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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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737823 said:
Explain how...
How 'bout you explain your access to JetNet?
737823 said:
You come on here promoting divison by going on and on about wage differentials and COLAs.

Kinda like when you pit line stations vs. the hubs?

What consequence is any of this to you?
Many on here would ask the same of you...
Kev3188 said:
How 'bout you explain your access to JetNet?  Kinda like when you pit line stations vs. the hubs?Many on here would ask the same of you...
Today I am an AS COPS agent at LAX (one of the few stations with AS COPS personnel) and I'm a proud IAM dues objector. But as stated in the preamble of the CBA I enjoy a high standard of living (pay is $11.69/hr) and job security.


Josh  given that WeAA is a union member and at AA and with US merging  he gives very good insight into how things are and as a union member regardless of which union  he is just like all of the other members  a union bro   so he has a right to post way he sees fit...  I for one enjoy the ability to get his side of things  and gives it in more perspective views
Why don't you tell us how intelligent, honest, attractive, physically fit, and virtuous Tim is... 
roabilly said:
Why don't you tell us how intelligent, honest, attractive, physically fit, and virtuous Tim is...
Brobilly where has BLUTO (all caps) been for all this?

Allied Pilots Association JCBA Update
APA and management agreed on an extension to the Memorandum of Understanding-prescribed period for joint collective bargaining agreement conclusion, avoiding for now the mandated arbitration process. The extension agreement provides:
An additional 30-day extension through Nov. 15, 2014.
An automatic further extension of 45 days should APA decide to forward any agreement (reached before the deadline) for membership ratification.
A commitment from management that, with a finalized agreement reached outside of arbitration, the rates of pay (including retirement contributions) would become effective Dec. 1, 2014 — regardless of the actual effective date of the JCBA.
The MOU required that the JCBA be concluded via a cost-neutral arbitration process if the parties did not reach an agreement by the original Oct. 15 deadline, absent any extension.

The Negotiating Committee will meet with management next week as we continue pursuit of the JCBA.
Just something that needs to be shared that all time wasted on whatever issues could result in lost gains that we are ALL hoping for.
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