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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
This " they are our agent like it or not"  wherever it originated, is a sorry excuse when we have had multiple opportunities to change.
That being said, I will feel no remorse when someone junior to me hits the street. I never felt that way until I heard this agent statement.
Common Enemy? 
It seems the only one attempting to raise the mechanics standard of living is the company and Doug Parker.
I feel bad when a when a guy gets laid off to another station or to the street, I still don't want to take pay cuts to preserve head count, that never works.

The only only thing I have ever been forced to do at AA, is to pay union dues.

I agree with

It seems the only one attempting to raise the mechanics standard of living is the company and Doug Parker.

Union doesn't care AFL CIO doesn't care.
Remember the AFL-CIO is a democratic organization, that has turned into socialism. The democratic debate on Tuesday pretty much told you where the AFL-CIO is going by continuing to support the Democratic party/Socialists. Being sheep is no longer acceptable wake up AMT's.
Tater Salad said:
  I don't get your anger directed toward a local leadership because of throwing a party. I compare it to bashing a soldier you see on the street because you are pissed off at Obama and his policies. They are resisting the company's daily attacks on us, and doing a job that needs to be done whether or not you are satisfied with the upper leadership. What's the alternative? Just not participate and let the company run roughshod over the membership?
My anger towards the the association has nothing to do with American Military Vets and frankly I deeply resent your making such innuendo and even writing such crap. Shame on you.
Our reps have been on this reconciliation since the NMB declared the ass our reps, well, they should have been on that reconciliation long before in anticipation on the NMB doing what it did, instead they sat on their collective asses and did nothing. Now the whole company has gotten massive pay raises and we have nothing while these guys meet every so often and do what they should have done months ago. But no, instead of working on reconciling which should be a 24/7/365 endeavor. They are going to have a "party" for "unity". My freakin arse, total BS.
My frustration has nothing to do with our military.
And btw, the company is already running roughshod over the membership, in case you hadn't noticed, just go look at the 591 docket, the company does what they want and the unions answer is to file a grievance which sits unresolved on a docket for years at a time..
i dont blame the company at all, i just follow their example. they take as much as they can get and give back as little as possible. i do the same take as much as i can and give back as little as possible. as a matter of fact if you just follow their instructions it usually works out just fine.
Tater Salad said:
  I don't get your anger directed toward a local leadership because of throwing a party. I compare it to bashing a soldier you see on the street because you are pissed off at Obama and his policies. They are resisting the company's daily attacks on us, and doing a job that needs to be done whether or not you are satisfied with the upper leadership. What's the alternative? Just not participate and let the company run roughshod over the membership?
If your making the comparison I think your making, I've heard enough from you. Let me spell it out. Basically what your saying is the boys from 591s leadership (the soldiers) cant do anything because the association twu/iam  (Obama), are making policy i.e. calling the shots. To me, this sounds like you are making excuses for 591 guys not getting anything done in the way of getting us an agreement.
Unfortunately this sounds very similar to their constant spin, which us to constantly blame everyone else for everything they cant get done.
Tater Salad said:
I don't get your anger directed toward a local leadership because of throwing a party. I compare it to bashing a soldier you see on the street because you are pissed off at Obama and his policies. They are resisting the company's daily attacks on us, and doing a job that needs to be done whether or not you are satisfied with the upper leadership. What's the alternative? Just not participate and let the company run roughshod over the membership?
just because I do not like obamas polices I respect our men and women in uniform . Now is not time for a party it's time for the asso to get us a industry leading contract not a industry losing contract from the past with twu and iam.the twu and iam should have got the two contracts worked out a year ago . And should have been ready to negotiate. There not even meeting on regular basis . And there letter saying you just got a raise was insulting that raise did not even come close to the give back that the twu gave away and I know the asso leaders do not care they make 200000 plus a year and they know they can not be voted out.so they have no worrys
Could someone fill me in on this Unity Party issue?
Just in case our fellow mechanics didnt know what the guys at fedex are making, here are the current rates. 
For topped out line mechanic $32.94 base  9.87 for airframe, 9.87 for powerplant,  15 cents for line. 
Total $52.83  before shift differential. of .35 for swings or .50 for mids.
D7571987 said:
Just in case our fellow mechanics didnt know what the guys at fedex are making, here are the current rates. 
For topped out line mechanic $32.94 base  9.87 for airframe, 9.87 for powerplant,  15 cents for line. 
Total $52.83  before shift differential. of .35 for swings or .50 for mids.
only 15 cents for the line? 
Oh man, that just don't do with this group.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
The previous posts blue background is an accident and I dont know why that happened. Sorry.
Our delta plus 7 would have put a top pay line guy on day shift at roughly $49 an hour. Now the make a wish dream is Delta plus 3. By the time the Association moves it's butt we might be lucky to get Delta plus ZERO.
D7571987 said:
Just in case our fellow mechanics didnt know what the guys at fedex are making, here are the current rates. 
For topped out line mechanic $32.94 base  9.87 for airframe, 9.87 for powerplant,  15 cents for line. 
Total $52.83  before shift differential. of .35 for swings or .50 for mids.
Thx for the info.  And UPS are still in contract talks for their new raises coming soon...
ATD said:
The ASS/TWU way will be Delta-3 to save jobs.
The ASS/TWU way will be Delta-3 to their ASS...
1AA said:
Our delta plus 7 would have put a top pay line guy on day shift at roughly $49 an hour. Now the make a wish dream is Delta plus 3. By the time the Association moves it's butt we might be lucky to get Delta plus ZERO.
We haven't even given the association a chance to screw us yet. Let's wait to see if they can even get us the delta +3 Doug said he's willing to give us. Now if they got us better that would be awesome.

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