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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
Airplanes are amazing, they actually take people from the the Youse zone to meetings in Phoenix.

How about a Geography lesson:
Nice spin attempt.
cactuspilot1 imaginary spin of a west pilot and ATC.
west pilot; "Did youse guys clear us to land?"
ATC:  "Affirmative cactuspilot 1, you are clear to land runway 13 sir."
Once again Catpiss proves what an ass he is. Pounding your chest once again. Yes Catpiss he was a pilot and yes Catpiss he said "YOUSE" Actually, he could not even say that quite right. Who you going to beat up now scab? LMFAO again. 
Hawkhunter said:
Once again Catpiss proves what an ass he is. Pounding your chest once again. Yes Catpiss he was a pilot and yes Catpiss he said "YOUSE" Actually, he could not even say that quite right. Who you going to beat up now scab? LMFAO again.
I think he was mocking you. I guess youse missed that part. It was even circled on the map for idiots like youse. :lol:
Phoenix said:
Listen and weep. 1:30  "Pilot to pilot.  You know why I hate every single one of YOUSE? ...
Perfect video and post to show what happens when the East asks the West to sit down and try to hash this out.
West didn't want representation.
West refused every overture when asked to participate.
Nothing but hostility.
It's a waste of time. The courts have spoken. It does NOT have to be the NIC. Let the arbitraitors deal the cards based on three lists in effect December 9, 2013 per the protocol agreement.
A320 Driver said:
Perfect video and post to show what happens when the East asks the West to sit down and try to hash this out.
West didn't want representation.
West refused every overture when asked to participate.
Nothing but hostility.
It's a waste of time. The courts have spoken. It does NOT have to be the NIC. Let the arbitraitors deal the cards based on three lists in effect December 9, 2013 per the protocol agreement.
Really? I can't stop laughing. You don't come to our house and under the element of a threat and expect a warm welcome. It was nothing but a cram-down and pilots saw right through it. A screw job. I'm glad they sent EWES packing.

Decertified , along with your DOH dream.
CactusPilot1 said:
Really? I can't stop laughing. You don't come to our house and under the element of a threat and expect a warm welcome. It was nothing but a cram-down and pilots saw right through it. A screw job. I'm glad they sent EWES packing.

Decertified , along with your DOH dream.
You guys could never get past your emotions interrupting and short-circuiting the necessity to deal rationally with your options.  
But at least you have a tie, and its cool in AZ.. the tie that is.  
Phoenix said:
You guys could never get past your emotions interrupting and short-circuiting the necessity to deal rationally with your options.  
But at least you have a tie, and its cool in AZ.. the tie that is.
EWES were the crybabies who could could not accept the outcome of a process you agreed. Speaks volumes of your lack of integrity. You tried to do it again with that slick willy of an attorney at the road show. You are a bunch of unethical low-life's. Stay out of our house. Don't come back!

EWE can run along now.

View attachment 10480
CactusPilot1 said:
You don't come to our house and under the element of a threat and expect a warm welcome.
That I can understand, but it just might have been better for "you'se" and all concerned, had there been a group of supposed professionals, capable of both thinking and conducting themselves at least a bit above the level of dyspeptic teenagers to deal with. The west's "righteously" angry intransigence has gained your group nothing whatsoever, but I suppose it's all you really have left at this point. After over seven years of brilliant west strategy; you're dependant on arbitration whims to even see if seperate representation can be gained. Should that even happen; you can then sit down with an off-suited 2-7 (PHX resources) and only hope and pray for some truly miraculous run of cards that would make for you a nic "flush" of sorts.  As always...good luck with your fantasies. Which of any/all those fantasies have ever worked out for "you'se"?
"You'se" may now resume posting cartoon characters and mindless rants in support of your "righteous" indignation. 
Phoenix said:
You guys could never get past your emotions interrupting and short-circuiting the necessity to deal rationally with your options.  
But at least you have a tie, and its cool in AZ.. the tie that is.  
Pretty much, but don't forget the added "waay-cool-dude" value of having "Integrity Matters" T-shirts, as well as the personal pride of being fantasized "spartan soldiers" in an imaginary "army."  One has to just shake his/her head at the absurdity of it all.
CactusPilot1 said:
EWES were the crybabies who could could not accept the outcome of a process you agreed. Speaks volumes of your lack of integrity. You tried to do it again with that slick willy of an attorney at the road show. You are a bunch of unethical low-life's. Stay out of our house. Don't come back!
EWE can run along now.
USAPA abided by the agreement. No contract, no implemention. The west, still want to bypass the requirements of the agreement. Perhaps they should have read it.
CactusPilot1 said:
I look forward to introducing myself, sitting there in your rocking chair in your Bojangles grease covered covered shirt with the buttons about to pop off. Sully- like mustache too right? Will you be taking off all your Usapacrap and putting all that AA bling to blend in?

I'd be embarrassed too.
CactusPilot1 said:
EWES were the crybabies who could could not accept the outcome of a process you agreed. Speaks volumes of your lack of integrity. You tried to do it again with that slick willy of an attorney at the road show. You are a bunch of unethical low-life's. Stay out of our house. Don't come back!

EWE can run along now.


The speaker in the video also has a hard time hard time not spitting out words twice...
1:43 and 1:54...
And FOdaze, Snapthis, Nic, and CactusPilot all have a thing for using the word "CLOWNS".... like the guy in the video..... hmmmmm.
Hawkhunter said:
And the Youse guy still did not get his upgrade! LMFAO
The PHX Road Show was March 19, 2008...2394 days 3 hours and 37 seconds ago 
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