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2014 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
No need, I'll get my APA buddies to fill me in, just know they are learning what group of nut jobs you guys are. How soon before you sue them, remember nobody wants you guys.
Granted we do have some nut jobs over here, but they're few and far between. The guys I've been flying with are all first rate.

My friends at American are surprised USAPA appears to want to put third listers over guys like me. They understand your concerns about credit for LOS, but are surprised it only matters when it benefits the east (I wasn't shocked). You guys aren't hypocrites are you? Since these guys (APA) were at my wedding I think they're being pretty honest and upfront with their opinions.

traderjake said:
There are methods other than DOH that would be accepted by the east, but DOH works best. It might be what APA wants as well. 
Beancounter said:
Granted we do have some nut jobs over here, but they're few and far between. The guys I've been flying with are all first rate.
My friends at American are surprised USAPA appears to want to put third listers over guys like me. They understand your concerns about credit for LOS, but are surprised it only matters when it benefits the east (I wasn't shocked). You guys aren't hypocrites are you? Since these guys (APA) were at my wedding I think they're being pretty honest and upfront with their opinions.
I agree, I'm sure you have some good kids over there. Again I don't know where you sit all my AA buddies and myself have over 33 years, they can't believe you guys think a two year guy should go over a seventeen year guy here. In the end I think it will be something close to DOH/LOS, they also think a deal can be made before MB as APA would be risking a lot.

As I said before we have no rights to their big planes nor do we want to bump anyone out of their seat, I think there will be fences and C&Rs, will see, however we will not let them TWA us. To me DOH, fences and C&Rs will work fine for all.
luvthe9 said:
I agree, I'm sure you have some good kids over there. Again I don't know where you sit all my AA buddies and myself have over 33 years, they can't believe you guys think a two year guy should go over a seventeen year guy here. In the end I think it will be something close to DOH/LOS, they also think a deal can be made before MB as APA would be risking a lot.
As I said before we have no rights to their big planes nor do we want to bump anyone out of their seat, I think there will be fences and C&Rs, will see, however we will not let them TWA us. To me DOH, fences and C&Rs will work fine for all.
I agree, we will be fenced off their big stuff. How long, I have no idea. The guys I know at AA are very senior, some retired. They tend to not sugar coat their opinions. Sometimes I don't always like their responses, but I respect them all the same.

Fellow LAX/SFO Pilots,

As a reminder, we will be having a LAX domicile meeting this next Monday, 29 September at the LAX Hacienda Hotel. Doors open at 0930 and the meeting starts at 1030. Please see the 9/19 domicile blast for linked hotel and other information.

The primary purpose of this meeting is for us, APA members in good standing of the LAX domicile to exercise a very important aspect of union membership. We are being asked to review and vote to approve or not approve over 1100 potential new members of the former US Air PHX domicile into APA. It is not trite to say that your vote truly counts in exercising this membership responsibility.

CA Jim West, Chairman of the APA National Membership Committee will be in attendance to answer questions on the potential new member screening process.

CA Norm Miller of the Negotiating Committee will provide the latest update on the JCBA talks as we will be halfway through the 30 day negotiation timeline before the potential arbitration process begins.

CA Budd Beaman of the Seniority Integration Committee will give a short ppt presentation on their work to date. Remember, according to the established timeline for the merger, the seniority arbitration begins shortly after the JCBA becomes effective.

All APA members in good standing and all potential new members currently listed on the APA Potential New Members list are invited to attend. Please bring your company ID and RSVP to CA Brian Sullivan at; fly2buy@mac.com

See you there,

Beancounter said:
I agree, we will be fenced off their big stuff. How long, I have no idea. The guys I know at AA are very senior, some retired. They tend to not sugar coat their opinions. Sometimes I don't always like their responses, but I respect them all the same.

Did you read this little tidbit, Bean?
In any case nothing was any surprise, other than perhaps APA naming our favorite arbitrator on their list of acceptable arbitrators for the SLI. USAPA says this was a easy way for APA to force USAPA to burn a strike. That may be. BUT consider also that it is also perhaps APA also stating that his methodology as fair, If not I doubt they would have risked naming him.
Beancounter said:
Granted we do have some nut jobs over here, but they're few and far between. The guys I've been flying with are all first rate.

My friends at American are surprised USAPA appears to want to put third listers over guys like me. They understand your concerns about credit for LOS, but are surprised it only matters when it benefits the east (I wasn't shocked). You guys aren't hypocrites are you? Since these guys (APA) were at my wedding I think they're being pretty honest and upfront with their opinions.

Have you seen the official US proposal? Where are they getting their information about what the US (east?) merger committee wants to do? Heck, I don't know and accused of being a USAPA insider at times.
luvthe9 said:
I agree, I'm sure you have some good kids over there. Again I don't know where you sit all my AA buddies and myself have over 33 years, they can't believe you guys think a two year guy should go over a seventeen year guy here. In the end I think it will be something close to DOH/LOS, they also think a deal can be made before MB as APA would be risking a lot.
As I said before we have no rights to their big planes nor do we want to bump anyone out of their seat, I think there will be fences and C&Rs, will see, however we will not let them TWA us. To me DOH, fences and C&Rs will work fine for all.
Courtney, you fat scab, you can't even keep your lies straight can you. You're a 99 hire you idiot. Who do you think you're fooling with this 33/34 year BS?
snapthis said:
Did you read this little tidbit, Bean?
In any case nothing was any surprise, other than perhaps APA naming our favorite arbitrator on their list of acceptable arbitrators for the SLI. USAPA says this was a easy way for APA to force USAPA to burn a strike. That may be. BUT consider also that it is also perhaps APA also stating that his methodology as fair, If not I doubt they would have risked naming him.

It was for show, surely your not that stupid.
Res Judicata said:
Courtney, you fat scab, you can't even keep your lies straight can you. You're a 99 hire you idiot. Who do you think you're fooling with this 33/34 year BS?
Doyal you are a moron no wonder the FBI shot you down, I'm not Courtney but you are free to keep on thinking that just as you idiots think Claxon is Cleary, we were just laughing at YOUR expense awhile ago. Keep it up Einstein!!

PS Courtney has slimmed down quite a bit.

It must really suck to be you, call the EAP for help.
snapthis said:
Fellow LAX/SFO Pilots,
As a reminder, we will be having a LAX domicile meeting this next Monday, 29 September at the LAX Hacienda Hotel. Doors open at 0930 and the meeting starts at 1030. Please see the 9/19 domicile blast for linked hotel and other information.
The primary purpose of this meeting is for us, APA members in good standing of the LAX domicile to exercise a very important aspect of union membership. We are being asked to review and vote to approve or not approve over 1100 potential new members of the former US Air PHX domicile into APA. It is not trite to say that your vote truly counts in exercising this membership responsibility.
CA Jim West, Chairman of the APA National Membership Committee will be in attendance to answer questions on the potential new member screening process.
CA Norm Miller of the Negotiating Committee will provide the latest update on the JCBA talks as we will be halfway through the 30 day negotiation timeline before the potential arbitration process begins.
CA Budd Beaman of the Seniority Integration Committee will give a short ppt presentation on their work to date. Remember, according to the established timeline for the merger, the seniority arbitration begins shortly after the JCBA becomes effective.
All APA members in good standing and all potential new members currently listed on the APA Potential New Members list are invited to attend. Please bring your company ID and RSVP to CA Brian Sullivan at; fly2buy@mac.com
See you there,

Blah, blah, blah and this means what to all of us.
luvthe9 said:
Blah, blah, blah and this means what to all of us.
All APA members in good standing and all potential new members currently listed on the APA Potential New Members list are invited to attend.
snapthis said:
All APA members in good standing and all potential new members currently listed on the APA Potential New Members list are invited to attend.

I guess that makes just a handful of you boys, let's show the Ansett scab video there.
I just love how the Westoff Scabs think they know it all. Hey Resoff you are wrong about the 9. Keep pounding your chest scab. LMFAO. Oh by the way, we already won idiots.
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