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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
If there is any "Strike Leverage", then the IAM mechanics will have to teach us.....
I think the only leverage we've tried is not to eat their pizza and even that hasn't worked out too well.
700UW said:
And you fail to say the 7% was before DL announced a 14.5% raise.
I didn't fail to say anything.  YOU simply think that since Parker offered D+7, Delta has givin another raise of 14.5% to keep the current card drives to a minimum, AND, Delta offered this 14.5% raise after knowing Parker already announced the D+7, again you simply think that it's ok for Parker to back-track on the D+7.  If this were the case then Parker should have thrown in the phrase of, "D+7 will be for where they are now".  But, he did not, he left it wide open at D+7.  So whenever the AA guys gets to a JCBA it should still be D+7 and this is what the AA guys should hold strong to.  Parker did no explanations what-so-ever, and he should pay up on his promises givin to the employees left to still get JCBA's.  And let's not forget Delta employees will still enjoy PS at rather large numbers for a while in the future.  Parkers back pedaling to D+3 from D+7 does not add up as he explained the 7 was for the missing PS at AA, now he wants to estimate that PS worth down to 3, what explains the difference? There is no difference.  The value of the PS is still at 7% and Parker now wants to get by with reducing this worth when the worth of the PS has not changed one iota.  The union really needs to get the 7 or more back on the table or the union has done NOTHING for the members...
It's really a moot point we are being played like fools there is no intention of any negotiations or any relief from a bankruptcy contract from the union or the company.
DallasConehead said:
I have seen no evidence of this. Parker talks a big game but his actions as far as the TWU goes have been nil, nothing. I have nothing to show for the gains the company has made from bankruptcy. Parker talked a big game in his town halls and I watched and believed because I saw what he said was going to happen with other work groups happen. I began to feel this would be a good place to work again, maybe stay longer, past the age I could retire. But when it comes to my work group what he said would happen, none of it has, therefore he is a liar with regards to my work group period. In fact, he has now back tracked on 2 key things, he went back on the 4% and never gave it to us as he did with all other work groups and he has backtracked on DL+7 to DL+3, which I think is blowing smoke up my ass anyway. 
I have lost faith in him as our CEO and no longer watch his town halls and have gone back to being disappointed and frustrated with the whole mess and will likely leave as soon as I can.
That's about the way I feel. Between the union and the company they must be laughing their ass off, how easy it is dangle the carrot and watch us try to reach it.
DallasConehead said:
American Airlines (AAL) Stock Dives After Downgrade
And now, as the window begins to close.
Deferring orders, closing down routes, stocks falling.  Its nearly over, and our guys are having a party in Chi town, beer and brats and football boys!!!!
  The "party" is one of the many efforts the ORD leadership is trying to create unity here. They understand the only way we are going to get anything accomplished is to take matters into our own hands. Agree with it or not, at least they are doing SOMETHING.
      Why don't we stop bickering amongst ourselves and unite against our common enemy? IF we could just realize the power we have in our unity.....
Tater Salad said:
The "party" is one of the many efforts the ORD leadership is trying to create unity here. They understand the only way we are going to get anything accomplished is to take matters into our own hands. Agree with it or not, at least they are doing SOMETHING.
      Why don't we stop bickering amongst ourselves and unite against our common enemy? IF we could just realize the power we have in our unity.....
At this point , I can't identify the enemy.
Is it the Company or the Association?
DallasConehead said:
I have seen no evidence of this. Parker talks a big game but his actions as far as the TWU goes have been nil, nothing. I have nothing to show for the gains the company has made from bankruptcy. Parker talked a big game in his town halls and I watched and believed because I saw what he said was going to happen with other work groups happen. I began to feel this would be a good place to work again, maybe stay longer, past the age I could retire. But when it comes to my work group what he said would happen, none of it has, therefore he is a liar with regards to my work group period. In fact, he has now back tracked on 2 key things, he went back on the 4% and never gave it to us as he did with all other work groups and he has backtracked on DL+7 to DL+3, which I think is blowing smoke up my ass anyway. 
I have lost faith in him as our CEO and no longer watch his town halls and have gone back to being disappointed and frustrated with the whole mess and will likely leave as soon as I can.
The fact that the other work groups got theirs tells me its not Parker but your union dragging its feet
bob@las-AA said:
All the cult-like union loyalist have been spewing this pea soup colored puke for decades to bring all the kool-aide drinkers to what we have today, so I've been told by veterans with 30 years plus. So now you, just blow into town looking for upvotes, good luck "spud", your party will soon run out of food and beer, the guest will go home hungry and thirsty. Vote for money.  
    You think it matters what name we call our union? I am no TWU loyallist, couldn't be farther from the truth. But if you think all of our problems will vanish if the name over the doorway changes, you're sadly mistaken. Until people start participating in their union, acting like one, and stop this mindless bickering, it will be the same song and dance only with different music.
     I would bet you anything, if we became unified, we would be at the table talking within a week. 
Rogallo said:
But we can't. Because as a group we're just too stupid!
 I don't think we are too stupid. I believe we are unmotivated, beaten down, and unwilling to see our potential.
Tater Salad said:
 I don't think we are too stupid. I believe we are unmotivated, beaten down, and unwilling to see our potential.
And just plain lazy. Unionism breeds laziness!
bob@las-AA said:
Most have since 1948, you can't win the fight with the corporate or financial world we live in now, it was a very different landscape back then. And to add to the union's woes, deregulation and low-cost carriers. Best of luck.
Isn't you and your union brothers prosperity worth fighting for? 
I see this AMT thread has been derailed by FSC again. I don't get it. I've never once commented on a FSC thread, smh.
bob@las-AA said:
If we run the number your way this is what we get.
Base FSC Rate               : $23
Parker Raise 4%             : $23.92
Indust True Up 4.7413% : $25.05
Delta + 7%                      : $27.35 {Delta was at $25.56, based from what I see on this forum}
Now Parker is offering Delta + 3, and that is after Delta announced a 14.5% raise across the board.
So from what I understand Parker recalculated after the announcement because just 3% above DL is far better than all the past percentages added up.
Would you like $27.35 or $29.27
I will admit to this, what I thought was rumor, is now a very real possibility, Delta + 3 is real, and not an enigma.
This thread was specifically started so this would not happen. Had you posted the AMT numbers here, then it would make sense. Why don't you take this post and repost it where it belongs.

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