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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
These decisions are great news for liberals and Democrats.  It just brings back to the forefront that the Rebuplicans of "less government" are about anythy BUT less government.  
Women in this country will turn out in massive numbers in the elections 2014 and 2016 in the aftemath of these decisions.  Harry Reid will enjoy his Majority Leader position for yet another election cycle.  
Of course, it's the Democrats' to lose now.  As long as they don't do something really stupid, they will keep the Senate and make great inroads in the House.  In January, 2017, President Clinton will again have Democrat majorities in both houses.
The Supreme's gave the Democrats their battle cry for the next few election cycles, and the demographics of this country will insure their ultimate victory while the Republicans split themsleves into two pieces.  Look at the polls on these issues, and the American people are, in general, in favor of the President's positions and those of  the Democrats.  The only obstacle keeping the Democrats from steamrolling the elections is that people don't vote.  If EVERY eleigible citizen registered and actually got out in EVERY election to cast a vote, the Republicans would be lucky to hold 1/3 of the elective offices in this country.
The Tea Party will run some whack-a-doodle (like Ted Cruz) for president in 2016, and that will be "all she wrote."  
nycbusdriver said:
These decisions are great news for liberals and Democrats.  It just brings back to the forefront that the Rebuplicans of "less government" are about anythy BUT less government.  
Women in this country will turn out in massive numbers in the elections 2014 and 2016 in the aftemath of these decisions.  Harry Reid will enjoy his Majority Leader position for yet another election cycle.  
Of course, it's the Democrats' to lose now.  As long as they don't do something really stupid, they will keep the Senate and make great inroads in the House.  In January, 2017, President Clinton will again have Democrat majorities in both houses.
The Supreme's gave the Democrats their battle cry for the next few election cycles, and the demographics of this country will insure their ultimate victory while the Republicans split themsleves into two pieces.
The Tea Party will run some whack-a-doodle (like Ted Cruz) for president in 2016, and that will be "all she wrote."  
I guess well just have to wait and see, all the while "Dictator Obama" will continue to usurp the Constitutional limitations and protections afforded by all americans and continue to turn our country into the left wing policies that communism and nazism clearly show to be against everything the american way stood for.  You can add "Obamaism" right up there with Hitler and Stalin.  Only those hard working men and women who invested in their 401k, home and business are going to lose it just like the pilots lost their "pension promise".  The government has to pay for all of those "promises" with something.  $17.6 trillion and climbing.  See you in the fall.
fifidriver said:
Heard on the street... Skinner fired! That was long overdue!
Have not heard. But do you really like carrying your own checklist, QRH and vest? I think Skinner honestly did a fairly good job. We had a great CQT program. You are going to not like the American system.
From what I have seen so far, Airways was far and away more progressive in the training philosophy, as well as operations day to day.
PS- don't forget to wear your vest on domestic walk a rounds....
fifidriver said:
Heard on the street... Skinner fired! That was long overdue!
Hope that is not true, he did a pretty good job. You westies might not like him but things will get worse without him if true I'd bet.

Tell us all what your big problem is with him, besides being east.
snapthis said:
It's true, Skinner gone.
Oh great. Oh joy. At best the AB fleets will now be transformed into the Boeing Standardizations, at worst the blitzkrieg is coming.... Should have seen it a mile away, like a neon chartreuse walk around vest.

Adapt and go!! Aye, aye!
Phoenix said:
Oh great. Oh joy. At best the AB fleets will now be transformed into the Boeing Standardizations, at worst the blitzkrieg is coming.... Should have seen it a mile away, like a neon chartreuse walk around vest.
Adapt and go!! Aye, aye!
I think Hope still there so Hope-fully, AB procedures remain intact.
end_of_alpa said:
2014 is the Year Conservatives come out swinging and Liberals are headed to the south of the border (to watch the Soccer match I presume).
Backed by three seminal Supreme Court decisions, it looks like Liberal Democrats and Barack Obama are getting their asses kicked and just wait for the Fall 2014 mid term elections when the republicans win the Senate and expand the House.  Looking forward to that pinhead Harry Reid lose his position.
The Supreme Court denied the Liberal President who is above the law the ability to appoint improper recess appointments (Read NLRB just lost liberal ability to expand labor unions reach).
The Supreme Court denied the HHS from taking religious freedoms away from private individual corporations.
But most of all, the Supreme Court is waiting for the next case soon to come up the pipe that strips the unusual practice of Labor unions striping you of your First Amendment right to let the Unions speak for you when YOU WANT TO SPEAK FOR YOURSELF.
Here is where the West pilots will soon get what they wanted.  Not to pay ANY union dues if they don't want to.  Well I hope the APA is listening because the Supreme Court has just started the clock and the countdown begins for the day when they rule that Private sector unions can't force ANYONE to pay dues.
It will be employment at will in about five years, it would be my guess.
ALPA already negotiates different pay rates for the same routes... Flown by "elite members" on mainline vs. "lesser members" on Express. ALPA can now "negotiate" with the company to only have a contract rate for members (company discretion by default on another set of rates for non-members) and one seniority list for members (only members get lines or upgrade). Just imagine the savings... Though I'm not sure the decision really impacts unions at private corporations too greatly.
Good news for Traitor........

Upgrade or Out -
Mandatory Captain Upgrade is suspended until June 2021
Black Swan said:
I guess he will be jumpseating back to his East domicile from PHX. Or did he move to Dallas?
He had already gone to Dallas. I think he will stay as an Envoy?
Phoenix said:
ALPA already negotiates different pay rates for the same routes... Flown by "elite members" on mainline vs. "lesser members" on Express. ALPA can now "negotiate" with the company to only have a contract rate for members (company discretion by default on another set of rates for non-members) and one seniority list for members (only members get lines or upgrade). Just imagine the savings... Though I'm not sure the decision really impacts unions at private corporations too greatly.
New lawsuit in Dallas coming up the pipe. The Judge was waiting for the Supreme Court to decide Harris before making a discovery ruling on the class action.
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