Tater Salad said:
You think it matters what name we call our union? I am no TWU loyallist, couldn't be farther from the truth. But if you think all of our problems will vanish if the name over the doorway changes, you're sadly mistaken. Until people start participating in their union, acting like one, and stop this mindless bickering, it will be the same song and dance only with different music.
I would bet you anything, if we became unified, we would be at the table talking within a week.
Yes, it does matter what name our union is. I want one without the corrupt AFL-CIO attached to it, (No not the Reamsters either). I want one with recall powers and elections for the president by the membership. The industrial unions are a nothing but a dictatorship, the rank and file vote for local leaders, and that's it. They have
no voice in the election of the
real power brokers making six figures plus at the top, along with their international union sexrataries pulling in 150k a year. There is no accountability for years of sellouts, as the membership is blamed for voting in concessionary contracts after the lies and back door deals finally come out. Company unionism at it's finest. There is
no chance of changing the industrial union, it can only be
Finally, I want a union that has my crafts best interests and needs at the forefront. If you look at the industrial union leadership like the TWu, they are
dominated by, rampers, stock clerks, cleaners, bus drivers, train operators and the like (Not elitist or a degradation of those jobs, just the truth). They don't give rats ass about the AMT class and craft and our life altering responsibilities, TWu AMT members can't even get an email answered by the TWu international. This has been shown by the
years of being at the bottom of the industry with the TWu, and also the IAm.
The pilots and F/A's have their own unions, are they elitist or just smart?
So no matter how many free beer and brat parties thrown by your TWu local in ORD, it won't bring any change in representation, or lack thereof. Get involved in what union? Waste of time.
The only answer is the removing the TWu-IAm ASSociation off the property.
Not one AMT I know wanted this ASSociation BS. Where's the vote?
MORE industrial union LIES....
The AFL-CIO and the IAm wanted this union
ABORTION, to save the IAm and the IAm pension fund.
All about the UNION DUES. Wake up AMTs.