2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
Be sure to check twice before you submit the APA membership. The APA is already facing a dilemma with many PHX pilots and past activity regarding strikebreaking.
It will be interesting to see if they actually do care about proven history as scabs for their applicants, or if they're just completely full of BS on that issue.
Of course, it's axiomatic that the actual scabs among the west's "Integrity Matters" T-shirted little "army" will lie on their applications...
snapthis said:
I think I can answer your question:
April 15, 1999
About 2,500 pilots called in sick during the 11 days of the sickout that stemmed from a dispute over the integration of pilots from Reno Air. Reno pilots make about half of what American pilots earn.
American claimed the entire sickout cost the company more than $225 million.
Here's a question I'm sure the APA would be interested in a "spartan" answer to: In that very same scenario; what would "you'se" west folks have done?...Immediately donned your knee pads and looked for the nearest management "hand" to lick...as usual? Have your esteemed "leaders" ask of the CEO on video if they can "turn them in."...? Should the APA expect the same sort of sorry BS from "you'se" that's been so well demonstrated in the past?..Or will "you'se" essential DNA magically morph, and all out west experience some instant, grand epiphany and somehow become "good union pilots"? ;)
Do, even CAN "you'se" begin to imagine that the west's deeply stamped, well-demonstrated nature of being completely self-centered, worthless opportunists has been entirely lost on all concerned?
EastCheats said:
That boy and sidekick Luv9 better watch themselvrs with the new AA. They aren't going to put up with nonsense USA Today ads, false safety campaigns which are intended to disrupt operatons.
Whew! Thatta' boy, little "spartan." Keep eagerly and mindlessly sucking up to management at every possible opportunity!..After all; "Doug" is your BFF...Right? Sheesh!  I'm sure the whole of the APA membership's grateful to even have the chance to welcome you aboard. ;)
Once more the question forcibly arises: Are "you'se" truly that incredibly naive?...Or is it just an issue of being hopelessly stupid?...Or both?
For any from the APA: "better watch themselvrs with the new AA."...?  What kind of strike support could you ever expect from pathetic little pimples like that? (Rhetorical)
Maybe we can all give it a rest ?

The APA is the union, the West will get an audience in front of three Arbitrators and it's going to be at least 2016 till it's all sorted out.
Monkee said:
That boy has some serious issues.  At least East is just a drunken braggart who provides unintentional hilarity, but Claxon..?  One messed up guy, obsessed and perpetually angry and stalking....what a combination....
Hey Monkee boy, does your company know your wasting time on this board, such a WASTE of time MANAGEMENT, I think most of your west boys support Adrian Peterson, you go run along and save the children.
CHEATS, like sending poo in the mail and tieing up the safety hotline. But hey be interesting to see since USAPA filed a DECLATORY JUDGEMENT in NC and they are just another LCC, they come after AOL for any litigation fees, hope they do to protect my refund, now remember no poo in the mail or rocks to APA!

My AA buddies just detest the westies, they have no friends there because of the above and all those sick videos and their scab history. Wish we could have heard Ferguson's begging to the APA, they basically told him to get lost.
luvthe9 said:
My AA buddies just detest the westies, they have no friends there because of the above and all those sick videos and their scab history. Wish we could have heard Ferguson's begging to the APA, they basically told him to get lost.
I hear the same from my long-time comrades that are still at American. Not surprisingly, they being friends, they share the following philosophy: "Whenever anyone shows you who and what they are...Believe them." They figure the net "benefit" of adopting the "spartans" is to add hundreds of mindless, management-suck-ups to the operation.
The west's use of jumpseats as "weapons" did little to favorably impress, but when told of the latest "spartan"/tee-hee-what-pwecious-and-cwewew-widdle-tykes-we-are antics per "playing" with aircraft switches/windows/etc, when one was to then be flown by an east crew...well...any respectable Pilot can easily do the math on what the response was there. "Why haven't these azzholes been fired already?" was the lightest weight one of all I heard.
Looks like the ones that matter were picked, ! Not NIC sorry! Funny though !
Both USAPA and the APA picked 2 arbitrators in common. They struck for the 3rd.
I haven't seen the list they struck from, but would be interested if Nic was even on it. And if so, which side struck him off...
Freighterguynow said:
Maybe we can all give it a rest ?

The APA is the union, the West will get an audience in front of three Arbitrators and it's going to be at least 2016 till it's all sorted out.
I'm trying to be nicer since I had a Scottish break from this place ;)
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