2014 Pilot Discussion

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Clueless you are CATPISS1, this group over the handling  over our pension fund etc were ready to kick ALPA to the curb way before your stupid award, one persons letter or written opinion is not a cross section of the feelings of an entire group, after reading your posts, one should hope not!
One more time, rocks for brains. Educate yourself by reading the court documents. I'm not concerned with a clown's uninformed opinion.
Well, I guess your calling the courts clowns, because if I am not mistaken every bit of your lawsuits have been ruled against  you or the appeal dicta you hang your hat on is questioned to the 9th,  but hey, buy another tie, it will work well as a hanky!
CATPISS1, speaking of "READING" did not the WEST claim they were  sold a bill of goods, "BY NOT READING THE LANGUAGE OF THE MOU THAT VOIDED ALL LETTERS OF AGREEMENT" the T/A IE "THE NIC", hey you sold your sole for the money, buyers remorse? Rocks for brains?
CATPISS1, speaking of "READING" did not the WEST claim they were  sold a bill of goods, "BY NOT READING THE LANGUAGE OF THE MOU THAT VOIDED ALL LETTERS OF AGREEMENT" the T/A IE "THE NIC", hey you sold your sole for the money, buyers remorse? Rocks for brains?
First of all you nitwit, you never killed the Nic, we kept you under LOA 93 as punishment and you still think you won? Pretty costly experiment trying to screw West pilots out of their seniority.

One more thing, which entity goes away when the APA takes over? Not Leonidas.


CactusPilot1 said:
One more time, rocks for brains. Educate yourself by.......
A gentle suggestion would be to first attempt educating yourself through the simple observance of actual history, in what many of us are fond of referring to as "The Real World"...for well over seven years now, but no matter, suit yourself.
CactusPilot1 said:
One more thing, which entity goes away when the APA takes over? Not Leonidas.


So, Leonidas will still exist as a tie and T-shirt hawking concession stand? Nothing new to see there.
Permit me to asisst with the following commercial break: http://www.cactuspilotcontributors.com/libertynecktie.html
We'll now return to your regularly scheduled programming, and not further interrupt this week's episode of Delusions of Grandeur: "This is sparta!" ;)
CATPISS1, Actually we never tried to screw you out of anything, Conditions and restrictions are protections for that, but you did not keep us on LOA93, LOA 93 afforded the EAST "SCOPE" and "CHANGE OF CONTROL" provisions in our contract highly valuable, so valuable the "KIRBY" was not economically viable to the majority of EAST under the "NIC" ie the EAST majority would have a zero sum monitary gain and the WEST would gain on their 12year plus leapfrog seniority. STATUS QUO , remember PARKER said" NO WEST HIRING FOR AT LEAST 4 YEARS", Under the MOU the EAST gave up SCOPE and CHANGE OF CONTROL, ie SNAPBACKS in our contract to move forward, you use litigation to move backwards, so be it! My guess your request for a seat is granted, lawsuits a plenty, just sayin!
CactusPilot1 said:
If "you'se" are planning on expanding the T-shirts and ties concession into a beer hall...well...that seems an odd mixture as a business plan, but good luck with it. ;)
Have "you'se" at least considered a "spartan army" themed tattoo parlor? I'd think such would better serve your particular clientele, and would pair up well with the beer hall idea, but it's your call. I'd have to think that anyone willing to pay $675 for some idiotic tie...well, suffice it to say you've a ready market to not only serve but fully exploit there. If trashy ties can go for $675 out there...Just imagine what even a few poorly inked "Integrity Matters" tats could raise for your cause, and who can even guess what a permanently and proudly set "Shield of Leonidas" display might garner? :)
My guess your request for a seat is granted, lawsuits a plenty, just sayin!
I see too many valance particles wandering around the issue to have any honest guess at the odds of a west seat at present. "lawsuits a plenty" are certainly possible, regardless of how any of that works out.
CATPISS1, Actually we never tried to screw you out of anything, Conditions and restrictions are protections for that, but you did not keep us on LOA93, LOA 93 afforded the EAST "SCOPE" and "CHANGE OF CONTROL" provisions in our contract highly valuable, so valuable the "KIRBY" was not economically viable to the majority of EAST under the "NIC" ie the EAST majority would have a zero sum monitary gain and the WEST would gain on their 12year plus leapfrog seniority. STATUS QUO , remember PARKER said" NO WEST HIRING FOR AT LEAST 4 YEARS", Under the MOU the EAST gave up SCOPE and CHANGE OF CONTROL, ie SNAPBACKS in our contract to move forward, you use litigation to move backwards, so be it! My guess your request for a seat is granted, lawsuits a plenty, just sayin!
You set up an association to screw the West. It's not a union, rather an experiment that will die in the near future. You DO NOT dictate conditions and restrictions on another pilot group in an attempt to take all the benefits of the previous acquisition. Actively flying pilots from the acquiring company should not be displaced by furloughed pilots. That's the reason the arbitration did not need your conditions and restrictions. He did his work. Parker looked the other way because you played into his hands with your stupidity.

History will repeat itself with AA, not to your benefit. Just watch. It's already started, Parker has moved on to the AA way and to Miami. Good luck, Charlotte.
CactusPilot1 said:
 You DO NOT dictate conditions and restrictions on another pilot group in an attempt to take all the benefits.....
It's good to see even a flickering moment of awareness finally come to you. One might almost imagine the last seven years of history haven't been completely lost on "you'se" after all.
"History will repeat itself with AA, not to your benefit." Most amusing, little Grasshopper. Given your apparently sudden grasp of history; how can you rationally even imagine it won't in any way repeat on you as well? "You'se" have been living entirely inside some isolated, perverse portion of "Sparta"/Fantasyland for over seven years now, while remaining amazingly oblivious to your actual circumstances...and all the while whining to the very stars over your hideous plight. What truly even allows you to imagine that history won't continue to indulge your situation? You forcibly remind me of observances of drunken fools at poker tables, who, having lost every hand for ages, offer up loudly expressed, bellicose faith that they're "due" to "finally" win the next one...for sure...no question. After all; the world simply, can't even possibly, just keep turning as it actually does...right? ;)
Per your signature line of "Wow..some people are in serious denial"...? I couldn't have said it any more succinctly myself....
CactusPilot1 said:
.... we kept you under LOA 93....
That's hardly the case. "You'se" merely served as management's "hand"-licking/knee-pad-wearing "useful idiots", but no matter. Please DO feel free to include a brief essay describing your noble efforts on your APA applications, so that the folks at American can better understand the clear benefits to come from adopting your "righteous" ilk. ;)
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