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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
I'll point out your ignorance. Have you ever heard of Satire, Courtney? Cartoons have been used for hundreds of years. Here, I'll look it up for you.

From ancient times satirists have shared a common aim: to expose foolishness in all its guises — vanity, hypocrisy, pedantry, idolatry, bigotry, sentimentality — and to effect reform through such exposure.
"I'll point out your ignorance." Don't bother, since all "you'se" ever manage to do is highlight your own."Cartoons have been used for hundreds of years." From THE COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA: From ancient times...
Good so far, but the use of satirical imagery actually dates back millenia, being common in Roman culture, with abundant examples found from even ancient Egypt, but if "hundreds of years" is the highest math you're readily able to process, oh well then.
CactusPilot1 said:
Why would I bid PHL when you are in CLT? Your act is getting old. I was working on my second logbook when you were playing with Ninja Turtles.
No way skippy, I started here a few years before your scab ridden airline came into existence so you pipe down son, can't wait till we fly together, will go over all the AOL mistakes over a beer, I always buy for the F/O, but you do have to come to PHL.

Do you really think Courtney would waste his time like the rest of us on this crap, like I said years ago it's just entertainment.
You never fooled me either, Luv. Remember the failed recall? There is a familiar name at the bottom. You had an agenda in January and it went well beyond entertainment.
luvthe9 said:

The BPR Has Authority to Choose an Interim President if Gary Hummel and Steve Bradford are Both Recalled
Contrary to what Gary Hummel, Steve Bradford and Mark King are telling you, the BPR will vote to choose an interim President and elections will begin immediately if Gary and Steve are both recalled.  Their claim that the BPR doesn’t have authority because it isn’t explicitly written somewhere is like saying we should all just cross our legs and fold our arms if we encounter an abnormal in our airplane if there’s no written guidance.  It’s just another of their ploys to get you to vote no through deception.  Our General Counsel confirmed the BPR’s authority to appoint an interim President as this letter was being written.
We have been trying to get Gary to do the responsible thing and reconvene the 4Q Meeting on January 8th, the day the recall votes will be counted so we would be in session, ready to take the appropriate action if necessary.   Typical of Gary’s “leadership” he chose to ignore the request of nine members of the Board and call the meeting back in session January 9th.  He can play all the games he wants, but the Board has the authority and is fully prepared to vote an interim replacement and will do so if necessary.
 [SIZE=16pt]What happens if the recall is unsuccessful?[/SIZE]
Gary Hummel will likely see it as a mandate; as a blessing from the membership that it’s OK with you if he is not truthful; if he works in secret behind the BPR and your backs; if he ignores the Board and does whatever he likes; if he breaks rules as he wishes.  He will likely continue down the same road recall-supporters have warned you of, only with greater arrogance.   If you think you are witnessing dysfunction now, imagine what it will be like at the representational level if the membership decides that a President whom nine of eleven BPR members do not trust should remain in power.
Here’s a rhetorical question worth considering:  What benefit is there in choosing as Chairman of any board, a person whom 82% of the board members do not trust?
Please prevent dysfunction at an unprecedented level by making way for a true leader and pilot advocate. Vote “yes” on the recall.
You can vote or CHANGE YOUR VOTE at https://www.BallotPoint.com/USAPA
[SIZE=16pt]Bob Frear            Ron Nelson         Courtney Borman[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Paul DiOrio         John Taylor         Paul Music[/SIZE]

The beauty is, you wasted a lot of time, you aired your dirty laundry and the recalled failed.
Posted 28 December 2013 - 09:35 AM
Specific Grievances against Gary Hummel and Steve Bradford

This list was compiled by BPR members who have served while Gary Hummel has been President.

Lack of integrity: 9 of the 11 sitting BPR members have lost all confidence in the President and Vice President. The dishonesty, manipulation of the rules, and political word-games played by these men has created a total lack of trust in our Union leadership. This situation can only be fixed by removing them from office, because the BPR has tried every conceivable alternative that would cause Hummel and Bradford to run the union as it was intended. They simply refuse.

Dishonesty: In the opinion of many, Hummel is a pathological liar that refuses to communicate honestly with the BPR, or the Pilots, about his activities. There are no notes or written reports of numerous conversations regarding MOU negotiations with management, and deals were made without BPR authority or NAC knowledge that ended up in both MOU 1 and MOU 2. Both documents suffered greatly because of his dishonesty and sloppy, undisciplined union work.

Violating the USAPA Constitution/lack of Medical Certification and Qualification: Union rules, “Section 5(IV)(e) of the Constitution clearly state that a pilot must remain current and qualified on his equipment to be eligible to receive flight pay loss money. If the pilot fails to maintain currency he must notify the Secretary Treasurer and ultimately the BPR who will either approve or disapprove continued pay and service. There is a provision that allows an officer to remain in office for up to one year (at the discretion of the BPR) if the reason for the disqualification is due to medical reasons. Since May 14, 2013 Gary Hummel has remained in office in violation of union rules on full pay status without a valid FAA Medical Certificate. During this 8 month period he has used only 9 days of sick leave and continues to accrue sick time against Union rules and guidelines. Would you receive the same benefit?

Failure to follow the rules: The Officers of USAPA continually ignore the UOM and Constitution to fit their political expediency. Noted above is just one example. Another recent example, was the self-promoting letter mailed to your homes on USAPA letterhead. This letter was created by a public relations firm who bypassed the Communications Committee, which is a violation of our communications policy established in the UOM: All communications to pilots are required to pass through USAPA Communications, and there are numerous important reasons for this. Hummel bypasses the Communications Committee and other committees when it fits with his agenda, and in this case he probably spent $50,000 or more of your dues money – without any authorization from the Board -- to do it. Negotiating directly with management without BPR/NAC knowledge is another example of “The Gary Hummel” leadership style. He has done this in several instances. Our relatively shameful $8400 signing bonus is one example, and another, less-publicized incident was interjecting himself in Group 1 (E190) pay discussions in Dallas. It’s a big reason we’ve ended up some $50/hour short of Delta pay for similar aircraft. Our Group 1 pilots have been irreparably harmed because of Hummel’s undisciplined behavior. These officers do whatever they want, and damn the rules, the BPR, or the Committee Chairmen who have the authority and charge to deliver the product.

Failure to communicate, and intentional miscommunication: These men promised transparency in their election campaigns. Continual failure to communicate both internally with the BPR and USAPA committee structure is as prevalent as the lack of communications to the line pilot who is supposed to be the backbone of USAPA. Notice that the communication coming from USAPA about this presidential recall has been almost non-existent, compared with what the union put out when certain Domicile Representatives were facing recall. This is more than a failure to communicate; it is intentional miscommunication, and they’ve been doing this continually throughout their terms of office.

Failure to attain adequate returns in the MOU: The Officers’ rush to get Doug Parker his merger at any cost created an MOU that fell well short of delivering US Airways pilots appropriate value for the their 10 years of sacrifices and Scope language relief granted to the company. At least $398 million in value was left on the table; instead of getting a share of that, Hummel’s weak and undisciplined approach helped those monies go to American Airline Shareholders at the completion of the deal. During BPR closed sessions what was witnessed was a union President behaving more like a company VP, always attempting to diminish our leverage and put the BPR at a strategic disadvantage.

Illegal, direct negotiations with management behind the back of the pilots, BPR, and NAC: This began prior to beginning their terms when in March 2012 Hummel and his “team” went to PHX and were briefed by US Airways management without any witnesses or Committees present. And by the way, the week that Hummel was secretly in PHX was also the same week that APA was in PHX negotiating the Term Sheet. Coincidence? They clearly began their term cutting backroom deals and having private discussions with upper management, which is a violation of USAPA policy for a very good reason. But this is more than just a breach of our own rules and protocol; negotiating without the knowledge or permission of the BPR, our Professional Advisors, or the Committee in place that is trained to do this business is perhaps the worst judgment an alleged “union leader” can display. The cost to this pilot group is impossible to calculate, but it’s huge…. and it is ongoing.

Health Issue: While no one wants anything but a full recovery for Gary Hummel from his life-threatening medical issues, there can be no question that you have a right to the best representation USAPA can provide. This union takes in some $10 Million in dues annually. It is entirely inappropriate for someone who is personally distracted in any way to be leading an organization as complex as USAPA. Gary Hummel was absent at a recent court hearing because doctor’s orders were to avoid stressful situations. There is nothing about the job of USAPA President that isn’t stressful. The stress, distraction, numerous required visits to medical facilities for treatment, and the use of multiple prescription medicines, have left the US Airways pilots with a President who is operating at far less than 100%. During the next 18-24 months, USAPA needs a leader who places 5200 dues paying members ahead of his own desire to remain in power.

Please vote yes to recall Gary Hummel and Steve Bradford at https://www.BallotPoint.com/USAPA/

Thanks Luv for that dirty laundry
Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:21 PM


Well guess who is the new head of the ballot committee, from what we here, Mark King, aka RR and joevotesno. Imagine him counting ballots for Hummel and we are paying for this? I guess that's why he's says off the board.
Another Luvly post:
Yesterday you received the 25th piece of campaign material from Team Hummel, this one from former Gary Hummel roommate Captain Ed Campbell. Please don’t let the irony of Captain Campbell’s words escape you, “I know to challenge the creditability of this crowd is to invite personal attacks…”, as he goes on to personally attack yet another recall supporter. 25 letters from Team Hummel -- all with a theme of personal attacks, assaults on credibility, pure lies, and fear mongering -- but Captain Campbell wants you to believe that such things are offensive to him.

As Team Hummel continues to politically smear anybody supporting the recall as their main defense, please remember these numbers: 14 of 17 current and former BPR members who have served while Gary Hummel has been President are urging you to recall him before he does more harm. They are telling you that he cannot be trusted. As badly as Team Hummel wants you to believe that the impetus for this action is all personal and political, it’s not; this recall is simply about the vast majority of the USAPA Board – 9 Representatives who you elected and who are supposed to be governing the Association -- losing faith in our President, and finally deciding that removing him is our best option for success.

The voting window closes in 4 days. Do not let the chance to make room for an honest and strong pilot advocate pass you by. Please VOTE YES TO RECALL.

You can vote or change your vote by visiting https://www.BallotPoint.com/USAPA          

More dirty laundry.
You seem to know how things operate.
You don't even trust each other.
[SIZE=medium]Dear AA Phoenix Pilots,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Eric and I are in DFW this week representing your interests at a special Board of Directors meeting. A majority of the meeting is expected to be closed.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]All the Best.

John & Eric
[SIZE=medium]Isn't it nice to be in a real union again, John and Eric? You don't have to deal with this nonsense anymore:[/SIZE]
Fellow Pilots,

Over the past three weeks, you have seen ridiculous accusation after accusation thrown at us by the CLT and PHL reps.

We have been unjustly accused of taking bribes, holding secret meetings, paying off lawyers and even mistreating our dogs.

There have been allegations, assertions, innuendos and whisper campaigns directed against us - without one shred of evidence ever being presented because none of it is true.

Our Team took office on April 18, 2012. Before the polls close tomorrow and you cast your vote, ask yourself one simple question:
  • Are you and your family better off today?


Gary Hummel, President

Stephen Bradford, Vice President

Vote NO, NO, NO https://www.ballotpo...func=menu_LOGIN

Visit our website http://www.votenorecall.org
And the dysfunction:

Ballot Certification Committee Resigns
To the USAPA Officers and BPR: 12/24/2013
 It is with great regret that we tender our resignations from the Ballot Certification Committee immediately.

It has been a privilege serving the pilots of USAPA, and we thank them for trusting us with the oversight of this important committee. We recognize that our members have very diverse and passionate views. USAPA's elections and referendums are the vehicle by which the collective will of our pilots is truly and accurately expressed.

We have had many challenges to overcome, both internal and external, in order to maintain fair elections for our pilots. Since its inception, every election conducted by this committee has adhered to the highest ethical standards, and has met or exceeded every applicable statute outlined by the US Department of Labor. We have worked very closely with the Department of Labor and have received high accolades from them, as well as from our pilots. We are proud of the fact that the Department of Labor has upheld this committee's actions and decisions in every challenge which has arisen to date.

The time commitment involved in scheduling, conducting, and officiating elections is considerable. Every member of our committee is married with young children. Our families' support, encouragement, and willingness to sacrifice time together, is what has made it possible for us to serve our fellow pilots.

We've dealt with a lot of challenges over the years, but the dysfunction and dirty politics which now seem to permeate USAPA's governing body has reached a level that we have not witnessed before at USAPA. It is truly sad to see just how much we have returned to the practices of our former bargaining agent.

It has recently come to our attention that several current and former BPR members have begun a campaign to undermine our personal integrity, and the integrity of the Ballot Certification Committee. We can only speculate that the intent of this campaign is to influence the outcome of the current recall referendum. We willingly endured the sacrifices to our personal and family lives in order to contribute to an organization which promised a better way to do business. Quite frankly, with the current level of dysfunction in USAPA, we have neither the time nor the desire to deal with such distractions.

We currently find ourselves in the difficult position of having to administer a recall referendum without the guidance of the Constitution and Bylaws or the UOM. In cases such as these, we must defer to the governing body for guidance. Unfortunately, recent actions by members of the BPR in knowingly disseminating false information to our pilots make it clear that the governing body lacks the integrity our pilots deserve. We refuse to be a part of any of that, and so we feel duty-bound to resign from the Ballot Certification Committee.

We are by no means trying to interfere with the ongoing referendum by withdrawing our volunteer services. Thus, should the BPR and officers request, we will provide the association with technical assistance in order to finish the current referendum and PHX nominations.


Jay Morgan

Wes Yount

Andy Hunt

CactusPilot1 said:
You should know buffoonery.
Leonidas kept that buffoon Cleary in a box. A box with a hotspot, obviously.
Come on up to the gym sometime. We can box a bit.
On the house.
Watch out Claxon that Catpiss is one tough dude. Just ask him how tough he is! His wife is scared to death of him. Ask him about how tough he is on the crew van too! Watch out for that tough scab! 
Claxon said:
Come on up to the gym sometime. We can box a bit.
On the house.
Hawkhunter said:
Watch out Claxon that Catpiss is one tough dude. Just ask him how tough he is! His wife is scared to death of him. Ask him about how tough he is on the crew van too! Watch out for that tough scab! 
I'll just sit back and let this Nicolau thing destroy your lives with worry. Just look what it's done to your Prez.

Sooner or later you'll have to accept the inevitable.


Stress can get you here...Respectfully,
USAPA Bereavement Committee
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