Hawkhunter said:
Whatever you say Catpiss.
Ewe know what makes a great litterbox liner, hawkpus?
Ballot Certification Committee
October 1, 2014
2015 PHX Domicile Officer Election
Nominations for the USAPA PHX Domicile Officers will be accepted by Internet beginning December 19, 2014. Terms of office will begin on April 1, 2015 and end March 31, 2017.
In order to meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 3 (Domicile Nominations), members must be active and in good standing by 1700 ET, October 20, 2014. Members are reminded that it is anticipated that the Upcoming National Officer election will be announced in accordance with the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws and is anticipated to follow the same timeline.
All nominations must be received no later than
1400 ET on January 9, 2015.
Within 48 hours after the close of nominations, all eligible nominees will be notified of their nomination. Nominees shall execute a statement, in a form provided by the Secretary-Treasurer, indicating a willingness to serve if elected, and the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form set forth in Appendix B to the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws. These forms are available in the members only section of the USAPA website. The executed Willingness to Serve form and Conflict of Interest Disclosure form must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer no later than 1700 ET on January 16, 2015. Nominees will not be included on the election ballot if the required paperwork is not received. If desired, these forms may be transmitted via fax.
Election balloting is anticipated to take place by Internet from January 22, 2015 through February 12, 2015. If necessary, a runoff election is anticipated to be conducted from February 19, 2015 through March 12, 2015. Notice of election and voting instructions will be posted on the USAPA website and emailed 21 days prior to the close of voting.
Please contact the Ballot Certification Committee via email at ballot@usairlinepilots.org or by telephone at (704) 981-2831 if you need assistance.
USAPA Ballot Certification Committee
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Copyright 2014 - US Airline Pilots Association
200 East Woodlawn Road, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone Message: 877-332-3350 | Office: 704-936-4500 | Toll-free: 877-332-3342