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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck, don't sell yourself short.  Screw the D or U plus 3%. This is already a givin by the co.  This association needs to get in there and demand the original 7% that was promised by AA CEO.  This association is just gonna keep on agreeing with everything the co wants lust like the TWU did for over 30 years.  Look over at Delta Pilots, now there's a union fighting for top wages.  Delta Pilots told the co. to go pack sand with their 20% raise and countered with 40%.  That's how it is done.  But with this week association still representing you guys they will simply agree once again, and cave to what the co. offers and also agree to pulling other forms of pay like 401K's, retirement etc.
This asso. needs to do something big for this combo contract. I am positive that if they just keep agreeing, and not get everything they promised (industry leading contract in all phases) they will risk being replaced. I don't think the membership will stand for it any longer if something big is not produced by the asso for this contract.  This stupid-a$$ asso should be screaming D or U plus 7% or no contract.  I do wanna wish you guy the best of luck, your gonna need it with this group representing you guys...
They havent agreed with the company on anything.
You people are all assuming things.
This isnt your Mother's TWU anymore.
There is a Stepmom there now also.
A "Wicked Stepmother" at that!!!  I agree, all have seen the "Delta +7%" video....don't really care who does it,  but time for somebody to hold him to his word!!  Tired of hearing the IAM and all the excuses, was told during that last election that if the IAM won(unfortunately they did) things would be different....so far its been the same old IAM....well this is hopefully the Associations first and last chance....everything is going strong in they industry except our benefits!!!  Speak with Delta friends and like all others they got beat up during the post 911 era, but no worse/better than LUS, UAL, CO and now they are reaping the rewards of a great industry while looking in the rearview mirror at the rest of us....
I would really like the Association accomplish something I have not witnessed during my tenure a LUS...a real contract which does not involve a give back or cost neutral....just once I would like to gain something, ad I'm not speaking of an increase in union dues!!!
I can only expect the worst out of this abortion called an association. Before the first meeting in Dec Sito and Lombardo agreed to not give the associations proposal to the company unless the company gave us there proposal. Well so much for trusting Sito and the iam. Sito handed our proposal to the company and agreed to use our proposal as a starting position. Why do I believe that Sito and the iam were talking behind the TWU's back and the company didn't bring a proposal for that reason.
700UW said:
They havent agreed with the company on anything.
You people are all assuming things.
This isnt your Mother's TWU anymore.
There is a Stepmom there now also.
that would be a evil step mother who froze pensions at Boeing and Boeing was not in bk. Boeing really got one over on the iam . Boeing would not move the 777x from Washington they were bluffing it would of cost to much money for Boeing to change plants there already tooled in Everett and the iam fell for it hook line sinker to protect there dues the iam Intl still has there pension the iam sole there membership down the river and took there pension
Stepmom? Definitely the unwanted stepmom. While many TWU members weren't happy with the TWU's performance during the 2003 concessions and BK, very few of them wanted the IAM. I supported the TWU during the IBT and AMFA drives which were not popular but I never ran in to anyone who wanted the IAM to represent them at AA. The Association was a shotgun wedding and now we have to hope for the best.
700UW said:
They havent agreed with the company on anything.
You people are all assuming things.
This isnt your Mother's TWU anymore.
There is a Stepmom there now also.
I would have to disagree somewhat.  You are correct as far as the nego cmte for the asso. has not agreed with the co. at the table yet because they have not been at the table yet.  The second that AA retracted the D=7% and said it would be D+3% after Delta thru all the raises to their groups, this asso, or at least the lead nego should have publicly put it out there that this (or a minimum a personal letter to the CEO) that his retraction would be a "Non-starter" for the mechanics group.  But instead, unless I missed something, and I don't think I have, there has not been one peep from anyone in a leadership position stating a single word about, a single update to the membership about it, and as far as I know nothing has been said in any union meetings since the retraction was made. Now my statement on them agreeing to anything that the co. says still stands and has stood for well over 30 years and YES it does extend over to the IAM group as well, but I cannot truthfully say it was for the same amount of time frame.  Just by the mere quietness by the leaders of this asso about this % retraction is pathetic in my mind.  At minimum there should be communication to the members that this asso will not stand for anything less than a minimum of D or U+7%, restore all that was givin up in all BK nego's, and thrust on an absolute "industry leading" contract in ALL phases of the contract, period...
Overspeed said:
 The Association was a shotgun wedding and now we have to hope for the best.
Yes it was and yes that is all you guys can do for now, very unfortunate that this was forced upon you even though it was promised day in and day out by the 2 unions and certain individuals on here who still to this day have not admitted they were wrong, they were told wrong, or they were just plain lying to keep the membership from getting too upset and vote another union in on the ballots.  Ruthless industrial union tactics that they know they had to play in order to keep the dues flowing in, and that my friend is factual.  Good luck to you and all your members, I hope you guys can leap the entire industry with your new contract...
I'm afraid that the iam is going to get control of the twu retirement fund on this contract. The AA mechanics will have their pensions reduced when they retire.
Why?  because the iam will steal it and use it for something else.
You don't have a TWU retirement fund, that is controlled by AA, and is underfunded by almost $2 billion, no the IAM nor the IAMNPF wants that money and its liabilities, and it would plunge the IAMNPF into the red and the PBGC won't just stand by.

It's simply amazing that some people have no idea how things and the law works.

The IAMNPF is a separate entity and the pension money can't be used for something else.
I have to admit 700, it amazes me as well that people think the IAM can come in and swoop up their AA frozen pension. Not going to happen boys and girls. As someone who has retirement in sight (albeit a little blurry) I have no fear of losing my AA pension. Not gonna happen. At least not via the IAMNPF.
swamt said:
I would have to disagree somewhat.  You are correct as far as the nego cmte for the asso. has not agreed with the co. at the table yet because they have not been at the table yet.  The second that AA retracted the D=7% and said it would be D+3% after Delta thru all the raises to their groups, this asso, or at least the lead nego should have publicly put it out there that this (or a minimum a personal letter to the CEO) that his retraction would be a "Non-starter" for the mechanics group.  But instead, unless I missed something, and I don't think I have, there has not been one peep from anyone in a leadership position stating a single word about, a single update to the membership about it, and as far as I know nothing has been said in any union meetings since the retraction was made. Now my statement on them agreeing to anything that the co. says still stands and has stood for well over 30 years and YES it does extend over to the IAM group as well, but I cannot truthfully say it was for the same amount of time frame.  Just by the mere quietness by the leaders of this asso about this % retraction is pathetic in my mind.  At minimum there should be communication to the members that this asso will not stand for anything less than a minimum of D or U+7%, restore all that was givin up in all BK nego's, and thrust on an absolute "industry leading" contract in ALL phases of the contract, period...

Yes it was and yes that is all you guys can do for now, very unfortunate that this was forced upon you even though it was promised day in and day out by the 2 unions and certain individuals on here who still to this day have not admitted they were wrong, they were told wrong, or they were just plain lying to keep the membership from getting too upset and vote another union in on the ballots.  Ruthless industrial union tactics that they know they had to play in order to keep the dues flowing in, and that my friend is factual.  Good luck to you and all your members, I hope you guys can leap the entire industry with your new contract...
There was a public statement made about the back peddling Parker has given going from 7% to 3 %. It was put out before the Agents accepted the 3% TA.
I have to admit 700, it amazes me as well that people think the IAM can come in and swoop up their AA frozen pension. Not going to happen boys and girls. As someone who has retirement in sight (albeit a little blurry) I have no fear of losing my AA pension. Not gonna happen. At least not via the IAMNPF.
It's the same people that stand up at a town hall and say to Parker "give us the money now and will negotiate the rest later". Freaking brilliant
Overspeed said:
Stepmom? Definitely the unwanted stepmom. While many TWU members weren't happy with the TWU's performance during the 2003 concessions and BK, very few of them wanted the IAM. I supported the TWU during the IBT and AMFA drives which were not popular but I never ran in to anyone who wanted the IAM to represent them at AA. The Association was a shotgun wedding and now we have to hope for the best.
That is what the mechanics under the TWU have been doing the last 30 years.....
WeAAsles said:
There was a public statement made about the back peddling Parker has given going from 7% to 3 %. It was put out before the Agents accepted the 3% TA.
Back peddling or recalculating? Circumstances at DL change since Parker made the original statement. Why someone from another airline that is bogged down in negotiations would be so concerned about our contract puzzles me. His energy should be directed towards his own predicament.

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