I was on the NC in 2004 and we would never agree to the layoff of 46% of the workforce.

In chapter 11 part one we kept our scope through two rounds of concessions and under the threat of liquidation.

In part two we had our CBA abrogated.

And you took concessions in 2003 and AA was not in chapter 11.

And as far back as 1983 your union introduced the b and c scale and the OSM, something we NEVER had at US.

Don't let the facts get in your way!
I guess you hate your self N 700 since your the biggest elitist on here. And the biggest no it all .one of the first things a amt is get taxi towed qualified how do you think the airplanes get in the hangar I do not want you on any nc representing amts since you hate mechanics .
Again, the IAM/US members were brought up to the TWU CBA where it was after both the 2003 concessions and BK. Both 2003 and 2012 TWU were better than the IAM. We know this because US/IAM AMT wages were brought up to the 2003 concessions/2012 BK CBA. Again, the IAM leadership failed not once, but twice. You have neither more jobs or more pay even after the TWU membership went through concessions and BK. You blamed the BK process and at AA the TWU navigated the same laws and fared better. Not saying BK and concessions were good but much better than the IAM did at US hands down.
As far as the B scale in the airline industry Martin Seham brags about how he did that while an attorney at the APA. OSMs? The first OSMs were at Continental after Lorzenzo shafted the IAM there. He brought in unlicensed mechanic helpers throughout Texas Air. Oh and don't forget NWA. Under the IAM leadership Cheechi started outsourcing NWA AMT jobs. When the TWU started talks in 1995 Crandall pointed out the fact that companies like NWA and Continental were outsourcing more than AA and had unlicensed people doing work that was in the AMT scope at AA. The IAM was leading the way to the bottom and the TWU has been mitigating the damage. Notice that AA was the last one standing doing almost all their aircraft maintenance work in-house. Look up the many articles referencing the fact that AA was the last airline doing almost all their work in the U.S. with unionized labor. Not the IAM, the TWU. And even after BK the TWU still has more aircraft maintenance work in-house than US/IAM and getting paid more to do it as well. Now I am not saying the TWU did a great job because I have a lot to complain about.
The TWU did a better job than the IAM on scope and wages. Are TWU members well off? No way but we sure are better off the IAM members are. We know this because IAM wages have been brought up not once but twice. Going to the IAM scope language would be a step backwards. It would allow Parker to finish the outsourcing Horton started in BK with the CFM56s. But you call that "trimming the fat."

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