to be clear, i think the iam leaders arent the brightest bulbs and i dont ask for anything, unlike you. I run for elections and put slates together by engaging democracy. And im pretty proud of that and few have been more successful at that. Im also quite excited to get a rerun election at the iam. Ive argued two cases already. Won one, lost one. But this new case is the strongest and im quite sure it will trigger a fair election.
So, dont confuse yourself that i would b kissing any ass to get cards signed. Ive said from the biginning that i support the association because of seniority resolutions. If the twu is going to play games, then i say kick them out into the nyc subways where it belongs. If the twu learns and gets in line, then fine. But their anti union boycott of negotiations training is only serving the interest of management.
You, above all, have claimed to want your fallen brethern back on the job, so stop being a pollyanna, free your little brain, and demand that the twu stop its barbie tantrum and suck it up for the sake of the membership. K?