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2015 AMT Discussion

OldGuy@AA said:
Found the UA tentative agreement and looked at it a little bit.  Of course the first thing I noticed was the 7 weeks vacation, 10 holidays (4 of them floating), 12 sick days per year with a total of 1600 hours.  And retiree medical.  I did notice that those poor souls that would hire in after DOS would max out at 5 weeks vacation, 6 sick days per year with 1200 hours max.  No retiree medical.  Of course I couldn't help but think that would still be an improvement over what we at AA have had for the last 13 years.  Oh yeah.  $43 and change at DOS.  Also hear that it won't pass and would like to think it's because they will not accept a B scale.  Also interesting enough there is going to be another union called the Airline Technician Association (ALTA) that will be having a card campaign.  Pretty sad when a TA that is light years ahead of where we have been for over a dozen years is not good enough and they want new representation.  Of course "Screw the new hires" was the brain child of the TWU way back in 83 when the TWU ushered in the first B scale in the airline industry.  Incidentally they were the last to get rid of it after all the others followed suit.  Could it be that the TWU will try this again?  I guess we'll wait and see.  I'm ready to wager that we will not see anywhere near $43 at DOS.  That would be a raise of about 20% and Lord knows the TWU doesn't get AMTs raises like that.  They sure do take 17.5% in one fell swoop though don't they?  Don't change that dial!
Actually it's $46.15 p/h before they take money out for the VEBA. A new union is about to rise from the ashes. AMFA is no longer an option. Under the SWA direction they no longer are the same union as when Delle was in charge. If you don't grow you die. So we move on. GT
Wow. You guys must really miss me or be bored with your mutual "woe is me" society if you want to call me back out since for the most part I've left you alone?

Should I start posting all those Aircraft Maintenance outsourcing stats again? Or a few other items you guys always try to ignore?

(I love putting items in BOLD RED you know)

Remember what Fred Sandford used to call Lamont?
That would be Fred G. Sanford... 😀
My parents think and I concur, I am a overachiever.
I prefer the Equity and Prefund thread, but it's "dried up" as well.
But I would imagine things will get fired up Fleet wise starting next Monday!
gtd said:
Actually it's $46.15 p/h before they take money out for the VEBA. A new union is about to rise from the ashes. AMFA is no longer an option. Under the SWA direction they no longer are the same union as when Delle was in charge. If you don't grow you die. So we move on. GT
Agree. And would be very interesting looking at this new adventure. Reason being?  Our next move is to combine with the Pilots group, but will look at all options available and ATA could be one, IF, it could grow at a rather quick pace.  GT please keep me informed...
Kev3188 said:
How so?

I have a degree and work on the ramp. Matter of fact, so does most of my crew...
sorry Kev but some of the fleet service that show up here just like to stir up the pot.
I prefer the Equity and Prefund thread, but it's "dried up" as well.
But I would imagine things will get fired up Fleet wise starting next Monday!
I welcome your thoughts at any time AANOTOK in any thread you choose to post.  You are old school union and I admire you. 
That would be Fred G. Sanford... 😀
My parents think and I concur, I am a overachiever.
The guys I grew up with are astonished I stayed out of jail. haha
WeAAsles said:
Wow. You guys must really miss me or be bored with your mutual "woe is me" society if you want to call me back out since for the most part I've left you alone?

Should I start posting all those Aircraft Maintenance outsourcing stats again? Or a few other items you guys always try to ignore?

(I love putting items in BOLD RED you know)

Remember what Fred Sandford used to call Lamont?
While you are at it, why don't you post the outsourcing stats of other airlines in all other classifications? 
I hope you don't think fleet service, automotive and facilities/plant maintenance are exempt from the outsourcing trend. Do I have to remind you we used to have a Cabin Cleaner classification?
Take a walk up to the ticket counter and see a few classifications up there outsourced.
Do I have to remind you how many Class II and III stations no longer have any AA people working?
I can show you right at JFK that many non-mechanic employees wear uniforms with patches that beam DELTA .....A SERVICEMASTER COMPANY.....
But once again, you can't help but stay away from the AMT discussion.
MetalMover said:
While you are at it, why don't you post the outsourcing stats of other airlines in all other classifications? 
I hope you don't think fleet service, automotive and facilities/plant maintenance are exempt from the outsourcing trend. Do I have to remind you we used to have a Cabin Cleaner classification?
Take a walk up to the ticket counter and see a few classifications up there outsourced.
Do I have to remind you how many Class II and III stations no longer have any AA people working?
I can show you right at JFK that many non-mechanic employees wear uniforms with patches that beam DELTA .....A SERVICEMASTER COMPANY.....
But once again, you can't help but stay away from the AMT discussion.

Metal go back a page of two. I posted (1) link (without commenting) about the IAM Boeing situation and next thing I know I get a phone call that retards on here are calling me out again to stay away?

WTF is wrong with (some) of the people in your group????? Do those people just want to come on this thread to beech, moan and complain? Do they really think they're S don't stink that much?

When YOU have come on the Fleet thread in the past have I ever tried to chase you off?

Let me make this a simple as I can here on Forums. Every time you guys try to play the class warfare card and throw my group under the bus, I'm coming back over here and sticking my nose in. And others will too. Kapeesh?
OldGuy@AA said:
I welcome your thoughts at any time AANOTOK in any thread you choose to post.  You are old school union and I admire you. 
Thanks OldGuy, I appreciate you sir...how's the young Horned frog liking TCU?
I must admit, watching some of their football games, besides exciting football, the sideline scenery's not too shabby either!  🙂
Thanks OldGuy, I appreciate you sir...how's the young Horned frog liking TCU?
I must admit, watching some of their football games, besides exciting football, the sideline scenery's not too shabby either!  🙂
My wife and I were out with another daughter during the first half of the game and she was texting us about how bad the game was going.  We got home right before the second half started and so I got to see the comeback.  But I gotta admit that watching her was more fun than the game.  As they got closer she got more excited and started saying stuff like "Ok defense.  Where you at?"  Needless to say she was really bouncing around in overtime.  Great fun!

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