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American Airlines / US Airways Begins Cross-Fleet Operation from June 2014


Aug 20, 2002
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American Airlines and US Airways in Summer 2014 season begins cross-fleet operation, which sees American Airlines aircraft operating on US Airways routes and vice versa. Initially planned routes with cross-fleeting operation as follow.

Following American Airlines service will be entirely operated by US Airways effective 01JUN14:
Charlotte Chicago OHare
Charlotte Miami
Los Angeles Phoenix

Selected American Airlines service will be operated by US Airways aircraft effective 02JUL14:
Miami Detroit
Miami New Orleans
Miami Raleigh
Miami Tampa

Selected US Airways service will be operated by American Airlines aircraft effective 02JUL14:
Phoenix Detroit
Phoenix Newark
Phoenix Orange County
Phoenix Seattle

I wonder if they will have implemented upgrade capability (along with a consistent policy) for FFs across the two networks by the time this starts.  I can see a lot of AA FFs being irritated at not being able to upgrade on US metal and vice versa on routes where the other carrier is now operating service.
Just wonder who is going to work and service these aircraft with the current contracts in place?
If its US metal US Fleet work it where staffed and the same for AA.
US metal is flying US flight #s not AA and vice a versa.
Guessing it could end up like SAN where the Airways Maintenance was closed and now all the work is done by their contractor....AA...it stinks but seems like the company can do what they please as long as they stay somewhat within the contract guidelines!!!
They can only do on-call maintenance, nothing scheduled is allowed to be done.
700UW said:
They can only do on-call maintenance, nothing scheduled is allowed to be done.
Your talking about the TWU and the IAM here. Seems they do whatever they want.
Wrong again, the IAM CBA covers that, only on call maintenance, this isn't the TWU CBA where AA can do anything.
700UW said:
Wrong again, the IAM CBA covers that, only on call maintenance, this isn't the TWU CBA where AA can do anything.
Unless US gets to strike..Then that IAM CBA makes a bee line right down the toilet.
You are not correct.

Status quo remains in effect.
The IAM CBA is in effect until a new one is negotiated in Section 6 or a JCBA is agreed too, which wont happen until a Section 6 is done for PMUS.