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2015 AMT Discussion

Worldport said:
Wow. I wonder if you really have a license to fix airplanes. Worldport refers to the old Pan Am terminal at JFK, Einstein. Instead of coming back with a logical rebuttal you come back with a nasty comment, but then in your day an AP was obtained at a vocational school wasn't it.
Good one......  I got my A&P the old fashioned way.  Air Force too.   So there you go.  Since Pan Am doesn't exist anymore because of corporate greed from the executives of the airline and you giving me the impression that you were employed there I would think if you were a mechanic you would not have the attitude you do and try to justify under paying AA AMTs.  Also interesting you know who WT is.  Go troll somewhere else.
OldGuy@AA said:
The fact is that the other major airlines are paying MUCH more money and offering MUCH better benefits than AA has for many years.  These airlines are competing and are making a profit.  Historically AA has paid lower than UA and Delta while offering less benefits like vacation etc. than UA or Delta.  I for one expect Parker to keep his word.  If you promise me the best compenasation in the industry I expect you to deliver and not crawdad on it.  I also consider the benefit package as part of compensation and expect to at least get the same vacation,, holidays etc.  If you haven't noticed AA is making money hand over fist and has rewarded every other worker not in the TWU with substantial raises and also handed the pilots and FAs a bigger 401K contribution that does not require the employee to match.  This is also an AA AMT thread so if you do not work for AA or you are not an AMT then you don't have any idea of what the AMTs at AA have endured so do us all a favor and butt out.  
Funny you say that how come at every crew news there is a F/A bitching about  their pay? All I'm saying to you is DL's wages might be higher but their work rules and medical benefits are not as good. This will be our first contract so let's wait and see. You are right I'm a fleet clerk and will not post on here any longer some of you guys it's driving me nuts being as thick headed (illogical) as you are. If you ever have anything constructive to say I would not have a problem having you post on the fleet thread. Now you can go and cry to the other two amts on this thread after all you are the only group that has suffered in the industry
OldGuy@AA said:
Good one......  I got my A&P the old fashioned way.  Air Force too.   So there you go.  Since Pan Am doesn't exist anymore because of corporate greed from the executives of the airline and you giving me the impression that you were employed there I would think if you were a mechanic you would not have the attitude you do and try to justify under paying AA AMTs.  Also interesting you know who WT is.  Go troll somewhere else.
Griffiss AFB
Worldport said:
Funny you say that how come at every crew news there is a F/A bitching about  their pay? All I'm saying to you is DL's wages might be higher but their work rules and medical benefits are not as good. This will be our first contract so let's wait and see. You are right I'm a fleet clerk and will not post on here any longer some of you guys it's driving me nuts being as thick headed (illogical) as you are. If you ever have anything constructive to say I would not have a problem having you post on the fleet thread. Now you can go and cry to the other two amts on this thread after all you are the only group that has suffered in the industry
Bingo.....  Troll.  You not only do not hold an A&P license but you attempt to trivialize mine and every other AMTs' license that you will never have.  as a FSC in the TWU you enjoy above industry pay for your job and always have while we have not.  If the FAs want to complain about their pay then they have that right.  If you worked at Pan Am then you have had plenty of time to acquire an A&P and if you have been at AA for a while you even had the opportunity to get one handed to you by the TWU with no financial investment on your part or any real effort or risk on your part.  Maybe you figured you couldn't pass the math test (7th grade level) that was used as the measure of intelligence the TWU felt applied to our job?  Guys like you are what is wrong with the TWU.  In my opinion if you can parlay your "Skill" into $40 per hour then more power to you, but don't knock me when all I'm asking for is the same (or better as Parker promised) pay and bennies that the other airlines offer.  Also keep on believing that everyone else's medical is higher than ours.  The TWU tells you that while they didn't bother telling you that, while Delta and UA had FREE medical, TWU members paid higher premiums and had higher deductables than any other workgroups in the company for YEARS.  But thank you for leaving and please save your judgment of me and my co-workers for your FSC thread.  As far as which group has suffered more in the industry you full well know it hasn't been the FSCs at AA.  AMTs took a much bigger cut in pay and benefits than anyone else in the TWU or the entire company.  Long past time to make things right and I admittedly am very cranky about it and expect to get what Parker promised.  For someone who has basically no responsibility and has no accountability to the FAA you sure are an expert. 
OldGuy@AA said:
Bingo.....  Troll.  You not only do not hold an A&P license but you attempt to trivialize mine and every other AMTs' license that you will never have.  as a FSC in the TWU you enjoy above industry pay for your job and always have while we have not.  If the FAs want to complain about their pay then they have that right.  If you worked at Pan Am then you have had plenty of time to acquire an A&P and if you have been at AA for a while you even had the opportunity to get one handed to you by the TWU with no financial investment on your part or any real effort or risk on your part.  Maybe you figured you couldn't pass the math test (7th grade level) that was used as the measure of intelligence the TWU felt applied to our job?  Guys like you are what is wrong with the TWU.  In my opinion if you can parlay your "Skill" into $40 per hour then more power to you, but don't knock me when all I'm asking for is the same (or better as Parker promised) pay and bennies that the other airlines offer.  Also keep on believing that everyone else's medical is higher than ours.  The TWU tells you that while they didn't bother telling you that, while Delta and UA had FREE medical, TWU members paid higher premiums and had higher deductables than any other workgroups in the company for YEARS.  But thank you for leaving and please save your judgment of me and my co-workers for your FSC thread.  As far as which group has suffered more in the industry you full well know it hasn't been the FSCs at AA.  AMTs took a much bigger cut in pay and benefits than anyone else in the TWU or the entire company.  Long past time to make things right and I admittedly am very cranky about it and expect to get what Parker promised.  For someone who has basically no responsibility and has no accountability to the FAA you sure are an expert. 
Boy oh boy you are full of yourself. You can be replaced in a heartbeat and you know it, in fact the upcoming negotiations will prove it. You are a little better with a wrench than me thats about it, get off you high horse. God forbid you get sick, you're not getting any better treatment than that ditch digger.You are going to drop like everyone else
Worldport said:
Boy oh boy you are full of yourself. You can be replaced in a heartbeat and you know it, in fact the upcoming negotiations will prove it. You are a little better with a wrench than me thats about it, get off you high horse. God forbid you get sick, you're not getting any better treatment than that ditch digger.You are going to drop like everyone else
The thing is I can't be replaced by YOU.  Because YOU AIN"T QUALIFIED.  Outsourcing goes many ways too cupcake.  As we speak FSC jobs are being outsourced too.  Now go lose someone's bag or something.  
Work rules are things like how you run OT, who works holidays, who does avionics, etc... Scope governs outsourcing. Now we know why US outsources more work than even non-union DL. The IAM negotiators didn't know the difference between scope and work rule language.
The IAM stepmom is sounding even worse than I previously believed.
WeAAsles said:
There was a public statement made about the back peddling Parker has given going from 7% to 3 %. It was put out before the Agents accepted the 3% TA.
Can you post it pls?  I do remember something tied to the P/S or 401K, but do not remember...
OldGuy@AA said:
Wow.  I wonder if this guy is World Traveler.  
Someone has posted before that he is in fact WT using his alias...
OldGuy@AA said:
The thing is I can't be replaced by YOU.  Because YOU AIN"T QUALIFIED.  Outsourcing goes many ways too cupcake.  As we speak FSC jobs are being outsourced too.  Now go lose someone's bag or something.  
I guess that puts me below that dude in China or Mexico thats doing your job now for a fraction of the money even a fleet clerk makes. Now I will stay off your thread, best of luck with the upcoming contract.
OldGuy@AA said:
The thing is I can't be replaced by YOU.  Because YOU AIN"T QUALIFIED.  Outsourcing goes many ways too cupcake.  As we speak FSC jobs are being outsourced too.  Now go lose someone's bag or something.  
You know who loves posts like these? Management.

We wrestle around on the ground and they laugh and laugh...
I understand that TULE will open a 737 Heavy Line soon.
Also the facility that is referred to as Hangar 80, will be opening up a 737 B Check.
The CFM 56 shop is having a RIF 75 people will be displaced.
no firm time frames
700UW said:
UPS, WN and FedEx outsources a tremendous amount of maintenance, so of course its work rules, if work rules let them outsource work there will be massive reductions.
WN and US are very comparable in what they outsource. 
So you are happy about that right? or can the IAM only be the one who destroys our craft, AMFA must do better?   
OldGuy@AA said:
The thing is I can't be replaced by YOU.  Because YOU AIN"T QUALIFIED.  Outsourcing goes many ways too cupcake.  As we speak FSC jobs are being outsourced too.  Now go lose someone's bag or something.  
just to note oldguy, any time AA outsources work, most of the people doing that work........aren't A&Ps. 
Most MROs keep a few A&Ps on staff, plus the airline staff, to push paper work. The majority of the work is unlicensed employees.  
The MRO that does our(DL) MD88/MD90 overhauls shows have 0 A&Ps and 900 unlicensed employees. I imagine DL has a few A&Ps based in QRO to push paperwork.
and now kids, you see why I am such a scopehawk.  
Overspeed said:
Work rules are things like how you run OT, who works holidays, who does avionics, etc... Scope governs outsourcing. Now we know why US outsources more work than even non-union DL. The IAM negotiators didn't know the difference between scope and work rule language.
The IAM stepmom is sounding even worse than I previously believed.
and just remember OS, to 700 only scope that matters in line and airframe overhaul. 
If you work in components, engines etc then he wants you all fired because the IAM says its okay.  
Good luck with people like him leading your union. 

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