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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
I understand that TULE will open a 737 Heavy Line soon.
Also the facility that is referred to as Hangar 80, will be opening up a 737 B Check.
The CFM 56 shop is having a RIF 75 people will be displaced.
no firm time frames
thats odd. Do you know why? I would think with the amount of CFM56s AA has been adding that shop would need people. 
Now JT8D and CF6 I see why they would be pulling back. 
Question buck or anyone else at TULE, I heard a while ago AA was going to add another engine type at TULE anyone hear anything more about it? Also update on getting your new test cell? 
How many times must I post that it took a bankruptcy court and judge to get outsourcing?

It was never negotiated nor agreed too.
700UW said:
How many times must I post that it took a bankruptcy court and judge to get outsourcing?

It was never negotiated nor agreed too.
US was still the outsourcing leader without bankruptcy 
and I guess US is still in bankruptcy? 
Only thing outsourced was engine overhaul except the jt8s and tays were done In-house.

We had the shops and overhauled components in-house
700UW said:
Only thing outsourced was engine overhaul except the jt8s and tays were done In-house.

We had the shops and overhauled components in-house
of course you are only speaking of those things you seem to know about.
The other half of the Association has it's own percentage of outsourcing. 
700UW said:
Only thing outsourced was engine overhaul except the jt8s and tays were done In-house.

We had the shops and overhauled components in-house
So again, engines are stupid. 
you realize that engines at an airline like AA are probably worth 5,000 jobs pretty easy?  
topDawg said:
thats odd. Do you know why? I would think with the amount of CFM56s AA has been adding that shop would need people. 
Now JT8D and CF6 I see why they would be pulling back. 
Question buck or anyone else at TULE, I heard a while ago AA was going to add another engine type at TULE anyone hear anything more about it? Also update on getting your new test cell? 
The 737 CFM56 -7 has had it's time extended therefore these 75 are not needed for now.
The last MD80 Heavy is either complete or almost complete. Then the JT's and support would be affected.
There was a V2500 in the After Test about a year ago.
Buck said:
The 737 CFM56 -7 has had it's time extended therefore these 75 are not needed for now.
The last MD80 Heavy is either complete or almost complete. Then the JT's and support would be affected.
There was a V2500 in the After Test about a year ago.
The rumor I heard was AA wanted to bring the airbus engines (V2500 and CFM56-5Bs) in-house. 
GEnx was dependent on the city of Tulsa building a new test cell for it.
but like I said, I wouldn't be shocked to see the IAM wanting AA to go PBH for all its engines, Doing them in-house is stupid to them. 🙄   
While in house maintenance seems costly up front, it is quite obvious that we are repair MRO repairs here in TULE.
The other thing is: Doesn't an MRO bid a maintenance package?
I have some experience working on the Allegiant aircraft when they were here. Many items that were written up by the mechanics and inspectors, the Allegiant rep would sign off.
Then at the MRO, do the Non Routines become part of the quoted package or are they after charges?
Dawg you really need to educate yourself about engines and PMUS, IAM didn't give up any work, it was taken.
topDawg said:
just to note oldguy, any time AA outsources work, most of the people doing that work........aren't A&Ps. 
Most MROs keep a few A&Ps on staff, plus the airline staff, to push paper work. The majority of the work is unlicensed employees.  
The MRO that does our(DL) MD88/MD90 overhauls shows have 0 A&Ps and 900 unlicensed employees. I imagine DL has a few A&Ps based in QRO to push paperwork.
I am very well aware of who does outsourced work.  I was merely responding to a FSC who loves and welcomes the idea of AMT job outsourcing also knowing that my own union outsourced my work to FSCs.  I wanted to point out that at long last FSC jobs are being outsourced so maybe he should not wish that on anyone else.  
I heard there was an attempt to bring the V2500 in house before TAESL was announced to close. I doubt it will happen now. The 767 will be down to about 35 aircraft soon so that work will drop as well. Given that the CFMs for the 737 are mostly in-house I bet the 319 CFMs will just slide in to that shop in TUL. And even if AA does one engine overhaul per year in-house that would be more than what is done by US under the IAM contract.
The IAM can blame the BK process as "taking" their work away but the fact is that the TWU was in the same process and exited with higher pay rates and the work. Either Horton was a pushover or the TWU was better at negotiating than the IAM. I will say this, when the second BK occurred and the merger with HP happened that is when the biggest jump in outsourcing happened at US. The second BK was when merger master Parker took over at US and now smiling Doug is running the new AA. Also, the IAM who was driving the bus at US was there to protect...excuse me, stand passively by a watch work and wages be taken away.
Are we to expect that the Parker and IAM combination that oversaw the wholesale outsourcing of jobs at US will suddenly reverse course and save jobs while increasing wages? Can our IAM stepmom do it? Stay tuned.
Parker was not CEO when the CBA was abrogated.
The IAM did not oversee nor agree to any outsoucing at all, do you not understand the work abrogation?
In the transition agreement with the HP/US merger, work that was outsourced was brought back in.
The last CBA which was 2014 was the first Section 6 negotiations, which were ongoing for three years, and Parker had the nerve to negotiate behind the IAM's back with the TWU, your unon pushed the merger not the IAM.
So now the merger handcuffed those negotiations, and the last CBA was a just a bridge agreement because of the upcoming JCBA negotiations.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Guess none of you so called experts know of the CFM56 Arbitration at US do you?
700UW said:
Parker was not CEO when the CBA was abrogated.
The IAM did not oversee nor agree to any outsoucing at all, do you not understand the work abrogation?
In the transition agreement with the HP/US merger, work that was outsourced was brought back in.
The last CBA which was 2014 was the first Section 6 negotiations, which were ongoing for three years, and Parker had the nerve to negotiate behind the IAM's back with the TWU, your unon pushed the merger not the IAM.
So now the merger handcuffed those negotiations, and the last CBA was a just a bridge agreement because of the upcoming JCBA negotiations.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Guess none of you so called experts know of the CFM56 Arbitration at US do you?
That was then, this is now. YOU were then, you are not part of any NOW. Let me quote one of your favorite quotes, "Don't let the facts get in your way".

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