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2014 Pilot Discussion

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dariencc said:
Only one way to know for sure. Strap him to a lie detector.
Carl, I have a better idea. An IRS audit which seems to be the norm If you are a conservative. 😉
CallawayGolf said:
I've had more than enough Chicago, DC, NY, CA, etc. politics. I've also grown tried of 60 straight years of having the national debt increase to a level greater than the annual GDP. I've grown tired of a nanny state telling us the kinds of toilets and light bulbs I can use in my home. I've grown tired of a government that spies on private, law abiding citizens. I've grown tired politicians ignoring the limits of power the Constitution and the people constrained them with. And I've grown tired of these things happening no matter which party has control of any of the three branches of government.
dariencc said:
Munn reminds me of Colonel Kurtz of Apocalypse Now.
Off the reservation, gone.
Rambling away in some dark room, connected by phone to Doyal and Traitor who lap up every word, nodding.
Posted 24 June 2007 - 08:47 AM

I remember when the old wailing wall in PIT ops "disappeared."   For years it was a bulletin board where people posted newspaper articles and other items that might be of interest to their fellow pilots.  Then all of a sudden there was nothing on there but the postings of one kook.
Soon guys were reporting late night sightings (no joke) of an obviously narcissitic wack job who took it upon himself to remove everything on the board and filll every inch with his own printed out airline industry dreck (e.g., Frontier adds Bozeman to Network).  Anything tacked up by any other of our roughly 1000 PIT based pilots was soon thrown in the trash.  This was done on no authority other than that imagined by this lunatic.
Colonel Kurtz is an apt but generous description.  Kurtz was nuts, but he was a real man.

Mrs. Munn must whip him up a nice batch of PurpleDrank before he posts. They are getting stranger by the minute.
Mystery solved.  Newly declassified CIA documents reveal that what the Cactus pilot saw was actually celebrity pitchman Chip Munn towing a 300 foot banner advertising Dr. Neil Niren's hair plug replacement clinic:
A few weeks ago I had an incident while riding the JS home, as you all know.
The FO went on the AOL forum and posted all of my personal information, everything he could think of...... my name, employee number, DOH, my commuting route, the aircraft I fly, and a description of me........so I was pretty upset.
After a couple of drinks one evening, I released my anger on this board. I put out a bluff that I had recorded some of his actions in the cockpit, hoping he would think twice about doing that sort of thing in the future. It was a stupid thing for me to post, but at the time, I didn't care. I wanted revenge, and the alcohol was my fuel.
I assure you that I DID NOT record anything in the cockpit, and never have. I hope this will clear the air a bit and help defuse the issue.
I apologize to you all for my behavior.
snapthis said:

That could have been Bob. 😉
It would be possible  after the 4th of July because by then the corn is taller than myself and I wouldn't be seen. Any hit before the 4th of July would have to be considered intentional!
Happy upcoming 4th to all,
767one said:
It would be possible  after the 4th of July because by then the corn is taller than myself and I wouldn't be seen. Any hit before the 4th of July would have to be considered intentional!
Happy upcoming 4th to all,
That's what you get if you let anyone else drive the Belarussian tractor.  Or, will it chase you down all by itself?
767one said:
It would be possible  after the 4th of July because by then the corn is taller than myself and I wouldn't be seen. Any hit before the 4th of July would have to be considered intentional!
Happy upcoming 4th to all,
I guess I should not test while driving my tractor.
FWIW:   June Crew News (CLT, but it says PHL) is posted on Wings.  Robert Isom hosting.
Basically, it's a yawner.  But not because of Isom; it's just little information given out.
Biggest news (to me) was the new hardened IOC building in Ft Worth is scheduled be be completed by next summer...and they just broke ground recently.
767one said:
It would be possible  after the 4th of July because by then the corn is taller than myself and I wouldn't be seen. Any hit before the 4th of July would have to be considered intentional!
Happy upcoming 4th to all,
Glad to hear you're OK, I agree with NYC, I was a little worried you had a mishap on the Belarus.

Happy 4th to you as well.

Snap, Spartan, Tony, JJ, Dire Wolf, Westicle.

I've lost track. :lol:
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