You've grasped the chain of events well. Keep in mind, back then there were no maintenance locals...We all voted as one. Because of shear numbers, mechanics held no local positions of power. That's the way the industry was for all airlines. The only locals that were able to have mechanic presidents and officers were the overhaul bases. So in 1983, the TWU agreed to turn deicing and pushbacks over to the ramp because that's what the company wanted among a slew of other changes. But the work was just moved over to another TWU represented work the TWU agreed and the fleet majority carried it through.
Metal in my opinion that decision was 100% wrong then and unfairly put on your shoulders. I shouldn't be able to ever vote on anything that effects jobs in your group. What year again did you guys start voting separately?
I'm guessing that the FAA didn't mandate that the jobs that came to us had to be performed by licensed Mechanics? Was there a time they were and when did it change?
This is what I have been trying to convey to you and others as to why mechanics feel the way we do. This has nothing to do with class warfare but rather one work group losing work in favor of another.
But with some of you it seems like you blame us? How many FSC's do you think are left that were around back in 83? I NEVER voted to take any jobs away from you and as a matter of fact have written my Congressional leaders about what I feel is the danger of unsupervised outsourced maintenance. I DON"T want to fly on any plane unless I know it was fixed, worked on or Overhauled here in the US under direct FAA supervision. I even signed and shared that petition to have you guys separated as a Class and Craft for the DOL.
But then I get some putzes on here that accuse me of hating you guys??????
Now, as for a majority of MY work group voting away the jobs, you are correct. But when I bring up the fact that the OH majority has outvoted us because they were unaffected by changes on the line, we get criticized for blaming others for our own choices. We were always up against a union which was run by non mechanics and then add to the mix, we were then up agains an overhaul voting bloc which had contracts tailored to their benefit, not the line.
Sadly I am nearing the end of my career and this will be my last contract. Outsourcing is inevitable. Work rule changes are inevitable as well. It is time to get compensated fairly for all the changes that will accompany the next contract.
And you have also seen my opinion on (Low Cost Of Living TUL) deciding the affairs and financials for you high COL line guys. Again do I really sound like your enemy?
I support now, in the past and in the future COLA or GEO pay, PERIOD!