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2014 Pilot Discussion

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flyingskier said:
Nothing to see here.  Mover along.
I don't think the Westies are going to be happy with the Protocol Agreement, Global settlement or amended MTA.. It's going to be a long week in PHX trying to keep the faithful inline.

I am sure they won't since PHX threw out the anchor as best they could, but until we read it I am not sure how much we will like it either. 😀
Phoenix said:
Claxon made a short post about a West poster that misrepresented the truth in an email to a senior management dude...

...and now we have a West individual obsessing to find examples of East individuals that misrepresent facts....

Yes, Snap has volunteered to be the prime suspect, and it doesn't take the FBI to see the obvious... Even a graduate of a public school system can see through that accidental confession... But evidently a graduate of private schools sees all misrepresentations as equal---whether they are an email to a boss, or rag journalism to sycophants.

The obsession screams the evidence... My apologies to public school graduates everywhere that would have indeed been hired by the FBI as analysts, if only they had just blessed them with an application.

Snap's possible Freudian Slip will now be eclipsed by current events.  
At least that is a win that you won't even have to Spin.    
westcoastflyer said:
Is this not good news? It seems that a Protocol Agreement, and a Settlement Agreement (drops the lawsuit?) and a Merger Transition Agreement have all been approved between USAPA and APA.
How late is the PA?
I suppose this means APA will cave to USAPA's DOH seniority demands by the end of the week. :lol:
Just trying to report some news that might be viewed as Positive.  At least we seem to moving in the right direction, instead of suing our APA brethren. 
westcoastflyer said:
Just trying to report some news that might be viewed as Positive.  At least we seem to moving in the right direction, instead of suing our APA brethren. 
It is positive though I think Phoenix's irrational exuberance is a bit premature.
traderjake said:
No and no.
Claxon is a fellow pilot even though he's pretending he's not qualified to hold a Medical.
What a clueless moron, Claxon out flying a trip now, hey how about a bucket of chicken for you.
luvthe9 said:
What a clueless moron, Claxon out flying a trip now, hey how about a bucket of chicken for you.
I was wondering how long after we got our payraise it would take Claxon to regain his health.
Can we invite Phoenix, Claxon and end_of_alpa?
traderjake said:
It is positive though I think Phoenix's irrational exuberance is a bit premature.
TJ, You really need a new analyst. 😀 Just because the PHX reps all voted against it doesn't mean it is great for the East.  There is no telling what it actually agrees to, and that the East will love it.  There is no official announcement that anyone other than the BPR agreed to it.  However, the MOU (effective Dec 9, 2013) was negotiated in secret and all parties required USAPA to walk the plank first, as it were.  There are plenty of indicators that this agreement was not invented unilaterally out of thin air by USAPA.  I would suggest additional approvals of the new merger documents are likely little more than a formality, as was the MOU... or this could just be a ploy to stack the D.C. lawsuit :LOL:..  We'll see.  
And the West posters disappear... hmm...
Anyway, while it's too early to tell, I see this as a positive development. It will be interesting to see these actual documents.
So, judging the "book by its cover", I think the "Protocol Agreement" will define the process of the actual process of merging the lists, to include how arbitration will occur if necessary. 
The second document was interesting. The proposed "Union Merger Transition Agreement". Just guessing, but it sounds like a document defining exactly what USAPA's role will be in the near future. The MOU clearly says that the APA will be the new union once the NMB rules. But it also clearly says "in regards to the JCBA negotiations"... I think USAPA will remain for SLI purposes only. I think this document will define how USAPA will be funded and the disposition of funds already in the USAPA bank. Maybe the dues collected from US Airways pilots will be split somehow...
The third document is the "Global Settlement Agreement". I can see this document defining how several legal aspects will be handled, such as the dropping of certain lawsuits currently working their way through the court system... 
These are just guesses, but last week I predicted a slow news weekend, with things starting to pick up speed soon thereafter. It looks like that is indeed happening. 
I have yet to see that the APA has also approved these documents, and if they did, Snap will have to re-evaluate his email saying that USAPA walked away from talking to the APA. Although, if they reached an agreement, I suppose one could say they walked away... after an agreement was reached. They had to go back home at some point right?  🙂
westcoastflyer said:
Just trying to report some news that might be viewed as Positive.  At least we seem to moving in the right direction, instead of suing our APA brethren



  1. 1.

    archaic plural form of brother.

plural noun: brethren

  1. 1.

    fellow Christians or members of a male religious order.

    • used for humorous or rhetorical effect to refer to people belonging to a particular group.
      "our brethren in the popular press"

I wonder how long before we find out who the westies are gonna sue this time.
Maybe they should sue Chip for leading them to believe they had a chance.
Bill Brasky said:
I wonder how long before we find out who the westies are gonna sue this time.
Maybe they should sue Chip for leading them to believe they had a chance.
In the D.C. lawsuit AOL (I mean the West Class, wink wink) will side with the APA and oppose any MB protections for their own union, because they trust that the APA will give the West Class the MB protections (wink, wink).  ht 
Phoenix said:
Claxon made a short post about a West poster that misrepresented the truth in an email to a senior management dude...

...and now we have a West individual obsessing to find examples of East individuals that misrepresent facts....

Yes, Snap has volunteered to be the prime suspect, and it doesn't take the FBI to see the obvious... Even a graduate of a public school system can see through that accidental confession... But evidently a graduate of private schools sees all misrepresentations as equal---whether they are an email to a boss, or rag journalism to sycophants.

The obsession screams the evidence... My apologies to public school graduates everywhere that would have indeed been hired by the FBI as analysts, if only they had just blessed them with an application.
Phoenix said:
Nothing to see here.  Mover along 
"Mover" along? Nevermind stupidity the incompetence :lol: View attachment 10183

I'm sure the APA is more than happy to make you think you are getting what you want. They just want Usaps to go away.

They are just waiting on the NMB to rule on SCS.
Guys, I apologize for my lack of understanding(old age), but exactly how can we negotiate a list with APA if we are more than 90 days past the effective date? Doesn't this open the door for lawsuits because we are not abiding by the MOU and using binding arbitration?
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