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2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastUS1 said:
"look out for an enemy" snap? Thanks for the laughs. Assume we all have at least 2 seconds to spare, so you can tell us all about just what you know about ever personally encountering any "enemy"...? 😉
Yeah, yeah, I know: "This is sparta!", and "you'se" are all mighty "knights", "spartans" and "dire wolves"....Pardon me while I laugh myself to hopeful sleep. 🙂
In fairness?...I truly wish I had "you'se" mighty "spartans" naive innocence. You must sleep well, given that the only "enemies" "you'se" have ever encountered are merely creatures of Fantasyland...Your notions of "All out war" only amount to this sorry little seniority squabble, and you've neither received nor done direct harm to anyone. Enjoy your "soldier" T-shirts.....and all of your childish "spartan" fantasies...."you'se" are just lucky that all such can forever remain fantasies....your best "battle"tested-"knights" want NO part of the real world in actual war...trust me on at least that much....
Hummel thinks there is a Cold War and wants detente so I was staying on the theme although Europe faces a new enemy today. The update gave me a good laugh. There is your "fantasy" which is USAPA thinking they are in a position of equal footing with the APA with our house divided.
EastUS1 said:
P.S. I didn't mean to be overtly rude, but I can only pretend to be at all "respectful" to a reasonably limited degree....We all have our personal limitations....MACH
85 ain't mine, and I'd love to hear just how and why "MACH85" should "impress" anyone...? Seems to me that that punk's nonsense epitomizes the whole "sky nazi" thing...while evidencing not the slightest semblance of "substance" himself. 🙂
Have at it mighty "MACH"...Explain your sad self...? 😉
Feel better now?
797 pages and I'm not even out of preschool when it comes to throwing insults compared to you and most other serial posters on this board, with you being one of the worst. My apologies for inadvertently trying to usurp your title.
As for some stupid screen name, are you serious? It came from trying to have some way to remember a million other passwords and logins. I think it was the cruise speed of the jet I was flying as FO at the time. No vanity plates for me, and when it comes to parties, I'm an insurance salesman.
Substance? Are you serious, on this board? As I said, I don't know what SLI method would be fair to all and specifically stated I don't want to have an advantage over another group. My main points on any post on the subject have been to correct the BS being thrown about like the Aircal merger being an example of the APA Panzers treating people badly. If you've been around long enough, you'd know that is BS too.
Sky Nazi? Exactly what infraction did I do to deserve that? You guys love the name calling here and it's beyond pathetic. Sky Nazi and old term? Doh!, Thanks for the history lesson. Give me something new and inventive. Oh yeah, "Marvin  Mainliner" is taken. That one probably even on Wikipedia.
Gotta run off to soccer practice and play Call of Duty, bye 😉
snapthis said:
This is closer.
Stand Or Fall Lyrics
"Crying parents tell their children
if you survive don't do as we did
A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to
Her daughter says she'll be dead with you
While foreign affairs are screwing us rotten
Line morale has hit rock bottom
Dying embers stand forgotten
Talks of peace were being trodden
Stand or fall
state your peace tonight
Stand or fall
Let's state it tonight"
Europe faces a similar dilemma as do we..you need to look out for an enemy not a scapegoat.http://touch.dailymotion.com/video/x186qm6_the-fixx-stand-or-fall_music
No it's not, nothing more than a cry for help from a desperate individual, seek the help you need there is no shame in that.
EastUS1 said:
"look out for an enemy" snap? Thanks for the laughs. Assume we all have at least 2 seconds to spare, so you can tell us all about just what you know about ever personally encountering any "enemy"...? 😉
Yeah, yeah, I know: "This is sparta!", and "you'se" are all mighty "knights", "spartans" and "dire wolves"....Pardon me while I laugh myself to hopeful sleep. 🙂
In fairness?...I truly wish I had "you'se" mighty "spartans" naive innocence. You must sleep well, given that the only "enemies" "you'se" have ever encountered are merely creatures of Fantasyland...Your notions of "All out war" only amount to this sorry little seniority squabble, and you've neither received nor done direct harm to anyone. Enjoy your "soldier" T-shirts.....and all of your childish "spartan" fantasies...."you'se" are just lucky that all such can forever remain fantasies....your best "battle"tested-"knights" want NO part of the real world in actual war...trust me on at least that much....
Looks like EastUS1 is headed for another 5 day weekend of insanity, stupid posts, low self esteem bragging, challenging others, threatening emails, whining about getting negative votes and using the same lame cliche's in his posts.  Worth watching, as the EastUS1 breakdowns are hilarious and educational.  Grab a chair, make some popcorn, and enjoy it, because he is a one man carnival and freak show!
snapthis said:
Hummel thinks there is a Cold War and wants detente so I was staying on the theme although Europe faces a new enemy today. The update gave me a good laugh. There is your "fantasy" which is USAPA thinking they are in a position of equal footing with the APA with our house divided.
Hummel got caught in a very public lie and was reamed by the APA. Like a true coward, he calls off the fight under the thinly veiled auspices of "professionalism"...something that has continually evaded USCABA. He, and the rest of the confederacy of east idiots haven't figured out that they're already in the dark. Notice not a single mention of USAPA in the upcoming JCBA talks in July? My guess is USTUPID found out about that at exactly the same time the pilots did.

"Mr. Kennedy" looks like an impotent fool. Not to worry, I'm sure the APA didn't notice.
Metro, I was in the courthouse when Judge Silver called him out along with Sleezesmaki. You are correct with your observation, especially on the evasive comment. It's a common character flaw with these characters.
snapthis said:
Metro, I was in the courthouse when Judge Silver called him out along with Sleezesmaki. You are correct with your observation, especially on the evasive comment. It's a common character flaw with these characters.
So, if Hummel is a lia, why didn't AOL call Scott Kirby to testify and counter Hummel's claim that it was KIRBY that said that there would be not east/west solution? Would have been so easy, so simple and would have cleared everything up.
snapthis said:
Metro, I was in the courthouse when Judge Silver called him out along with Sleezesmaki. You are correct with your observation, especially on the evasive comment. It's a common character flaw with these characters.
So did your being there and Hummel's failure to appear or Syzmanski's "poor" representation change Judge Silvers mind and made her reconsider her order in AOL's favor?

USAPA still has the rule of law on its side and there is nothing you can do about it short of hoping the APA is going to somehow evade her ruling and force their own interpretation of fair and equitable.

What I AM sure is that the APA is breaking itself apart and you are looking at the last contract you'll have for a long time while the company puts billions more money in the bank.

Fire away American pilots, TWA and East pilots know you for what you are.
snapthis said:
This is closer.
Stand Or Fall Lyrics
"Crying parents tell their children
if you survive don't do as we did
A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to
Her daughter says she'll be dead with you
While foreign affairs are screwing us rotten
Line morale has hit rock bottom
Dying embers stand forgotten
Talks of peace were being trodden
Stand or fall
state your peace tonight
Stand or fall
Let's state it tonight"
Europe faces a similar dilemma as do we..you need to look out for an enemy not a scapegoat.http://touch.dailymotion.com/video/x186qm6_the-fixx-stand-or-fall_music
You often post lyrics... Seems like you have a special place in your heart for music...

You should apply to help out with "Blacktop Pests".... 😀
Pi brat said:
So, if Hummel is a lia, why didn't AOL call Scott Kirby to testify and counter Hummel's claim that it was KIRBY that said that there would be not east/west solution? Would have been so easy, so simple and would have cleared everything up.
I've talked with Hummel on several occasions. He's is an OK guy in person. Do I trust him? No. Judge Silver made some observations that were accurate. It rhymes with the word, evasive.
end_of_alpa said:
So did your being there and Hummel's failure to appear or Syzmanski's "poor" representation change Judge Silvers mind and made her reconsider her order in AOL's favor?
USAPA still has the rule of law on its side and there is nothing you can do about it short of hoping the APA is going to somehow evade her ruling and force their own interpretation of fair and equitable.
What I AM sure is that the APA is breaking itself apart and you are looking at the last contract you'll have for a long time while the company puts billions more money in the bank.
Fire away American pilots, TWA and East pilots know you for what you are.
Blah, blah, blah.

You must be talking about those voices in your head, not the AA pilots I have talked with recently. Did you miss the APA's plans on the 8th of July? That ship is sailing without you.

"APA and management have agreed to begin joint collective bargaining agreement negotiations on Tuesday, July 8."

So, just sit there and do what you are really good at...pouting in a corner, sucking your thumb. :lol:
end_of_alpa said:
So did your being there and Hummel's failure to appear or Syzmanski's "poor" representation change Judge Silvers mind and made her reconsider her order in AOL's favor?
USAPA still has the rule of law on its side and there is nothing you can do about it short of hoping the APA is going to somehow evade her ruling and force their own interpretation of fair and equitable.
What I AM sure is that the APA is breaking itself apart and you are looking at the last contract you'll have for a long time while the company puts billions more money in the bank.
Fire away American pilots, TWA and East pilots know you for what you are.

The westies are in the desperation mode again we have seen this time and time again, your right SpinThis Tony does not look at the law just to his emotions.
prechilill said:
Great points, Chip.  You clearly have a level of understanding far greater than your east peers.
Dear Captain Prater:

After watching your video on the AAA-AWA Merger I now believe the best option for the AAA pilots to "throw ALPA off of both the AAA & AWA property". Jack Stephan's is a man of character and integrity and when he said, "I am disappointed with some of the miss-characterizations of our position as laid out by Captain Prater. I am even more upset with what was omitted with respect to our position regarding the Nicolau award. As I have repeatedly said, this is not just the case of the US Airways pilots not liking what they got. This is a case of our indignation over the fact that critical elements of ALPA Merger Policy were violated," well that is all I need!

After watching Captain Prater’s Video and listening to Captain Stephan’s chairman’s message I believe the best option for the entire pilot group to decertify ALPA.

At this point dumping ALPA will not only solve the Nicolau Award problem it could permit the East pilots to obtain a pay rasie and new contract sooner.

The benefits are:

1. Eliminate ALPA Merger Policy.
2. Gain control of a union for both the US Airways & America West pilots.
3. Permit the US Airways MEC to negotiate a pay raise outside of JNC talks.
4. Obtain a new comprehensive contract sooner once the Nicolau Award problem has been handled, otherwise, the only other option left is not agree to a JNC TA.

I believe the major benefit if this approach is that the East pilots will dominate future negotiations and create its own de-facto fences. One area to watch out for is an immediate effort to get a JNC TA by the AWA MEC and Doug parker before the East pilots get a chance to oust ALPA -- that's Parker's only move

Again, I believe the best option for the US Airways pilots is to kick ALPA off of both the US Airways and America West properties. Dump ALPA Now! Let the process begin.

For more information click here.


Posted 24 June 2007 - 08:47 AM
end_of_alpa said:
So did your being there and Hummel's failure to appear or Syzmanski's "poor" representation change Judge Silvers mind and made her reconsider her order in AOL's favor?
USAPA still has the rule of law on its side and there is nothing you can do about it short of hoping the APA is going to somehow evade her ruling and force their own interpretation of fair and equitable.
What I AM sure is that the APA is breaking itself apart and you are looking at the last contract you'll have for a long time while the company puts billions more money in the bank.
Fire away American pilots, TWA and East pilots know you for what you are.
Relax JJ. The APA will take their DFR to you just as sincerely and seriously as you considered it to the West pilots. There. Feel better now?
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