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2014 Pilot Discussion

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CactusPilot1 said:
Yea pal, STOLEN upgrades. EWE can suck on this when the next arbitration comes out, cork sucker.
"STOLEN"? What east pilot's now flying out of PHX, besides none?  Per your "logic" and "EWE can suck on this when the next arbitration comes out, cork sucker." Well, good luck again with that, and all your childish fantasies in general "spartan." If it's truly the sad case that the highest interface level with the world "you'se" can manage is spraying spittle over a keyboard while posting up cartoon images, well, you've my proper sympathy for likely both genetic and educational deficiencies that will make for a trying trek through life. No matter. Instead of a "life" spent hoping/praying for "when the next arbitration comes out", or any kindly old uncle ever handing something to you for nothing; consider instead the concept of earning things for yourself, and making life plans that don't always depend on "the kindess of strangers" Miss Dubois.
"You'se" may now return to your "righteously" angry, pitiful little victim presentations.
CactusPilot1 said:
Yea pal, STOLEN upgrades. EWE can suck on this when the next arbitration comes out, cork sucker.
The Status Quo is contractually admitted by all merger committees. For the West, should they be granted a merger committee, it will be a hard choice... Admit the Status Quo, or forgo participation in order to preserve a chance at DFR...

It's a lot like accepting the nullification of the 2005 TA in order to get a pay raise.
Phoenix said:
The Status Quo is contractually admitted by all merger committees. For the West, should they be granted a merger committee, it will be a hard choice... Admit the Status Quo, or forgo participation in order to preserve a chance at DFR...
It's a lot like accepting the nullification of the 2005 TA in order to get a pay raise.
Relax and stop worrying about the West pilots. It's none of your business.
16 East retirements in October, 31 in November 17 in December. Na, attrition isn't worth anything.
Phoenix said:
The Status Quo is contractually admitted by all merger committees. For the West, should they be granted a merger committee, it will be a hard choice... Admit the Status Quo, or forgo participation in order to preserve a chance at DFR...

It's a lot like accepting the nullification of the 2005 TA in order to get a pay raise.
Sigh...You're doing that 'logic thing" again brother, and how many times have I warned you about even attempting that with the "I hate every one of you'se" bunch? 😉 I've never managed much mileage from doing so.  EastUS 2007 "Umm, guys/gals? This nic thing isn't really going to work. Can we talk?" West responses: "Final and binding! It's OVER! Get used to it!"..."NO fences!"..."Ho ho ho! St. Nic is coming to town!"..."You won't even get 200 cards! Send the cards, I DARE you!"..."The nic will be crammed down your throats!"..."This is Sparta!", etc, ad nauseam/ad infinitum.
EastCheats said:
Relax and stop worrying about the West pilots. It's none of your business.
Me "worry about the West Pilots".... Please do tell me ONE time when I "worried about the West Pilots"... They seem to always fail at reading their own contracts and blindly accept instead the story they want to hear from folks selling $675 ties.
Hawkhunter said:
Whatever you say Catpiss.
Ewe know what makes a great litterbox liner, hawkpus?

Ballot Certification Committee

October 1, 2014

2015 PHX Domicile Officer Election


Nominations for the USAPA PHX Domicile Officers will be accepted by Internet beginning December 19, 2014. Terms of office will begin on April 1, 2015 and end March 31, 2017.

In order to meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 3 (Domicile Nominations), members must be active and in good standing by 1700 ET, October 20, 2014. Members are reminded that it is anticipated that the Upcoming National Officer election will be announced in accordance with the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws and is anticipated to follow the same timeline.

All nominations must be received no later than
1400 ET on January 9, 2015.

Within 48 hours after the close of nominations, all eligible nominees will be notified of their nomination. Nominees shall execute a statement, in a form provided by the Secretary-Treasurer, indicating a willingness to serve if elected, and the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form set forth in Appendix B to the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws. These forms are available in the members only section of the USAPA website. The executed Willingness to Serve form and Conflict of Interest Disclosure form must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer no later than 1700 ET on January 16, 2015. Nominees will not be included on the election ballot if the required paperwork is not received. If desired, these forms may be transmitted via fax.

Election balloting is anticipated to take place by Internet from January 22, 2015 through February 12, 2015. If necessary, a runoff election is anticipated to be conducted from February 19, 2015 through March 12, 2015. Notice of election and voting instructions will be posted on the USAPA website and emailed 21 days prior to the close of voting.

Please contact the Ballot Certification Committee via email at ballot@usairlinepilots.org or by telephone at (704) 981-2831 if you need assistance.

USAPA Ballot Certification Committee

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Copyright 2014 - US Airline Pilots Association
200 East Woodlawn Road, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone Message: 877-332-3350 | Office: 704-936-4500 | Toll-free: 877-332-3342
CactusPilot1 said:
Really? I can't stop laughing. You don't come to our house and under the element of a threat and expect a warm welcome. It was nothing but a cram-down and pilots saw right through it. A screw job. I'm glad they sent EWES packing.
Decertified , along with your DOH dream.
Again with the cartoons, grow up, we have DOH now what don't you get? It's a reality. YOU chose not to join in and made a stupid choice that hurt ALL your pilots, it's done and over. Hey you know what I might bid DCA or CLT the next time around, you know why, because I can, how bout you? AAAAWWWWEEEE to bad?
Phoenix said:
Listen and weep. 1:30  "Pilot to pilot.  You know why I hate every single one of YOUSE? ...

My AA buddies could not believe how ignorant the west pilots are, but they do now, all these videos will be here for a long time for all to see.
AWE Dog said:
16 East retirements in October, 31 in November 17 in December. Na, attrition isn't worth anything.
Yeah, but they are all out of the right seat. Plus, USAPA won't get 200 cards, US will never leave ALPA, the Wake appeal is a done deal, Judge Silver gets it...did I miss any?
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