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2014 Pilot Discussion

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nycbusdriver said:
Biggest news (to me) was the new hardened IOC building in Ft Worth is scheduled be be completed by next summer...and they just broke ground recently.
Texas is kinda like Charlotte;  things get built on-time, within-budget, without the kinds of delays we see in the more progressive states.   😀
FWAAA said:
Texas is kinda like Charlotte;  things get built on-time, within-budget, without the kinds of delays we see in the more progressive states.   😀
Yeah, when you have legions of undocumented workers to do the unskilled portions of the construction, like in Texas and Charlotte, you can get a lot done...especially when they are "willing" to work 16 hour days for $3/hour.
If not for that damn union you're in, they would all be flight attendants, too!
FWAAA said:
Texas is kinda like Charlotte;  things get built on-time, within-budget, without the kinds of delays we see in the more progressive states.   😀
The moving sidewalk repairmen in CLT must think they are in an extremely progressive state.
"APA: We’re in ‘a dramatically better position than any of us imagined’ two years after American Airlines entered bankruptcy"     November, 2013
"Neil Roghair, vice president of the Allied Pilots Association, sent out a message to American Airlines pilots Friday reflecting on what has happened in the two years since American and parent AMR filed for bankruptcy on Nov. 29, 2011.
All in all, it turned out not so bad for pilots, Roghair suggested, with pay raises coming, a merger with US Airways and a new management team about to take over American.
Here’s his message:
Two years ago today, we woke up to the news of the AMR bankruptcy. That morning, we also received a “Dear Colleagues” letter from the new CEO, Tom Horton, advising us of the “significant cost disadvantage” he intended to fix through bankruptcy.​
Weeks later, Harvey Miller told Bloomberg TV that for AMR to survive, there was no option but to terminate employee pension plans. On Feb. 1, 2012, we were presented with an 1113 term sheet, which would have eviscerated our contract and which management insisted it needed in order to survive and be competitive.
In the months that followed, APA made history on many fronts. We learned valuable lessons from pilot groups that had gone through Chapter 11 before us. Prior to bankruptcy, we hired the best bankruptcy attorneys and financial advisers in the industry. When the opportunity to talk with US Airways arose, we engaged and negotiated the historic Conditional Labor Agreement, which changed the course of this bankruptcy. We put together a strategy and then executed that strategy to not only improve our contractual outcome but also replace the management culture that had brought us to this point.​

Neil Roghair

Immediately after the bankruptcy filing, we fielded scores of phone calls and emails from line pilots. These were painful and emotional conversations as pilots reflected on whether they would be able to keep their homes or keep their children in school. We had all seen the scorched-earth path of destruction bankruptcy had inflicted on other pilot groups.​
But along the way, other industry developments helped our strategy. The Southwest–AirTran integration led to a sale of 717s to Delta, which led to an expedited new-pilot contract. A new contract at Delta triggered an agreement-in-principal for the pilots at United, which helped improve the market comparisons being used at our negotiating table. In short, the bar was raised, and though sacrifices were made in the way of changes in our productivity, as well as our medical, disability and pension benefits, we did not pull the market down with our bankruptcy/merger contract. Instead, we moved into a position where we will actually assist other pilot groups with pattern bargaining going forward.​
Five weeks from now, after an 8 percent pay raise, our hourly pay rates will be 12.3 percent higher than when AMR filed bankruptcy. In January 2015, we will receive another 3 percent raise followed by a January 2016 move to the average of pay rates at Delta and United, which we estimate to be another 15–16 percent improvement. With 3.5 percent raises in 2017 and 2018, our pay rates will be higher than those at Southwest, Delta and United, and our 777 captain rates will be 10–12 percent higher than the highest pay rates currently at FedEx and UPS. Our 16 percent pension contribution will match United and will exceed the 15 percent contribution at Delta. Our vacation-accrual steps improve from the worst in the industry to among the best, which will be especially helpful for our pilots returning from furlough.​
We are already off to a positive and cooperative start with the pilots of US Airways, and we look forward to a successful integration of the two pilot groups. And most important, we look forward to sitting down with a new management team, negotiating a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement and working to change the culture of this airline.​
Naturally, as any pilot group would do, we will debate the “woulda coulda shoulda’s” for years to come. But today, as the bankruptcy nears a close, we should all be proud of achieving an outcome that puts us in a dramatically better position than any of us imagined two years ago today.​
On the day AMR filed Chapter 11, Mr. Horton ended his “Dear Colleagues” letter with the following line:​
I am confident that your courage, determination and ingenuity will assure that our company reaffirms its position among the world’s premier airlines.
We are sure Mr. Horton had a very different outcome in mind when he wrote that sentence. In a case of powerful irony, we can all be proud of how our “courage, determination and ingenuity” dramatically altered the course of this bankruptcy and the future of this airline."​
Phoenix said:
The moving sidewalk repairmen in CLT must think they are in an extremely progressive state.
Naw, I think the we're made in the same factory as Bob's tractor and the repairmen are from CLT.
A few weeks ago I had an incident while riding the JS home, as you all know.
The FO went on the AOL forum and posted all of my personal information, everything he could think of...... my name, employee number, DOH, my commuting route, the aircraft I fly, and a description of me........so I was pretty upset.
After a couple of drinks one evening, I released my anger on this board. I put out a bluff that I had recorded some of his actions in the cockpit, hoping he would think twice about doing that sort of thing in the future. It was a stupid thing for me to post, but at the time, I didn't care. I wanted revenge, and the alcohol was my fuel.
I assure you that I DID NOT record anything in the cockpit, and never have. I hope this will clear the air a bit and help defuse the issue.
I apologize to you all for my behavior.
Yeah...about your credibility issue.

Was it ProStans or the CPO that has placed you in full denial mode?
electricjet98 said:
Yeah...about your credibility issue.Was it ProStans or the CPO that has placed you in full denial mode?
Low blow. Why don't all of us in the future deal with these issues within our own group. The entire issue spun up and out of control.
Breeze did the right thing. Both guys should apologize and forget it.
Phoenix said:
The moving sidewalk repairmen in CLT must think they are in an extremely progressive state.
There's just no satisfying you big city boys.
The rocking chairs work OK most of the time.
Warning for all you west scabs, call your reps and go with DOH for this next bid, take your wide body slots, upgrade or whatever stop wasting your money on those stupid 600 dollar ties, there is no future in PHX. It's been long over.
Claxon said:
ALPA failed to correct an award that fell far out of bounds of fairness. Of course you, the Mighty Oracle, did not serve 17 yrs never furloughed and get paired with a new hire.
Nobody respects you whatsoever. Nobody.
You and Traitor are miserable Benedict Arnolds.
Today's post again.
Black Swan said:
Low blow. Why don't all of us in the future deal with these issues within our own group. The entire issue spun up and out of control.
Breeze did the right thing. Both guys should apologize and forget it.
you should always that expect from scabs. They have no idea what's coming.
luvthe9 said:
Warning for all you west scabs, call your reps and go with DOH for this next bid, take your wide body slots, upgrade or whatever stop wasting your money on those stupid 600 dollar ties, there is no future in PHX. It's been long over.
After all this time somebody still thinks begging the West and APA to go with DOH is going to work. :lol:
traderjake said:
After all this time somebody still thinks begging the West or APA to accept DOH is going to work.
So sorry boy, you are are not going to like this outcome, at least Chippy can console you with a hug or something.
traderjake said:
After all this time somebody still thinks begging the West or APA to accept DOH is going to work.
Sorry son, it won't be us doing the begging! Breaks your heart don't it.
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