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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
ALPA failed to correct an award that fell far out of bounds of fairness. Of course you, the Mighty Oracle, did not serve 17 yrs never furloughed and get paired with a new hire.
Nobody respects you whatsoever. Nobody.
You and Traitor are miserable Benedict Arnolds.
Here you go!
traderjake said:
"Kasher will pay"
"You won't get 200 cards."
"The 9th won't even take the appeal."
"You should get hair plugs from Dr. Neil Niren, the best in the business."
traderjake said:
The village idiot rears his ugly head, again.
Cut poor chip some slack. It's just what he does. He really can't help it.
767one said:
Actually I did have a mishap and have been down for maintenance for bit. I made the mistake of allowing myself to have the pneumonia vaccination while on a visit to my doctor for another issue. Two days later I had alternating fevers to 102.5 and chills and shaking so bad I couldn't walk or talk and my arm swelled up from the shoulder to the elbow turning lovely shades of red, blue and purple. It turned out to not be a reaction to the vaccine but an infection at the injection sight. It's getting better with antibiotics. The main thing is to keep it from the knee replacement because that would be a bad bad thing. Can you guess what my answer will be next time they ask if I want any kind of vaccination? 
Suggested cliche here's a buncha' C and E vitamin supplements in addition to the antibiotics Bob. I hope you recover quickly. I've a lifetime friend, now for many decades a fine physician, that agrees with you on questionably "needed" vaccinations and long-ago cautioned me against the same.
Per controlling "Ivan"? I still feel that just a few choice phrases in Finnish would always put him in his proper place. 😉
nycbusdriver said:
Sounds like you should be more hesitant about any injection than about vaccinations.  Hope you never need blood!
Seems that's a mixed (blood) "bag" nyc. Not-so-much the tiny wound, but rather the intrusion of a hostile, "invading force" from some vaccinations have often proved to induce infection.
nycbusdriver said:
None of this matters, really.  If the appropriate and effective palms are properly greased, the Board will find Single Carrier status tout-de-suite.
Pretty much....
traderjake said:
"Kasher will pay"
And you're naturally thrilled that he didn't?..And that "...the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review a case in which US Airways pilots were challenging the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.’s calculation of their benefits." Seriously? Sigh! Good for you then. You and chip call to mind the image of unsupervised children with nail guns,  having only their own feet available for targets.....
USA320Pilot said:
What's your take on this?
That your notions are, as always preposterous, but why even post such childish nonsense, since your sort of mental illness requires that you must never actually engage anyone in open conversation, much less honest debate of any kind...? Some here have wasted their time even attempting to do so, and all you're ever able to do in "response" is ignore any actual response, and instead just fall ever-deeper down your own little rabbit hole into Wonderland, or otherwise, happily skip your utterly-oblivious-but-seemingly-merry-way further down the yellow brick road.
Some suggested study material:
http://hairtransplantri.com/about-hair-loss/the-psychology-of-hair-loss/  "Hair loss is not just a physical issue. It can also have a significant psychological impact."
http://www.healthyplace.com/personality-disorders/malignant-self-love/the-workings-of-pathological-narcissism/  "Certain medical conditions can activate the narcissistic defense mechanism."
http//psychology.about.com/od/psychiatricdisorders/a/history-Of-narcissistic-personality-disorder.htm   "Narcissistic personality disorder has its earliest roots in ancient Greek mythology. According to the myth, Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man. Upon seeing his reflection on the water for the first time, he became so enamored that he could not stop gazing at his own image. He remained at the water's edge until he eventually wasted to death."...Or perhaps got hair plugs? 😉
http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sacramento-street-psychiatry/201301/narcissists-psychopaths-and-other-bad-guys "Narcissists and psychopaths care only about themselves, and have no qualms about hurting and sacrificing others when it suits their purposes."
dariencc said:
I remember when the old wailing wall in PIT ops "disappeared."   For years it was a bulletin board where people posted newspaper articles and other items that might be of interest to their fellow pilots.  Then all of a sudden there was nothing on there but the postings of one kook.
Soon guys were reporting late night sightings (no joke) of an obviously narcissitic wack job who took it upon himself to remove everything on the board and filll every inch with his own printed out airline industry dreck (e.g., Frontier adds Bozeman to Network).  Anything tacked up by any other of our roughly 1000 PIT based pilots was soon thrown in the trash.  This was done on no authority other than that imagined by this lunatic.
"This was done on no authority other than that imagined by this lunatic." That's perfectly symptomatic: http://www.psycholog...-other-bad-guys "Narcissists and psychopaths care only about themselves, and have no qualms about hurting and sacrificing others when it suits their purposes."
Phoenix said:
"John Davis owes me money." 
That's another thing I never said.
I said:
"Because of John Davis and his ilk the DB pension was not frozen (against the advice of the R&I Committee).
John Davis made sure he got a lump sum."
American Airlines pilot union says its employee union rejected a contract
By Terry Maxon tmaxon@dallasnews.com
7:35 pm on June 27, 2014 | Permalink

It may surprise some of you to know that unions have to deal with unions representing their employees. But they do.

The Allied Pilots Association said Friday that the labor group representing its headquarters employees, Allied Pilots Staff Employees Association, had rejected a contract proposal from the APA. APA represents pilots at American Airlines.

APSEAs officers subsequently informed us they would like to re-engage APA at the bargaining table. We would welcome the opportunity to resume negotiations, APA said.

While our preference is to reach a negotiated agreement that addresses APAs and APSEAs respective priorities, it is possible the APSEA-represented employees will choose to exercise their right to withdraw their services. APA likewise reserves the right to engage in legal self-help, APA added.

If the hourly workers go on strike, APA will close its headquarters and honor any picket line, APA said.

As we all know, airline unions cannot go on strike unless they go through a tortuous legal process laid out by the Railway Labor Act. But unions representing employees at unions are under the National Labor Relations Act and have no such restrictions.

APA gave no details of the proposal that APSEA members rejected. APSEA tweeted that APA employees havent had a pay increase since 2011 and that APA and APSEA had been in contract talks for 359 days.

APA in its statement said:

APA is committed to negotiating in good faith and to being fair and responsible in our treatment of our union-represented employees. Its our obligation to balance their desires with the need to be responsible stewards of our members dues dollars. APA has always provided highly competitive pay and benefits as an employer, and that will not change. Historically, our union-represented employees earnings have well outpaced increases in the cost of living, and our comprehensive proposal to APSEA maintains that pattern.
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