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2015 AMT Discussion

700UW said:
They havent agreed with the company on anything.
You people are all assuming things.
This isnt your Mother's TWU anymore.
There is a Stepmom there now also.
At times when the children are in a Step Parent situation, it is children that are the losers. 
700UW said:
You don't have a TWU retirement fund, that is controlled by AA, and is underfunded by almost $2 billion, no the IAM nor the IAMNPF wants that money and its liabilities, and it would plunge the IAMNPF into the red and the PBGC won't just stand by.

It's simply amazing that some people have no idea how things and the law works.

The IAMNPF is a separate entity and the pension money can't be used for something else.
What does Actuarial Value and Fair Value mean? 700UW.
I have to admit 700, it amazes me as well that people think the IAM can come in and swoop up their AA frozen pension. Not going to happen boys and girls. As someone who has retirement in sight (albeit a little blurry) I have no fear of losing my AA pension. Not gonna happen. At least not via the IAMNPF.
Maybe, but the TWU should have never had their fingers in our company stock either......
Worldport said:
Back peddling or recalculating? Circumstances at DL change since Parker made the original statement. Why someone from another airline that is bogged down in negotiations would be so concerned about our contract puzzles me. His energy should be directed towards his own predicament.
Why did the Unions ( Jim Little? ) select a non-union airline to base our contractual parameters on? 
Buck said:
Why did the Unions ( Jim Little? ) select a non-union airline to base our contractual parameters on? 
Did he? Or did Parker say this is what I'm willing to give you. Do you think you should have higher pay,better benefits and better work rules than a competitor? How  does a business compete under those circumstances? If you owned a business would you practice such a policy? We have a lot of employees compared to the other airlines that tells me somethings got to give, where and when I don't know.
Worldport said:
Did he? Or did Parker say this is what I'm willing to give you. Do you think you should have higher pay,better benefits and better work rules than a competitor? How  does a business compete under those circumstances? If you owned a business would you practice such a policy? We have a lot of employees compared to the other airlines that tells me somethings got to give, where and when I don't know.
This exactly why mechanics say that Fleet etc,, are riding on their coat tails. If the mechanics were separate, they could negotiate on the same level as their peers.
As we know that is not the case, so we are just step children.....
As for compensation, I believe the mechanics should only be compared to their peers at the other majors.
For some reason Southwest, FEDX and UPS are not considered in that group.
As for Parker saying or not the mechanics always seem to settle last anyway, the step children get leftovers
Buck said:
This exactly why mechanics say that Fleet etc,, are riding on their coat tails. If the mechanics were separate, they could negotiate on the same level as their peers.
As we know that is not the case, so we are just step children.....
As for compensation, I believe the mechanics should only be compared to their peers at the other majors.
For some reason Southwest, FEDX and UPS are not considered in that group.
As for Parker saying or not the mechanics always seem to settle last anyway, the step children get leftovers
Are you willing to accept Fed Ex,UPS and WN's work rules? There would be a lot less mechanics if you agreed to them. I think you should have your own union if that's what you want, but in the end I think they are all the same.
While I believe implementation of UPS, FedEx, or WN work rules would drive some reduction it would not be a lot. The biggest reduction in AMTs would happen as a result of outsourcing. If AA paid the wages of those airlines You would see the work performance rise with those types of rates and the true slackers would find their co-workers leaning hard on the ones that weren't pulling their weight. Unions don't create slackers, bad management does. The levers have always been there but often they are wielded indiscriminately and more as a threat and intimidation tool instead. From what I have heard from AMTs at UPS, FDX, and WN they don't like slackers and will help weed them out while on probation.
UPS, WN and FedEx outsources a tremendous amount of maintenance, so of course its work rules, if work rules let them outsource work there will be massive reductions.

So all of you are suggesting that to get higher salaries, one must give a fair days work?
Is that what AFL-CIO membership is about?
Only giving as little as possible, to ensure a substandard wage? 
Work Rules that ensure that everyone does something?
Worldport said:
Did he? Or did Parker say this is what I'm willing to give you. Do you think you should have higher pay,better benefits and better work rules than a competitor? How  does a business compete under those circumstances? If you owned a business would you practice such a policy? We have a lot of employees compared to the other airlines that tells me somethings got to give, where and when I don't know.
Wow.  I wonder if this guy is World Traveler.  
OldGuy@AA said:
Wow.  I wonder if this guy is World Traveler.  
Wow. I wonder if you really have a license to fix airplanes. Worldport refers to the old Pan Am terminal at JFK, Einstein. Instead of coming back with a logical rebuttal you come back with a nasty comment, but then in your day an AP was obtained at a vocational school wasn't it.
Worldport said:
Did he? Or did Parker say this is what I'm willing to give you. Do you think you should have higher pay,better benefits and better work rules than a competitor? How  does a business compete under those circumstances? If you owned a business would you practice such a policy? We have a lot of employees compared to the other airlines that tells me somethings got to give, where and when I don't know.
The fact is that the other major airlines are paying MUCH more money and offering MUCH better benefits than AA has for many years.  These airlines are competing and are making a profit.  Historically AA has paid lower than UA and Delta while offering less benefits like vacation etc. than UA or Delta.  I for one expect Parker to keep his word.  If you promise me the best compenasation in the industry I expect you to deliver and not crawdad on it.  I also consider the benefit package as part of compensation and expect to at least get the same vacation,, holidays etc.  If you haven't noticed AA is making money hand over fist and has rewarded every other worker not in the TWU with substantial raises and also handed the pilots and FAs a bigger 401K contribution that does not require the employee to match.  This is also an AA AMT thread so if you do not work for AA or you are not an AMT then you don't have any idea of what the AMTs at AA have endured so do us all a favor and butt out.  

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