Found the UA tentative agreement and looked at it a little bit. Of course the first thing I noticed was the 7 weeks vacation, 10 holidays (4 of them floating), 12 sick days per year with a total of 1600 hours. And retiree medical. I did notice that those poor souls that would hire in after DOS would max out at 5 weeks vacation, 6 sick days per year with 1200 hours max. No retiree medical. Of course I couldn't help but think that would still be an improvement over what we at AA have had for the last 13 years. Oh yeah. $43 and change at DOS. Also hear that it won't pass and would like to think it's because they will not accept a B scale. Also interesting enough there is going to be another union called the Airline Technician Association (ALTA) that will be having a card campaign. Pretty sad when a TA that is light years ahead of where we have been for over a dozen years is not good enough and they want new representation. Of course "Screw the new hires" was the brain child of the TWU way back in 83 when the TWU ushered in the first B scale in the airline industry. Incidentally they were the last to get rid of it after all the others followed suit. Could it be that the TWU will try this again? I guess we'll wait and see. I'm ready to wager that we will not see anywhere near $43 at DOS. That would be a raise of about 20% and Lord knows the TWU doesn't get AMTs raises like that. They sure do take 17.5% in one fell swoop though don't they? Don't change that dial!