These decisions are great news for liberals and Democrats. It just brings back to the forefront that the Rebuplicans of "less government" are about anythy BUT less government.
Women in this country will turn out in massive numbers in the elections 2014 and 2016 in the aftemath of these decisions. Harry Reid will enjoy his Majority Leader position for yet another election cycle.
Of course, it's the Democrats' to lose now. As long as they don't do something really stupid, they will keep the Senate and make great inroads in the House. In January, 2017, President Clinton will again have Democrat majorities in both houses.
The Supreme's gave the Democrats their battle cry for the next few election cycles, and the demographics of this country will insure their ultimate victory while the Republicans split themsleves into two pieces. Look at the polls on these issues, and the American people are, in general, in favor of the President's positions and those of the Democrats. The only obstacle keeping the Democrats from steamrolling the elections is that people don't vote. If EVERY eleigible citizen registered and actually got out in EVERY election to cast a vote, the Republicans would be lucky to hold 1/3 of the elective offices in this country.
The Tea Party will run some whack-a-doodle (like Ted Cruz) for president in 2016, and that will be "all she wrote."