700UW said:
UPS, WN and FedEx outsources a tremendous amount of maintenance, so of course its work rules, if work rules let them outsource work there will be massive reductions.
WN and US are very comparable in what they outsource.
So you are happy about that right? or can the IAM only be the one who destroys our craft, AMFA must do better?
OldGuy@AA said:
The thing is I can't be replaced by YOU. Because YOU AIN"T QUALIFIED. Outsourcing goes many ways too cupcake. As we speak FSC jobs are being outsourced too. Now go lose someone's bag or something.
just to note oldguy, any time AA outsources work, most of the people doing that work........aren't A&Ps.
Most MROs keep a few A&Ps on staff, plus the airline staff, to push paper work. The majority of the work is unlicensed employees.
The MRO that does our(DL) MD88/MD90 overhauls shows have 0 A&Ps and 900 unlicensed employees. I imagine DL has a few A&Ps based in QRO to push paperwork.
and now kids, you see why I am such a scopehawk.
Overspeed said:
Work rules are things like how you run OT, who works holidays, who does avionics, etc... Scope governs outsourcing. Now we know why US outsources more work than even non-union DL. The IAM negotiators didn't know the difference between scope and work rule language.
The IAM stepmom is sounding even worse than I previously believed.
and just remember OS, to 700 only scope that matters in line and airframe overhaul.
If you work in components, engines etc then he wants you all fired because the IAM says its okay.
Good luck with people like him leading your union.