Do they stress you out? Relax pal.luvthe9 said:Boy, your sure obsessed with your little cartoons.
Not at all, just makes you kids look stupid but hey if the shoe fits.CactusPilot1 said:Do they stress you out? Relax pal.
I'll point out your ignorance. Have you ever heard of Satire, Courtney? Cartoons have been used for hundreds of years. Here, I'll look it up for you.luvthe9 said:Not at all, just makes you kids look stupid but hey if the shoe fits.
There is a very big difference between cartoons,satire, and buffoonery.CactusPilot1 said:I'll point out your ignorance. Have you ever heard of Satire, Courtney? Cartoons have been used for hundreds of years. Here, I'll look it up for you.
From ancient times satirists have shared a common aim: to expose foolishness in all its guises — vanity, hypocrisy, pedantry, idolatry, bigotry, sentimentality — and to effect reform through such exposure.
I think your just to upset about your current status, you kids have made to many mistakes over the years. All of us understand your frustration, I know you feel stupid for listening to Ferguson and Koontz, they have lied to you kids and have cost you so much money that your families could have used. You and your little group of AFO's have lost out on upgrades and wide body flying, my F/O the other day going right seat on the 330 with only two years or so.CactusPilot1 said:I'll point out your ignorance. Have you ever heard of Satire, Courtney? Cartoons have been used for hundreds of years. Here, I'll look it up for you.
From ancient times satirists have shared a common aim: to expose foolishness in all its guises vanity, hypocrisy, pedantry, idolatry, bigotry, sentimentality and to effect reform through such exposure.
You should know buffoonery.Claxon said:There is a very big difference between cartoons,satire, and buffoonery.
You, are obviously a Buffoon.
And all you scabs locked in PHX to this day with no growth and no NIC, now who's the real Buffon? works for us!!CactusPilot1 said:You should know buffoonery.
Leonidas kept that buffoon Cleary in a box. A box with a hotspot, obviously.
All you brought to the AMW Merger was a pink slip you fat SCLOB Courtney. While Scabbing to rebuild what you feel you lost on the back of hard working honest people might sound like a good idea, it isn't. You spent twice as much time unemployed at your piece of schitt carrier than you ever worked there before America West Rescued your pathetic fat ass. Look for Mr. Nicolau himself appearing as a witness before both arbitration panels. He'll spell it out for you. AGAIN. Before the Arbitrators he mentored. Best of Luck. You can drown your sorrows in a bucket of LoLo's next time you're in town to check on the trailer.luvthe9 said:And all you scabs locked in PHX to this day with no growth and no NIC, now who's the real Buffon? works for us!!
Look who has his nose up Claxon's butt. You don't have the authority to lock anybody in Phoenix.luvthe9 said:And all you scabs locked in PHX to this day with no growth and no NIC, now who's the real Buffon? works for us!!
Well bid PHL then and you can lift gear for me son, we'll wait a minute guess you can't, right locked in PHX.CactusPilot1 said:Look who has his nose up Claxon's butt. You don't have the authority to lock anybody in Phoenix.
Keep dreaming, pal.
There's our little man Doyal, you know we saved you guys from Project Zanzibar.Res Judicata said:All you brought to the AMW Merger was a pink slip you fat SCLOB Courtney. While Scabbing to rebuild what you feel you lost on the back of hard working honest people might sound like a good idea, it isn't. You spent twice as much time unemployed at your piece of schitt carrier than you ever worked there before America West Rescued your pathetic fat ass. Look for Mr. Nicolau himself appearing as a witness before both arbitration panels. He'll spell it out for you. AGAIN. Before the Arbitrators he mentored. Best of Luck. You can drown your sorrows in a bucket of LoLo's next time you're in town to check on the trailer.
Why would I bid PHL when you are in CLT? Your act is getting old. I was working on my second logbook when you were playing with Ninja Turtles.luvthe9 said:Well bid PHL then and you can lift gear for me son, we'll wait a minute guess you can't, right locked inPHX.
CactusPilot1 said:.... I was working on my second logbook when you were playing with Ninja Turtles.