2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastCheats said:
Did you get your reserve schedule yet? No more easy dues money. You have to work.
Yea sure did, 33 yrs here just not on the plane your thinking, enjoy PHX son!
prechilill said:
I give it 12 months and we will have a joint contract, joint SLI and I will be bidding my Nicolau seniority.  99% sure of it.
TR just got quite a bit more junior today... LOL 
Phone call in to dad

It's than 1% that has gotten you every time, keep dreaming cupcake.
Unbelievable you guys think this upsets the East pilots. I for one, as an East pilot, am very happy for today. It's a great day for everyone. And now we are all part of the APA. :) 
algflyr said:
Unbelievable you guys think this upsets the East pilots. I for one, as an East pilot, am very happy for today. It's a great day for everyone. And now we are all part of the APA. :)
They just don't grasp on to that yet, we are all fine with it.
snapthis said:
A Cactus 18er has a response:

8 years ago this month, a little airline called America West Airlines purchased USAirways out of bankruptcy. Thus began one of the greatest legalized criminal endeavors in history.

After a fair and equitable pilot seniority list was issued by an arbitrator, the group of pilots from the bankrupt carrier (East) RENEGED on their legal obligation and used their superior numbers to force the AWA pilots (West) out of their respective union, ALPA, and into their own.

Called USAPA (USAirline Pilots Assn), the single goal of this pseudo-criminal organization was to DISCARD the LEGALLY BINDING list and provide their own, which stapled 90% of West pilots beneath the East.

The VERY FIRST action of these thugs was to SUE 24 WEST PILOTS—INCLUDING ME, PERSONALLY—for the "crime" of forming a legal coalition against them. Accusing us of being "mafia" under the RICO racketeering laws, the case was THROWN OUT of court—twice—as frivolous, but not without costing each pilot and their family severe duress—not to mention tens of thousands of $'s to defend our good name.

The West sued USAPA for "DFR"—Duty of Fair union Representation. By unanimous jury verdict, USAPA was found GUILTY, the moment their illegal list was put into use.

At every turn, this SCAB organization oppressed West pilots to the East pilot's advantage. And oppress they have, stealing our jobs and upgrades, threatening job termination if union dues were not paid, and refusing to negotiate a new, NON-bankruptcy-era contract. For 8 years, lawsuits have flown back and forth, creating a legal quagmire, with USAPA using OUR forced dues payments to fund their own defense and frivolous lawsuits.

In short, USAPA has cost ALL USAirways pilots MILLIONS of dollars.

Well, TODAY, THE NMB (National Mediation Board) ruled that the American Airlines' union, APA (Allied Pilots Assn), is NOW the union for ALL 3 pilot groups, and USAPA is now defunct.

While we have our own issues to deal with in future negotiations with APA, we trust that they will be hammered out in a FAIR and LEGAL manner.

USAPA, a short, tragic, useless life.  The Washington Generals of unions.
Is East gonna start drinking and posting his he-man threats again? 
LOL  (Hi Luvthe9!)
prechilill said:
Where the he!! is that goon Bradford???  Figured he would be back on here with another "back of the van" plan...
So, what's plan B for the DOH crowd?  Serious question, for serious men doing serous work...
Rankin must be calling dad right about now with a bag full of tears...
oh the humanity...
Plan B is to sit back and watch the APA wipe the latrine floor with you west assholes.  Start your clock, dimwit, and be ready for the biggest disappointment in your life.  And that is really saying something, since you do have to admit the embarrasment of being hired at AWA.
prechilill said:
I give it 12 months and we will have a joint contract, joint SLI and I will be bidding my Nicolau seniority.  99% sure of it.
TR just got quite a bit more junior today... LOL 
Phone call in to dad
99% sure you won't be bidding your Nic seniority.... Ever.....
Fellow Pilots,

"Thank fricken god! "

"Any union divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand. 26"And if the NMB casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand? 27"And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? Consequently they shall be your judges. 28"But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of the APA has come upon you.

. Edited slightly for clarification???

Not quite sure what your point is here, but if you were perhaps offended by his usage of "frickin" and a lower case "god", please don't be; I recommend some study of the proper name of "God", and the history of why it is so little used... I do not believe that the "God of the Universe" gets too worked up about that little detail. It probably just saddens him greatly. (If that was your point?)

On the other hand, I personally think he cares a bit more about your "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No'. For whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Matthew 5:37
(Log in my eye duly considered)

I also "Thank God!" that the dishonest thieves and their supporters have been sent packing. You were a disgrace to "real" organized labor. Seeeeeee Ya!!!!!
The Allied Pilots Association: Your Professional Voice
With the National Mediation Board's certification of the Allied Pilots Association as the representative for the pilots of American Airlines, APA would like to welcome you.
APA membership gives you a voice in the direction of your career and in the future of our profession. The first step toward ensuring your voice is heard is to log in to complete your APA membership application. For log-in purposes, use the badge number on the front of your ID or your American Airlines employee number. On the website, you'll find the membership application, benefits information, and details about the application process and the upcoming briefings to be held at US Airways bases, along with other important information.
In accordance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the APA Membership Committee reviews all pending applications. Then, each application goes to an APA domicile for a vote by its members. During this interim period, new applicants from US Airways will be represented by the geographically closest APA domicile (CLT: DCA, PHL: LGA, PHX: LAX). The voting will take place at membership meetings in each domicile.
Once a sufficient number of applicants are voted in as members, new domiciles will be established in CLT, PHL and PHX, while US Airways pilots in DCA will be integrated into APA's existing DCA domicile. The number of domicile members will determine the number of domicile representatives. Domiciles having 100 or fewer members will have one representative, a domicile chairman. Domiciles having 101 or more members will have a chairman and a vice chairman. These domicile representatives will serve as members of the APA board of directors. Initially, the APA president will appoint each domicile representative, who will serve until an election is held.
The APA national officers and other APA officials look forward to meeting each of you soon at upcoming information briefing sessions. During these briefings, we will provide an overview of the advantages of APA membership, including the various programs and services we provide that are tailored to the needs of our pilots and their families. We encourage you to watch our welcome video and hear about the value of APA membership from fellow pilots.
For membership-related questions, please contact the APA Membership Committee at 1-800-323-1470, ext. 42259. Leave a message and a member of the committee will return your call.
Also available to you is high-quality APA logoed merchandise. All items are union-made and/or made in North America. Check out APAgear.com for a selection of men's and women's quick-dry polo shirts, Maglite® flashlights, windbreakers, key chains, tie clips and water bottles. APA deposits its share of the proceeds from all sales into the APA Scholarship Fund, benefiting the children of deceased or disabled pilots.
Again, we welcome you and look forward to representing all American Airlines pilots.

USAPA will live as long as bitterness remains in the heart of those who chose to oppose it, especially to the extent their investment never pays off.
im back..!! said:
99% sure you won't be bidding your Nic seniority.... Ever.....
fifidriver said:
ame="fatherabraham" post="1117031" timestamp="1410886411"]. Edited slightly for clarification???
Not quite sure what your point is here, but if you were perhaps offended by his usage of "frickin" and a lower case "god", please don't be; I recommend some study of the proper name of "God", and the history of why it is so little used... I do not believe that the "God of the Universe" gets too worked up about that little detail. It probably just saddens him greatly. (If that was your point?)
On the other hand, I personally think he cares a bit more about your "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No'. For whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Matthew 5:37
(Log in my eye duly considered)
I also "Thank God!" that the dishonest thieves and their supporters have been sent packing. You were a disgrace to "real" organized labor. Seeeeeee Ya!!!!!

I didn't make any point, Scripture speaks for itself.
Nice try at subject change......I , like ALL have no need to EVER deny the planks in my eye.
Nor will you see me " edit " scripture.
Plz refrain in future ( as above ) to link my handle with YOUR " edits "

nycbusdriver said:
Plan B is to sit back and watch the APA wipe the latrine floor with you west assholes.  Start your clock, dimwit, and be ready for the biggest disappointment in your life.  And that is really saying something, since you do have to admit the embarrasment of being hired at AWA.
Whether or not you are really as angry as you sound, this post is amusing to me. Personally the biggest disappointment in my (professional) life was erased today.
fatherabraham said:
I didn't make any point, Scripture speaks for itself.
Nice try at subject change......I , like ALL have no need to EVER deny the planks in my eye.
Nor will you see me " edit " scripture.
Plz refrain in future ( as above ) to link my handle with YOUR " edits "
I, on the other hand made several, to wit: you and your ilk are liars, scumbags and thieves. You have cost me north of six figures at an average personal cost to yourselves that is double that. Additionally, you are gone!!! KTGSD!
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